The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3717 Counterattack

Long Fei is caught in Illusion Art.

Everyone lost their backbone, Baili Tianhai forcibly calmed down, and Yun Xi was in a hurry.

The Five Elements brothers were blasted out, and they were all seriously injured.

At this time, Baili Tianhai thought of a way to deal with the earth beasts, but... the art of controlling beasts?

Who can master beasts?

Yun Xi did not cultivate the animal control technique in her previous life, and neither does this life.

Baili Tianhai will not be even more so.

Just when Baili Tianhai was anxious, a white shadow fell and shouted, "I understand!"

Baili Tianhai was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked over, "Senior Brother Lu?"

The visitor is Lu Xun!

He left the main hall peak and went directly to the north peak.

Knowing from Fang Wanpeng that Long Fei had entered the sealed underground, he did not hesitate and immediately opened the seal and followed.

He wanted to follow Long Fei's side.

Want to learn something.

Long Fei has a lot of things he wants to learn. His current Cultivation Base is the Sword Emperor Realm. The highest peak in his life may be the Sword Emperor beginner, and it takes countless years to accumulate to get to that step.

He was not willing.

He was unwilling to live his whole life in the mortal world like this.

He wanted to see what the view was up there.

I want to know what the divine space is like.

He chose to leave the master and come to Long Fei.

Lu Xun's body was as light as a swallow, his toes lightly tapped, and when he stepped on it, he landed directly on Baili Tianhai's side. Feeling the power of the earth beast toad, his mind was also tense, and he hurriedly said, "What do you want to do?"

Time is too short.

The Earth Beast Toad was already angry, and the Five Elements brothers were sent flying with one move just now, and the aura on his body quickly became manic.

Once caught in a rampage, I am afraid that everyone here will die.

Baili Tianhai quickly said, "It's very simple, his Mental Energy is the weakest point, as long as he interferes with his mind control with the animal control technique, he can let Dage come out of Illusion Art."

"This is one of them!"

"In addition, I once read an ancient book and said that the art of controlling beasts was passed down from the outer world to the ancient world. Just now, Yun Xi said that these guardian clans are the ancestors of martial arts, and any cultivation system was created by them first, but the mastery Animalism is not!"

"If the book I read hadn't lied to me, animal control would be their weakness!"

Baili Tianhai is an eight-brained genius.

Any book can be written down without a single word by just flipping through it once.

This is his ability.

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, looking at Baili Tianhaidao, "It seems to be the case, the first ancient world really didn't have animal control."

at this time.

Lu Xun had already run up, glanced at Long Fei not far away, his mind tightened, and then he thought about the earth beast toad.


Mental Energy link.

A spiritual thought poured directly into the body of the earth beast toad.

into its brain in an instant.

At this moment, Lu Xun's pupils shrank rapidly, his body twitched, and he couldn't control his body up and down.

The whole person seems to be inhaling the Mental Energy that entered the mind of the earth beast just now.


Incredibly huge!

It's never been huge.

A huge sea of ​​knowledge.


When his spiritual thoughts entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the earth beast, he felt like a grain of sand, too small.

"What's the matter?" Yun Xi looked at Lu Xun's face and quickly turned pale, and asked, "Why is this happening all of a sudden?"

Baili Tianhai frowned and said, "Sea of ​​Consciousness!"

"The sea of ​​consciousness of the earth beast has been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and it has grown to the limitless Realm. In this case, if the spiritual mind wants to interfere with his Mental Energy, I am afraid..."

Looking at Lu Xun's face, Baili Tianhai immediately knew what was going on.

at the same time.

He felt the sea of ​​consciousness of the earth beast.

Yun Xi asked, "The boundless sea of ​​consciousness? Then...then...what will happen to him?"

Baili Tianhai said solemnly, "May die."

"Ah?" Yun Xi was startled, "What about Long Fei?"

Baili Tianhai's fists were clenched, and he did not speak.

If Illusion Art is not broken, Long Fei has no fighting power.

Not only that, but they are also used as toys by earth beasts.

Without disturbing the Mental Energy of Earth Beast Toad, Long Fei's Illusion Art will not disappear, and he will only indulge in Illusion Art.


Not so.

Long Fei was caught in the Illusion Art, and Long Kuang was also trying to find a way, and reminded him that Long Fei couldn't hear Baili Tianhai's voice, but he could hear Long Kuang's voice.


He hasn't found a way to break it yet.

Long Kuang said, "These guardian clans are the ancestors of martial arts in the ancient world. They are older than our dragon clan. They are proficient in various Cultivation Techniques."

"Illusion Art, is one of them."

Long Fei said, "Don't talk nonsense, find a way to break his Illusion Art."

Long Fei was sober.

But it was useless!

He couldn't attack 'Phoenix', even if he knew it wasn't Phoenix, he couldn't because now Phoenix is ​​the person he wants to protect the most.

I can't get past that in my heart.

Long Kuang said, "Illusion Art is controlled by his Mental Energy. If Mental Energy can be disrupted, there may be a chance."

"Now they are already using animal control."

"Wait for a chance!"

Long Kuang can do what Baili Tianhai is doing.


The earth beast toad made a cooing sound, and the sound wave shock wave came out.

Baili Tianhai exited after the shock.

Lu Xun's face became even paler.


Lu Xun did not give up.

If he wants to follow Long Fei, he must show some strength, otherwise, what qualifications does he have to follow Long Fei?

Which one of Long Fei's talents is not better than him?



Lu Xun clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his forehead burst, and bloodshots appeared in his eyes. He was trying his best to release his spiritual thoughts.

Nosebleeds flowed wildly, and his brain could hardly bear it.


into madness.


The spirit of the animal control technique suddenly shook.

The breath of the earth beast toad also suddenly stopped.

It's as if the car suddenly turned off.

Baili Tianhai shouted, "Dage!!"

Long Kuang sensed it, and quickly said, "This is the time."


Long Fei's Mental Energy exploded.

The spiritual control of the earth beast toad became chaotic, and Long Fei took advantage of it to escape.



In an instant, Long Fei woke up from Illusion Art, panting like a cow, very uncomfortable, but the restraint of Illusion Art was gone, and he saw Lu Xun with a nosebleed.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

Baili Tianhai shouted to Lu Xundao, "Senior Brother Lu, quickly take back your spiritual thoughts."


Lu Xun didn't hear what he said.


Lu Xun's spiritual thoughts were firmly grasped by the earth beast toad, and Lu Xun's body slowly levitated. He was very unhappy about Lu Xun's mental disturbance to him just now.

Cuckoo twice, furious, as if to crush Lu Xun into pieces.


Long Fei said in a deep voice, "Have you asked the daddy who killed me?"

"Crap!" With a thought, Long Fei's brows shrank, staring directly at the eyes of the earth beast toad, "Ancient Beast Mastery, open it for me!!"

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