Angrily cut down.

A sword broke in half.

The body of the purple-crowned phoenix-tailed python was divided into two, and the blood gauge on the top of the head instantly became zero!


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Purple Crown Phoenix-tailed Giant Python'"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for winning the 'Purple Crown Heart'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Purple Crowned Phoenix-tailed Giant Python Blood Essence' is it swallowed?"


One-shot kill.

Long Fei landed, and the system beep has ended.

He didn't look back, but strode down the mountain.


The body of the snake collapsed, and blood was pouring out.

"So strong!"

Yun Xi said softly, "I haven't seen you overnight, the strength has become stronger, is the talent of the Dragon Clan so perverted? Why didn't you find out before?"

The Talent of the Dragon Race is not that strong in the God Realm.

If it is strong, it will not be exterminated.

Phoenix smiled and said, "Sister Yunxi, isn't my husband handsome? Hee hee..."

Yun Xi looked at Phoenix and said, "How did you meet him, or were you always by his side?"

Dragon, Phoenix.

This was the most primitive time of the divine dimension, and it was the two major marriage families.

It was only later that the Dragon Clan gradually declined since the fall of Longbatian. The strong people from all walks of life went to the Dragon Maiden to challenge. Almost the Dragon Clan was defeated again and again, ceding the land and paying indemnities. The Phoenix Clan was also involved. faster.

But even with the help of the Phoenix family, it couldn't withstand the change of time.

Years go by.

Year after year, the relationship between the two Protoss gradually faded away.

For hundreds of millions of years, there has rarely been a marriage between the Phoenix family and the Dragon family.

This is the first time she has seen a dragon and a phoenix together.

Phoenix smiled and said, "I've always been by my husband's side. I feel like I've known him in my last life, no... To be exact, I should have known him in my last life."

This feeling was there when she saw Long Fei for the first time.

Yun Xi smiled lightly, and said, "You... are you going to marry the dragon and the phoenix?"

Phoenix laughed, "I'll definitely marry him."

Yun Xi said, "Will the elders of your Phoenix family agree?"

"Do you know what's going on with the Dragon Clan now?"

The dragon clan of Longmai Mountain was wiped out by Xuandi with one move. There were no more than ten dragon clan members in the upper god space, and they were also chased and killed.

The dragon clan is in jeopardy and may be wiped out forever at any time.

No matter how strong Long Fei is, what can he do?

One person supports the entire dragon clan?

If it was possible in the past, but now...the chance is almost zero.

Everyone in the God Realm knew about Emperor Xuan's strength.

He is backed by foreign forces, and his rise is also supported by foreign forces.

The fall of Longbatian was also due to foreign forces.

Long Fei wanted to make the dragon clan rise, and Emperor Xuan was a mountain he couldn't overcome.

The Dragons are already like this, will the Phoenix Protoss marry?

Doesn't that put the entire Phoenix family in?

Certainly not!

Phoenix's eyes lowered slightly. She knew what happened to Longmai Mountain. It was because she was determined to go to Longmai Mountain to find the person in her mind, which led to her whereabouts being discovered and being hunted down.

She also knew that the Phoenix Protoss would not agree with her being with Long Fei.


She believed in Long Fei and herself, they would definitely be together.



With a huge wailing, another Demonic Beasts was beheaded.

Phoenix regained his expression, with a cute smile on his face, and said, "No matter what happens, I will be with my husband."

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, and finally smiled, and secretly said, "Long Fei, how charming you are, even such a little girl wants to follow you in life and death regardless of the family's opposition, hey..."

Yun Xi didn't think too much.





In the valley, there were roars, and the Demonic Beasts kept coming.

Various crushing.

Long Fei jumped heavily and jumped over the head of a Demonic Beasts. With a movement of the big sword, it pierced directly into the brain nucleus of Demonic Beasts.


With a wailing cry, Demonic Beasts fell from the air, Long Fei glanced at it, drank heavily, and said, "Come on to me!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In the forest, the ancient giant elephant sprinted out at an astonishing speed.

Everywhere he went, the towering trees were knocked down.

The long elephant trunk rolled up, "Crash..."

A towering tree was uprooted by it, and the back foot was propped up, and it jumped... A piece of black pressure, the huge giant elephant seemed to fly.

Shadows pressed down.

The towering tree hit Long Fei like a flying hammer.



Space is distorted.

Demon House.

The purple-robed man's eyes kept staring at Long Fei.

Long Fei beheaded several Demonic Beasts in a row, which made him extremely unhappy. Seeing the ancient giant elephant take action, he smiled coldly, "This time you will definitely not survive!"

The Elder Elephant is the best of the Demonic Beasts.

Its giant elephant power is very brutal.

In addition, the defense on his body is also extremely strong, let alone a towering tree, even a rocky mountain, he can slam and flatten it abruptly.

"Wait to die!"


The demon king was oppressive and descended from the sky.

It was as if one after another invisible force was irrigating his mind.

This coercion is very strong.

If it was Sword Master Realm's Practitioner, he would be crushed and unable to move.


Who is he?

With the blessing of the Wangulong body in his body, such a mere coercion has no effect on him at all, not to mention that he can't move, even the power to tickle it is not as good!

His body sank slightly as he watched the towering tree smash down.


One step into the air, the big sword swung several times in a row.


Sword Qi burst out, and the towering tree was chopped into several pieces, without the slightest strength, it scattered.

The ancient giant elephant roared furiously, and the giant elephant rune on his body flashed fluorescent light, "Roar..."

Giant Elephant Trample!

The giant elephant legs like stone pillars in midair stomped down heavily on Long Fei who flew up.




The power of trampling is like thunder, and the forces visible to the naked eye slash towards Long Fei, bang, bang, bang...

Every sound distorts the space.

The entire valley reverberated with a huge shock wave force.

Many people looked up at Long Fei.

"It's going to die now."

"Is he sick?"


"Don't pull us if he wants to die. The consequences of angering this demon king are unimaginable."

"This guy is a scourge."

Many people hate Long Fei.

Long Fei is helping them, so it's fine if he doesn't know how to be grateful.

Is this the human heart?


Long Fei didn't care about these, and he didn't fight for these Outer Sect disciples, he fought for Phoenix.

Facing the trampling of giant elephants. Long Fei's pupils changed, "Fourth-level dragon body, open!"

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