The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3703 How Can I Go Without Killing Him?

Phoenix furrowed his brows.

The man in black smiled slightly and said, "Follow me, everyone here is safe. If you don't follow me, everyone here will die."

"Like the servant who was with you last time."

Phoenix's pupils shrank secretly, thinking of the scene of her grandfather's tragic death, her fists clenched tightly.

The man in black smiled and said, "You're very angry?"


"Get angry, let out the power in your body, and let this mortal world see your true face."

Phoenix exhaled heavily and said, "Okay, I'll go with you!"

"But you can't hurt anyone here."

Phoenix actually agreed!

It's not because there are tens of thousands of people in the ancient Lie Sect, but because she cares about Long Fei in her heart.

Even a million people can't live up to Long Fei's life.

He was only worried about Long Fei.

She didn't want anything to happen to Long Fei.

After all, the opponent in front of him is a strong man in the God Space, and the forces behind this guy are extremely powerful and cannot be provoked.


"It'd be better if it didn't happen earlier, I have to run away!"

"Tell me what are you going to do in Longmai Mountain?"

"Are you still thinking of marrying the dragon?"

"You don't know what the dragon clan is now? You should have seen the destruction of the Dragon Vessel Mountain with your own eyes. The dragon clan no longer exists in the ancient world."

"You are an almighty Phoenix princess, you are the unparalleled Phoenix, your Blood Essence has..." The man did not continue, but gave an excited smile.

Blood of King Phoenix.

Eight-turn body.

Her Blood Essence possesses an indescribable power.

in addition.

She also carried a secret treasure on her body.

From Longmai Mountain to here, they chased and killed all the way.

A lot of strong people have been damaged on the road, but now it is finally coming.

Yun Xi looked at Phoenix and shook her head and said, "Don't go with him, he is from the Dark Great Emperor, if you go with him, then..."

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, he took a serious look at Yun Xi, and said, "Oh, not bad, you actually see that I am a person from the Dark Great Emperor?"

His eyes swept away, and the corner of his mouth twitched coldly, "I didn't expect to be a reincarnated person. People like you are suffering from fullness."

"It's not good to stay in God's space, but I have to choose reincarnation and rebuild. It's really boring. Since you're so idle, I'll give you a ride."

The voice fell.

The man's fingers moved slightly, and a dark light flashed.

Under that dark light, Yun Xi's body couldn't stop shaking, it was too uncomfortable, and she completely controlled her mind that she didn't know.

She is afraid.

Extremely afraid.

I feel like I'm going to die in the next second!

If she died here, she really would never be able to Samsara again.

Phoenix immediately said, "If you kill her, I won't go with you."

The man smiled lightly, glanced at Yun Xi, and said, "You are very lucky."


Phoenix's brows tensed slightly, and she felt a familiar aura coming closer.


Phoenix walked over to the man in black and said, "Let's go."

The man in black smiled and said, "I promise you will not hurt anyone here, but...except for one person."

"Wait, he'll be here soon."

"I didn't expect that there is still a dragon hidden in the Sect of this mortal world. What a surprise."

The voice fell.

Phoenix's eyes tightened.

Seeing Long Fei's eyes, the black-clothed man's expression was also startled, he suddenly understood, and said, "I understand, you have always known, you have always been by his side."

"You want to come with me in such a hurry, it's also to protect him, right?"


"I didn't expect you to actually find a dragon."

"It's just... This dragon's Cultivation Base is too bad, it shouldn't be able to withstand the power in your body, and it can't be integrated with you, right?"

"In this way, the inside of your body..."

Phoenix's eyes were angry, and he said heavily, "Shut up!"

His expression changed instantly.

The cute appearance of the past is completely gone, as if it has become a cold iceberg now.

Even Yun Xi on the side was startled, it was just two people.

Phoenix's expression now is completely different from her current age.

The man in black squinted slightly.

Phoenix said coldly, "Either, I'll go with you now, nothing will happen here, die here today!"

Phoenix is ​​serious.

There was no exaggeration in her tone.


She can do it.

It's just... a heavy price to pay, this heavy price is not that she is injured, but that this place may be razed to the ground.

More importantly, she was worried that Long Fei would be injured.

She never fully showed her appearance in front of Long Fei.

She was a little worried that she would scare Long Fei.

Long Fei was very important in her mind. Long Fei made her feel attached and she couldn't bear to leave.

Back in Yaogu, the demon emperor knew her identity. At that time, it was time for her to leave, but she was reluctant to bear Long Fei.


As long as the man in black does nothing, she is willing to leave with him.

As long as she arrives in the world of the upper gods, she will be able to unleash her own strength without any hesitation.

Not here!

The black-clothed man's eyes tightened slightly, "Although Emperor Xuan said that any dragon can change a lot of treasures, but now to me, your blood is more important."

Abandoned Long Fei.


After all, it's King Phoenix.

To what extent is the power in her body aroused?

He can't estimate what kind of power can burst out now, and he doesn't dare to take this risk, but... the man in black smiled coldly in his heart.

Phoenix coldly said, "Go!"

The man in black smiled slightly and said, "You can go, but you have to take this with you."

talking room.

The man in black took out a pair of bracelets.

The bracelet was incomparably dark and gleamed with a dark light.

Phoenix's eyes narrowed.

Yun Xi said directly, "Don't bring it, this is a spirit lock bracelet, and it is very likely that this rank was created by the Dark Great Emperor himself. All the spiritual sources you bring along will be locked and you will have no power at all."

The black-clothed man smiled lightly and said, "You really know a lot. It seems that you were doing pretty well before you were reincarnated."

Yun Xi said directly, "I was able to kill you before I was reincarnated."

The man in black laughed, "Hahaha...Murder me? Now?"

Yun Xi's eyes sank.

The man in black looked at Phoenix and said, "Take it, we'll go now."

"Otherwise I can't promise to do anything else."

Phoenix naturally knew what this bracelet was, and thought about it for a few seconds before saying, "Okay, I'll take it."

Yun Xi's eyes tightened, "Don't bring it."

The man in black stared directly at Yun Xi, Yun Xi's body sank, and another mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Phoenix took the bracelet and put it on.

The spiritual source on his body was instantly locked.

The body immediately became heavier, and it felt as if the body was extremely weak, unable to lift up any strength.

The man laughed grimly, "Hahaha..."

Phoenix frowned and said, "Can I go now?"

The man sneered and said, "Go?"

"Hahaha..." "The Dragon Horse is here. I finally encountered a dragon. If I don't kill him, how can I leave?"

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