The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3687 The Power Of Phoenix

The old man didn't know what the barbecue he ate meant.


He hasn't felt any toxins spreading in his body yet.


He suddenly realized that Phoenix, who he thought was innocent and innocent, was not what he thought, on the contrary, he was now facing a great enemy.

The breath on his body surged.


The huge coercion exploded instantly, crushing Phoenix like a Mount Tai.

The skinny palm grabbed with five fingers, a thick vortex force on the ground, the body bounced, flew into the air, combined with the Mount Tai's depression, it seemed to blast Phoenix with a lot of pressure.


Phoenix didn't panic at all.

She didn't even look at the old man.

He was still holding the barbecue in his hand, chewing while saying, "I said just now, the barbecue you eat..."

The old man said coldly, "Little baby, you can lie to me at such a young age, there is no toxin in my body, I'm fine at all, but you..."

Phoenix smiled and said, "Did I say the barbecue you eat is poisonous?"

"I didn't say it."


"The barbecue you just ate has a special power."

The old man's palm was about to pierce Phoenix's eyebrows, and he grinned, "Die!"

Just this moment.

Phoenix moved his two fingers lightly, "Crack!"

snapped his fingers.

Immediately after.

An unnamed black hole appeared behind the old man, the black hole spun, and a powerful devouring force came madly, directly sucking the old man.

The old man's body could not advance half a point.


The power he released was also sucked away in an instant.

the strange thing is.

Except for him, there was no sign of trouble in the whole yard.

Not affected at all.

The old man looked at the black hole behind him, his pupils sank, and said, "This, what is this?"

"Who are you?"

Phoenix was still eating the barbecued meat, and said, "This is a crack in time and space, dedicated to devouring people like you who want to hurt my husband a lot."


He snapped his fingers again.


The black hole rolled, the old man was directly bound by a force, and then dragged directly into the black hole, and a scream came from the void.


The whole world seems to be quiet.

Nothing has changed in the yard.

Long Fei opened the door, his eyebrows clenched secretly, and he felt slightly relieved when he saw Phoenix still eating barbecue in the yard, and said, "What happened just now?"

Phoenix smiled and said, "No."

Long Fei muttered, "Am I feeling wrong?"

"All right!"

"Girl, don't mess around, you have to notify me of anything." Long Fei urged.

Phoenix nodded obediently and said, "Well, I see!"

After speaking, Long Fei went back to the room to continue cultivating, and Phoenix continued to hold on to the bone with only a little bit of barbecue left, as if nothing had happened.


Dark God Ministry, on the God rank card, a card word fell down.

The ID card is dropped, meaning Death.

Just like the Shadow God the day before, the identity card also fell, and the Dark God Ministry sent a second killer, but in less than two days, two killers fell, and they were god-level killers!

Dark God Great Hall.

There is nothingness, only a few stone pillars standing up to the sky.

On the Dark Throne.

A mass of black mist surged, savagely, like a wild beast, with a hoarse voice and endless anger, "Failure again!!"

"What exactly do you eat?"

"My Dark God Ministry has never had any failure records since its establishment. In just two days, two killers fell in a row. What happened?"



The sound was huge, and the world was roaring.

In the thick black mist, golden mangling continued to burst out. This is the power of the gods that can emit such a strong golden power.

In the Great Hall, several people in black robes trembled slightly.

"Lord Dark God, the information is wrong!"

"Jianzun Realm's Cultivation Base, even if there are 10,000 people, they will not be the opponents of the Shadow God. This time even the Black Fiend King is dead, which means that the target is protected by experts."

"This person is definitely not an ordinary martial arts disciple, maybe he is a reincarnated and re-cultivator in the divine space."



The black mist on the throne was angry again, "I don't need to listen to this nonsense, I just want the result, understand?"

"I don't care who he is, no matter what strong people protect him, as long as I get the result, the result is the mission goal Death!"


The black-robed people in the Great Hall said in unison, "Understood, we will be dispatched immediately, this time will definitely let him die!"


The mission failed twice in a row, which made the people of the Dark God very unhappy.


They didn't send out the killer right away.

The first time may be a mistake, the second time is definitely not a mistake, they underestimated the strength of the target.

They now have to reassess their goals.

And raise the assassination level!

"Gather all information about him first."

"Within half a month, I want his head to be placed in front of me!"


The killer came silently and disappeared silently.

Outside of Dong Tiankui's knowledge, no one in the entire ancient Lie Zong knew that the killer of the Dark God Ministry had come.


It did not attract the attention of any elders of the ancient strong sect.

Everything is in progress.

the next day.

The second round of assessment time is also the time to re-examine Talent.

This level is particularly important.

Only those who are endorsed by the Elder are eligible to advance to the third round.

In addition to Outer Sect Elders, this round of display evaluation also includes Inner Sect Elders of Badafeng, with a comprehensive score.

This is also the only time Inner Sect has paid such great attention to the assessment in the past 100 years.

Many disciples were flattered by the scoring lineup, because they performed well at this time and were likely to be selected directly.


The scoring lineup is very strong, but these Inner Sect Elders don't give much thought to these assessment disciples, and they appeared because of the explanation of the elder.

As a last resort.

Otherwise, who wants to spend time on these disciples who have no great achievements at all?


Every disciple at the scene held out hope.

It seems to them that this is what Sect attaches to them, and they are extremely excited. In addition to these test disciples, there are also those who did not participate in the test. The same is true.

This approach of Sect undoubtedly greatly stimulated their determination to become stronger!

"This is your second Talent Showcase!"

"This is also an all-round display, from your speed, strength, talent potential, and blood level to a new evaluation."

"Comprehensive rating, so you have to show your strong side as much as possible."

"There are a lot of Inner Sect Elders today, you have to take good care of them, understand?" The Outer Sect elder reminded, and immediately announced loudly, "The second round of assessment, now begins!" "The first disciple is invited."

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