The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3710 Who Is Doing The Trick Again?

One step fell in front of Dong Tiankui and slapped it with a palm.

Hit the eyebrows directly.

Dong Tiankui didn't react at all, when he saw his palm falling, his eyebrows tightened, and the next second...


The eyebrows were split, and blood burst out.

The whole person swayed a few times, took a few steps back, looked at the elder elder with scattered pupils, and fell to the ground with a bang, blood splattered on the ground.

Everyone around was terrified.

The faces of many elders were pale.

This slap was too fast and too ruthless, and it came so suddenly that there was absolutely no room for resistance.

No one thought of it.

You must know that Dong Tiankui is the peak master of Qimen Peak, and he is one of the most powerful people in the ancient Liezong except the Sect Leader.

Just a palm of your hand?

Just because of Long Fei's words?

This is too surprising.

The elder glanced at Dong Tiankui, who was lying dead in a pool of blood, and said indifferently, "Forgetting righteousness and confounding right and wrong, this kind of person is not worthy of living in the ancient sect."

"Who doesn't agree?"

It was not loud, but it exploded in everyone's heart.

He is the elder and the acting Sect Leader.

What's more, he has just defeated the powerhouse of the gods, who dares to refuse, and who can refuse?

Whoever has the biggest fist in this world is the king.

Many elders said in unison, "What the elder elder taught is."

The elder's complexion slightly improved, and said, "Okay, today's matter has been resolved, everyone should leave."

Many peak masters dispersed.

Inner Sect Elders also returned to Inner Sect one after another.

When the elder was leaving, he glanced at Long Fei, and then glanced at Lu Xun in the crowd. Lu Xun nodded, and the elder left.

He also suffered a lot of injuries, and he must hurry back to the Inner Sect for healing.

For Long Fei, he didn't show much concern, because he wanted to help Long Fei hide his identity, and Long Fei's identity must not be discovered.

He was the only one who knew that the powerhouse of the gods just now was killed by Long Fei with one move.

He is extremely excited now.

Extremely excited.

It felt as if I had an unparalleled ace in my hand, as if I had won a five million lottery in my hand.

The elder leaves.

Long Fei and Zhao Dahan were carried back to their residence by Baili Tianhai.

Phoenix followed, but she kept her head down all the way, she blamed herself a little, if it wasn't for her, Long Fei wouldn't have been threatened like this.

She was thinking, am I wrong to stay?

Is it right or wrong for me to stay with him?

Should I... have to leave?

Phoenix's heart is very self-blame, she thought a lot along the way.

With her grandfather's departure and Long Fei's injury, she felt that she was a calamity, who would have an accident with anyone by her side. Thinking of these Phoenix tears flowed uncontrollably.

Yun Xi on the side looked a little distressed, and said, "Don't be sad, this is not caused by you, if he sees it like this, it will be even more uncomfortable."

Phoenix murmured, "Sister Yunxi, should I leave?"

Yun Xi said, "Don't be silly, you are happy like a little sparrow every day, you don't know how happy he is, you are his pistachio, what will he do if you leave?"

"Didn't you see that he could do anything for you?"

"Actually, I really envy you." Yun Xi said truthfully, the men she met were all greedy for her beauty, and only thought about how to get her on the bed, but Long Fei was different. Very different to Phoenix.

Really hard work.

And the kind that don't kill.

If there is such a man to her in the divine space, she will not choose Samsara to rebuild.

Phoenix murmured "Is that really the case?"

Yun Xi touched her head and said, "Don't think too much, he'll be fine."


Back at the residence, Long Fei sat at Lotus Position.

Long Kuang taught him how to take care of his own body. As soon as Universe came down, the pain in Long Fei's body was relieved a lot, but he did not fully recover.


This time was completely different from previous injuries.

The pain in the past was only physical pain, this time it was more of a mental pain, and this kind of pain could not be recovered in a short time.

unless you upgrade!

Long Kuang let out a deep breath and said, "Master, you must never do this in the future. Do you know how dangerous it is?"

"Ten seconds, one more second, you may be wiped out. You are dancing with a coffin on your back."

"You don't think about yourself, but also for the dragon family, and also for the people around you."

Long Kuang is really scared.

He was really worried that Long Fei would kill himself like this.

Long Fei was also frightened for a while, and said, "Well, I will pay attention next time."

Long Kuang said, "Be careful, you can't do this next time."

Long Fei smiled bitterly.

Sometimes he doesn't have a choice, like what happened today, what if the fifth-level Wangu Long can't be the Dark Apostle?

At that time, it was difficult for him to open the sixth-level dragon body, and he couldn't open it at all.


He went straight to the sixth-level, because he had absolute confidence in the sixth-level to give the Dark Apostle a second!

Without thinking so much, Long Fei entered the Wanlian space with a thought, and he must upgrade as soon as possible to restore his own body to a state of full attributes.


the next day.

Listed in Outer Sect Square.

The results of the Inner Sect assessment are out.

Sword Immortal first place!

At the same time, he was admitted to Jianlingshan for the first time and became a disciple of Jianlingshan.

The second place was another Outer Sect disciple.

The name of Inner Sect also appeared after his name, which means that he was also admitted to the peak.

all the way down.

Several of the above have successfully entered the Inner Sect.

They have also been admitted to the major peaks.


In addition to these people, the Five Elements brothers, Baili Tianhai, Zhao Dahan, and even Long Fei successfully entered the Inner Sect.

However, they were not selected by any peak gates, and their names were blank.

That is to say.

No peak gate chooses them.

"Aren't their grades great? Why didn't the Inner Sect Elders choose them?"

"It is estimated that they are too arrogant to abandon the competition. Who do they think they are?"

"That's right, it looks like it's a slap in the face, isn't it a little bit more powerful? If it's that powerful, then it will be selected by the Inner Sect when the newcomer is selected. Still have to wait until now?"

"Well said."

"This group of people is really amazing, they actually gave up the game."

"It's all right now, even if you enter the Inner Sect like this, you will be like a lonely ghost if you don't want it, hahaha..."

Many people laughed.

In the courtyard, the Five Elements brothers came back early and told Long Fei about the results of the assessment.

Long Fei's mental state has returned to its peak.

He rose to the first-level in cultivation last night, and is already the sixth rank Realm of Sword Sovereign, with all attributes.

Long Fei murmured and said, "No way, it should not happen like this!" "Who's making a fool of yourself?"

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