The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3644 Nine Dragons Emperor


Act cool?

Without strength, it might be true.


What if there is strength?

In the eyes of high-cold women, Long Fei just wanted to behave in front of her and get her approval and liking, which is usually the way of many men.

If you want to be liked by a woman, you have to pretend to be cool.

In her eyes, Long Fei is like this now.

This made Long Fei very unhappy.

Holding the Divine Thunder in his hand, while the fifth-level Wangu Dragon is on, his body sank in the face of the gods in the hall, "One wave!"

Immediately rushed out.

at the same time.

The gods in the hall made all kinds of big moves and roared Long Fei.

For a time, the power raged, and the Great Hall roared.

The high-cold woman said coldly, "Although these gods are all fake gods, but you..."

"Ha ha!"

The cold woman smiled and turned to leave.


"First kill!" Long Fei shouted softly.

A god next to him fell, and the body in the armor quickly shrank.

The cold woman paused slightly.


"Second kill!"

Long Fei's voice increased a little, and another god fell.


"Third kill!"

Long Fei's voice increased a lot, and a god fell.




The system beeps keep ringing.

Every time he made a shot, a god of the gods fell, and Shenlei's super powerful one-shot killing power was fully displayed. In Long Fei's hands, it was like a god-killing blade.

Wherever you go, except for Death, it is Death!

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The gods kept falling.

The high-cold woman who was about to leave stopped, turned around, and looked at Long Fei with a dazed look in her eyes. Seeing the gods falling one by one, her little face was a little uncomfortable.

A little twisted inside.

There is a burning sensation on the face.

She did not expect that Long Fei could kill so many false gods.

The burst of power surprised her.


Even so, she didn't think Long Fei could win.

Because, the people he killed were all pseudo-gods, not real gods, and they didn't have the power of gods, but there was a god in this Great Hall.

It is the emperor on the Nine Dragon King!

The breath and light on his body are completely different, he is the real god.

Even if Long Fei can kill these false gods, it is useless, and he will die at the hands of the Nine Dragons Emperor.

Thinking of this, the cold woman regained her composure.

He looked at Long Fei with a cold expression, and said, "If you want to prove yourself, you have done it now, and you still have a chance to quit now."

Long Fei replied with two words, "Haha!"

The cold woman still feels good about herself.

Her tone made Long Fei very uncomfortable.


A god of the sky was directly pierced by the divine thunder, "The seventeenth kill!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Long Wei burst into waves, and the powerful force filled the Great Hall. One to kill one, one pair to kill another, Long Fei did not take a step back.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

After a few seconds.

The gods in the Great Hall fell one by one.

Dozens of gods all died.

Only one set of armor was left on the ground.

In the end, only the emperor on the throne of the Nine Dragon Kings remained.

He stared at Long Fei with gloomy eyes. He didn't seem to care about the death of these pseudo-gods.

Long Fei was standing in the middle of the Great Hall, also looking at the emperor.

The high-cold woman said, "He is a real god. Don't think that you can compete with him if you have the power of the dragon clan. You are not his opponent at all. You are in a hurry to leave now."

In her heart, she didn't want to see Long Fei go to die. After all, Long Fei is also a person in the divine dimension.


These words of hers were still very uncomfortable for Long Fei, Long Fei said lightly, "Didn't you leave? Why are you still here?"

The cold woman said, "I'm just reminding you that if you don't leave now, you will die here."

Long Fei said, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

The high-cold woman was speechless, and said angrily, "You..."

Long Fei said, "What's wrong with me? I'm an arrogant man. I like to pretend to be cool. I just like this. What's the matter?"

The high-cold woman sneered and said, "Okay, if you like to die, then you can go."

"I now know why such a powerful dragon, the former overlord will become like this, because there are more people like you."

Long Fei frowned and clenched his teeth.

He is of the dragon family, he cultivates the eternal dragon body, and he does not like when others say that the dragon family is not.

In an instant.

Long Fei's eyes were locked, staring at the emperor on the Nine Dragon King's seat, and moved.


The figure burst out.



Long Wei was furious, and the entire Great Hall was shaking.

With a swing of the dragon head, it pressed down on the Nine Dragon King seat.

The Kowloon Emperor's eyes were furious, he turned his right hand, and flicked the sleeves of his yellow robe.


A super strong and powerful force struck, hitting Long Fei heavily.

Long Fei's body was swept away directly.

The body sank, stabilized in mid-air, the body was suspended in mid-air, and the back foot sank, "Roar..."

The dragon roared.

Long Fei rushed to the Nine Dragons Emperor again.


The sleeves were swept away again, and a powerful force came down.


The phantom of the giant dragon swayed slightly, and Long Fei's body fell heavily on the ground.


The high-cold woman smiled contemptuously with contempt in her eyes.

"Yes!" Long Fei burst out a foul language, put away Shenlei, and sank his right arm, "Bang!"

Infinite gloves appear on the fist.


The fifth-level Wangu dragon body burst out with the strongest power, and the sea of ​​Divine Sense trembled slightly in his heart, and the fifth-level dragon body exceeded his body's tolerance.

There is a time limit.

And will be backlashed.

"Power King Fist!"

The explosive force of the right arm was released, "Bang!"

The ground cracked, Long Fei rose to the ground, rushed to the front of the Nine Dragons Emperor in an instant, and punched down.



Long Yin was shocked, and the power on his fist burst into a golden light.

The Kowloon Emperor's eyes were contemptuous, and his sleeves were still tossed over.


Long Fei punched it, "Crash!"

The power of the gods of the Nine Dragon Emperor shattered, and Long Fei passed through it, with excitement in his eyes, "Get down on the ground for daddy!!"

The power is shattered, and the Kowloon Emperor can't bear it now, can he?


The Kowloon Emperor sat still in his seat, without even blinking his eyes, watching Long Fei's fist strike down, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.


"Om rumbling..."

The roar exploded.

The strong power surged out from the body, directly blocking Long Fei's fist, it was difficult to advance!


Long Fei shrank his fists and bombarded again.


It's still the same, the Nine Dragon Emperor didn't move, his fist was only ten centimeters away from his eyebrows, but that was ten centimeters...

Just can't beat it.

The power is too strong!

And at this moment, Kowloon Emperor's pupils shrank slightly, "Om!"

The golden divine power surged on his body, and he was shocked.

"Boom!" Long Fei was ejected, fell heavily to the ground, and spurted out a mouthful of blood...

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