The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3637 Is The God Of Death Awesome?

Two fingers pinched the old man's Adam's apple with a look of contempt, "Who is more humble?"

The old man is also a zombie.

It's just that his level is relatively high, and he holds a Magical Item in his hand.


He has a certain intelligence and can speak.

Looking at Long Fei's sudden attack, he was instantly strangled by Long Fei, his life hanging by a thread?

The old man smiled, and his eyes showed the look of Long Fei not knowing how high the sky is, and said, "Humans are the most humble existence."

"You think you can kill me?"

"You think you've won now?"


"Humble human being, you don't even know where this place is, and you don't even know who you are fighting against?"


The old man laughed wildly, and the laughter made one feel hairy.

Long Fei was extremely upset, "f*ck!"

With an angry sound, the two fingers directly cut off the old man's throat, and the power of the dragon body on the palm moved, "Bang!"

The old man's body turned into powder by itself.

Long Fei said, "Can't you kill? There is no one who a daddy can't kill."

No matter if you are a zombie, a zombie, or some other corpse, you must die when you are crushed into powder, right?


Long Fei was a little surprised.

The system did not sound a beep, which means that the old man just now really didn't die!


Long Fei was slightly surprised.

at this time.

At the other end of the clouds, the old man smiled grimly and said, "I said, you can't kill me at all, hahaha..."

Perfect as ever.

No damage was taken at all.

Long Fei stared at him and said, "This wave of operations is not bad."



The body burst and fell in front of the old man in an instant, "Li Wangquan!"


One punch blew the old man's head off.

The old man's body also fell from the clouds in an instant. In this case, it should be an instant kill, but... the system prompt sound still did not sound.

"I slapped it!"

"Infinite resurrection?" Long Fei wondered.

in the clouds.

The old man appeared again, "Hahaha... A humble human, want to kill me? Haha... I can only say that you are humble."

"Paralyzed!" Long Fei was very upset, "So arrogant?"

The old man smiled contemptuously and said, "How can a humble human being like you have some power? You want to kill me? Hahaha... All I can say is, dream!"


"You think you can live now?"


"Look at your seat now." The old man smiled excitedly.

Long Fei looked at the place where he was suspended.

At the center of a hexagram.

"Eh?" Long Fei said, "formation?"

The old man smiled and said, "Yes, it's really a formation, an undead formation!"

"Do you think you can crush my body every time, and every time I move the seat is in formation, otherwise you think you can kill my body?"

The old man is very arrogant.

Long Fei muttered to himself, "Your body?"

"Looks like..."

"You have a lot of flesh."


"Every time you die, there should be something in your body, right?"

"The Magical Item in your hand?"

There is no absolute immortality in this world.

Even gods can die.

Can't kill, that's because the way is wrong.

The old man was a little too arrogant, and arrogantly said a few key words to let Long Fei find his problem.

The old man's eyes tightened, and he sneered, "Hmph, what if you know this? Do you think you can still move now?"

"bring it on!"

"Undead Great Emperor, appear for me!"


The old man's pupils stared, and the power of his body was injected into the Magical Item. The Magical Item waved, and the rays of Death shrouded in the hexagram, directly covering the dragon flying.

The old man smiled and said, "You were the first to let me activate the undead formation. You should be honored to die here."

"There were two boys who entered the clouds more than ten days ago, but... They thought they were smart and jumped above the clouds, but they didn't know that this was the most dangerous place."


Long Fei's eyes tightened and he asked, "Are the two people one of them is big and the other is very thin?"

The old man said, "Exactly."


"It's you who hurt them like that?" Long Fei's heart was burning.

The old man smiled and said, "They were lucky to escape and crawl out and get a dog's life back, and you... will die here soon."


"Almighty, Lord Evil Eye, who controls life and death, please give me strength!"


The red giant eyes moved, and the light enveloped the old man.

In an instant.

The aura of power on the old man suddenly changed dramatically, the Magical Item in his hand also flashed scarlet light, and the old man's pupils also turned blood red, he smiled grimly, and said, "Come on!"

"Lord Death, come out for me!"


In the center of the hexagram, Death's rays of light continued to burst out.


A Death sickle rose first from the hexagram, followed by a Death God full of Death arrogance slowly levitating.

Condescendingly, the two black pupils stared at Long Fei, and the sickle in their hands slammed towards Long Fei's head.

"grim Reaper?"

"Daddy wants to see what you are capable of!"

Long Fei frowned.

The hexagram carried a kind of enchantment power, which bound him in the hexagram.

Long Fei didn't want to break the barrier, he just wanted to see what power the so-called Death God had.

Raising his eyes, he stared at the slashed Death sickle, a gleam of light flashed in his pupils, and he said loudly, "Come on!!"


Long Yin was shocked.

The bright light from Long Fei's pupils directly shocked the god of death, and the sickle in his hand trembled slightly.

Straight to the point!

The old man was stunned, "What, what's the situation?"

Long Fei's eyes glared, "Are you still a god of death? It's almost like a dead ghost."

The voice fell.

Long Fei flew to the top of the god of death and blasted down with a punch, "Bang!"

The eyes of the god of death radiated black flames, and the sickle in his hand ran out, and he didn't dare to backhand at all.

Long Fei didn't care that much.

One punch at a time.

Not giving Death a chance to breathe at all.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The body on the body slowly fell into the hexagram.

"How come, just give me how to get back." Long Fei smashed his fist on the top of the god of death, and finally the god of death completely threw the Death sickle and fled back, completely unable to withstand the crit of Long Fei's fist.

The body completely submerged in the hexagram, and finally reached out a hand, touched the Death scythe and quickly slipped away.

The old man couldn't accept this series of pictures, "I,, I,, did I summon a false death?"


Long Fei stood in front of the old man, this time, instead of grabbing his throat, he directly grabbed the Magical Item that radiated scarlet light in his hand.

The old man's eyes tightened, "No,,,"

"Bang!" The Magical Item shattered, and Long Fei said coldly, "Follow the god of death!!"

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