The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3726, No One Is Willing To Help

The elder has always wanted to let Long Fei participate in the Sect Conference to fight for the ancient Lie Zong.


I didn't expect Long Fei to refuse so bluntly.

He was a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything to Long Fei. He knew Long Fei's strength and couldn't provoke him.

The elder said anxiously, "Really don't think about it anymore? Let's make a little contribution to Sect."

The tone was somewhat begging.

He really can't do anything about Long Fei.

Long Fei said, "The Sect conference won't help me in any way, but don't worry, even if I don't participate, I will let the ancient Lie Zong win the first place."

"I don't participate, it doesn't mean my brother doesn't participate."

He didn't want to spend time on it.

Now that there is a spiritual source vein mine below the North Peak, and his breathing can be upgraded, he doesn't want to waste time on some Sect conference.

He just wants to upgrade quickly now.

Prepare to enter the divine space.

The elder took a long breath and said, "I know that everyone around you is a peerless genius, but every one of the disciples who participated in the Sect conference is a genius among geniuses, and they are all people who have the strength to pass the examination of the gods. "

"The Sect Conference, the powerhouses of the God Space will also pay attention, which is good for you."

"And... your friends, their current Cultivation Base is too low, no matter how fast they are in two months, they won't be able to break through much."

He still didn't give up.

Because he has no confidence in Baili Tianhai, Zhao Dahan and the others, the Cultivation Base is too low, and Realm is everything.

He believed in Long Fei.

A person who can kill the gods and win the first place in the Sect conference is definitely not a problem.

Long Fei said, "Elder, you can rest assured. When has I, Long Fei, let you down? In two months, I will definitely make them reborn, and Cultivation Base will definitely explode."

Seeing Long Fei's insistence, the elder couldn't say anything else.

Long Fei said, "You can rest assured about the Sect conference, there is absolutely no problem."

"Can you help me recruit some disciples now?"

The elder said, "I can only tell you about recruiting disciples, but it's hard to tell if there are any disciples willing to go with you."

The seven peaks of Inner Sect are mature and have many cultivation resources.

Who are the disciples who have entered these seven peaks willing to leave? Follow Long Fei to open up wasteland?

Absolutely impossible!


The elder will still try his best, because he is Long Fei.

"Come on."

"Notify the seven peaks and ask them to come to discuss the matter."

A disciple walked out of the courtyard, and the horn sounded not long after.

main hall.

"To the North Peak?"

"What are you kidding?"

"In a desolate place like Beifeng, there is nothing to ask for, who would want to go there?"

"I don't know about others, but my disciple will never go."

"My disciple will not go either."

"Long Fei, the peak master is not so easy to be."


"No one wants to go to an abandoned place like Beifeng."

"Longfeng Lord, I think you all join my Lizong. I will set up a branch for you, and you will be the leader. What do you think?"


Many peak masters, Elders are all contemptuous.

Disciple to Long Fei?

Not at all possible.

They wished that Long Fei couldn't stay in the North Peak, after all, it used to be the Seven Peaks, but now there is an extra North Peak and an extra Peak Master.

They are naturally upset.

The elder said, "Now Peak Master Long needs disciples to build the North Peak. You all have thousands of disciples under your command. Send some to Peak Master Long to use first."

The voice fell.

The King of Sword Spirit immediately said, "Elder, you don't know, my disciples from Sword Spirit Mountain are in desperate need."

"My Beast-Controlling Mountain is also short of people."

"I'm missing too."

"I'm also short of people here."


No one is willing to help.

Long Fei could see that these peak masters would never give up their own disciples to him.

That being the case, Long Fei didn't want to say anything more.

Originally, I wanted to give them some resources of Lingyuan vein mine, but now I don't need it.

Long Fei said, "Elder, since none of the peak masters have any disciples for me, can I recruit disciples in the Outer Sect?"

The elder was stunned for a moment, and said, "Outer Sect disciple?"



"Lord Long, are you kidding me?"

"I know you entered the Inner Sect from the Outer Sect assessment, I didn't mean to mock you, but the Outer Sects are all Muggle rookies, what can they do?"

"You put them in the Inner Sect, are you trying to turn the North Peak into the Outer Sect?"


Several peak masters laughed.

The elder looked at Long Fei's serious appearance, and said, "Since you have become the peak master of the North Peak, then I must support you more."

"Do what you want, just do it."

Long Fei saluted slightly and said, "Thank you!"


Long Fei didn't stop and walked out of the Great Hall directly.

After he left, there were various jeers in the Great Hall.




"To gather disciples in Outer Sect?"

"What does Long Fei really think of himself?"

"Do you really think you've found a few good disciples of Talent, and you think you're a god?"

"It's really overpowering."

"I want to see how long his North Peak can last."


The elder said with a deep voice, "Okay, let's go."

Many peak masters converged.

The elder looked at Long Fei's retreating back, and sighed softly, thinking to himself, "If I had known, I wouldn't let you go to the North Peak."

Outer Sect.

Long Fei appeared in Outer Sect, and immediately attracted many people to watch.

In Outer Sect he has a great reputation.

Now that he's a member of the Inner Sect, more people worship him.

In the Outer Sect Square, it didn't take long for hundreds of Outer Sect disciples to gather.

Long Fei got straight to the point and said, "If anyone wants to go to the Inner Sect with me, there is no need for an assessment. As long as they are willing, I can bring them into the Inner Sect."

"I go!"

"I go!"

"There is such a good thing? Isn't it a trap?"

"Senior Brother Long Fei, even the Inner Sect Elders have no right to bring so many people into the Inner Sect, right?"

"What are you doing?"

Long Fei said, "I am the peak master of Beifeng now. I need to establish my own power. Follow me, that is the inner discipline. When Beifeng is established, your identities will be as noble as other inner disciplines."

"North Peak?"

"Have you never heard of it?"

"Where is Beifeng?"

"It seems to be a desolate mountain bag, and the spirit source is not as strong as our Outer Sect."

"Damn, isn't this pulling us to open up wasteland?"

"can not go!"

"How can this go? It's a fool."


When the news of Beifeng's situation spread, many people flinched again.

Long Fei didn't force it either.

Those who go will have the opportunity to be reborn.


Long Fei didn't give too much explanation, he would go if he wanted to, and he would never force it if he didn't want to!

For half the morning, dozens of disciples were summoned.


Another place.

Sword Spirit Mountain. Liu Luoxi looked in the direction of Beifeng, stroked his stomach lightly with one hand, smiled lightly, and said, "Let's go too!"

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