The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3732 Madness Has To Pay The Price

As soon as his temper came up, Long Fei was about to pick the entire Sword Spirit Mountain.

Are you arrogant?

Are you crazy?

Are you thirsty?

Come on, daddy's next!

Long Fei's words are crazy.

Crazy enough to make every disciple of Jianling Mountain, the Elder, point out.

Sword Spirit Mountain, the first peak gate of the ancient Lie Sect.

Every disciple is full of honor, and every elder is superior.


Someone actually wanted to pick Sword Spirit Mountain?



One by one, two eyes locked Long Fei tightly, with flames in his eyes, his fists clenched, and there was a rattling sound.

Sword Spirit King's pupils were like flames, and he said in a deep voice, "Long Fei, you are too crazy."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Yes, I'm crazy, what's wrong?"


"Come up if you don't agree, let's see if I'm abusing you like a dog?" Long Fei was quite mad. He originally wanted to apologize, but now...

I just want to shut up the people from Sword Spirit Mountain!

The Sword Spirit King clenched his fists tightly, but he did not dare to step forward.

The white-haired ancestor also looked up at the sky and felt very uncomfortable, but he knew that whoever has the toughest fist in this world is the king.

Long Fei can crush him.

Who can stop him in the current ancient Lie Zong?

The other two brothers?

Or the Sect Leader of the Centennial Closed Door Training?

Long Fei glanced at the angry expression of the Sword Spirit King, and said, "If you don't dare to come up, don't be so embarrassed, understand?"

The Sword Spirit King said solemnly, "Boy, this is the ancient Lie Sect. It's not your turn to do whatever you want here."

Long Fei said, "I can do whatever I want, what's wrong?"

The Sword Spirit King said angrily, "You..."

Long Fei said, "What am I? I said, whoever does not agree will come up."

"One of your Sword Spirit Mountains is counted as one, and the daddy will be picked up by the one-on-one group fight."



With a loud bang, Long Fei's voice exploded directly in the hearts of every Sword Spirit Mountain disciple. This provocation was like an insult.

They were very sad.


None of them moved.

Even the white-haired ancestor is not a match for Long Fei, and even the Peak Master Sword Spirit King dare not move, who else dares to move?

Who can move?

Going forward is looking for abuse.

The face of the sword spirit king was flushed red, and he was extremely aggrieved, unable to say a word.


Just then...



A purple long sword pierced through the sky and struck.

Another long sword of blue divine light also struck through the sky.

One purple, one blue.

The two long swords carried the extremely powerful Sword Qi, and the swords in the entire Sword Spirit Mountain were trembling.

Can't hold it.

"My sword!"


He held it down with his hands, but he couldn't stop shaking, and he was about to unsheathed.

"The sword is out of control."

"My sword..."

"My... swoosh!"

A sword flew out.

Immediately afterwards, the swords on those disciples flew out of their sheaths one by one, and they were completely unable to control them, even if it was suppressed by the Sword intent.

Just like the two purple and blue long swords in the sky have endless attraction.

First the disciples, then the elders.

Many of them are Sword Emperor Realm, but now they can't control their own swords well, and they shoot them out one by one.


The sword is facing down, and it is suspended in mid-air step by step.

In just half a minute, a huge sword rain formation was formed.

It was suspended above Long Fei's head.

The white-haired ancestor released Wandao Sword intent just now, but this time it was the long sword hanging in the air.

Compared with the Wandao Sword intent just now, this long sword is stronger.

Because this is someone else's sword, to control these swords, Sword intent is already superhuman.

Sword formation assembled.

Purple, blue long sword is a fantasy.

Two Daoist shadows appear.

Long purple hair, long blue hair.

two old men.

The breath on them is like a peerless sword, and their Cultivation Base is higher than their white-haired ancestors.

Sword Spirit King's eyes tightened, and he immediately knelt on the ground, "Old Ancestor."

Many disciples of Sword Spirit Mountain, Elder also knelt on the ground in unison, "Welcome the ancestors to leave the customs."

There are three ancestors of Jianling Mountain.

White hair, blue hair, purple hair.

These three are ancestors, but their identities are completely different.

The white-haired ancestor is the master of the Sword Spirit King, while the blue-haired ancestor is the release of the white-haired ancestor, and the purple-haired ancestor is the master of the blue-haired ancestor.

The purple-haired ancestor lived for at least ten thousand years!

The Sword Qi on his body seemed to control the heaven and the earth, and all the long swords rose and fell with the breath on his body.

The atmosphere is completely different.

The white-haired ancestor also climbed up from the pit with difficulty, then knelt on the ground, "Welcome the master to leave the customs."

The two fell to their knees.


directly on the ground.

The long sword also fell.

"Crash... Crash..."

Hundreds of long swords fell vertically, all of them cut through the sky, and hundreds of cracks appeared.

That scene...

Incredibly amazing.

The Sword Spirit King's heart was ecstatic, "I release is not an opponent. Now the two Taizus are out of the customs, boy, I see how arrogant you can be."

The long sword array shrouded Long Fei.


Long Fei didn't feel flustered, and he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

For a moment.

The blue-haired ancestor stepped forward and appeared in front of Long Fei in an instant. His voice sank, and he said, "You want to pick my Sword Spirit Mountain?"

Long Fei had no fear, and said lightly, "Not bad!"

The blue-haired ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Sword intent on his body surged.


"Buzz, buzz!"

The sound of sword chirping erupted.

Incredibly harsh.

In the sword formation, Long Fei felt as if thunder was roaring around him, and his mind kept taking the sword blows again and again.

The blue-haired ancestor said lightly, "Crazy, there is a price to pay."

The voice fell.

The blue-haired ancestor stood in front of Long Fei, his brows tightened.

The Sword intent on his body shot straight into the sky.


A huge blue Excalibur.

Hundreds of meters high.

Aiming at the top of Long Fei's head, he chopped down heavily.



The sky collapsed, and the space above Long Fei's head kept shattering. This power... was too overwhelming.

It's just utter destruction.

Being able to cultivate Sword intent to this level is enough to show that this old guy is extremely perverted.


When it comes to perverts, no one is more perverted than Long Fei.

With a thought, "fifth-level Wangu Dragon Body, open!"

The breath on his body skyrocketed quietly, and he just stood there motionless, do you want to kill the daddy? Okay, then the daddy will let you cut!

"He's standing still!"

"You've been frightened."


"Boy, tremble."

"This Sword intent is too strong, it can chop him into powder."


"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"


Many disciples, Elder shouted.


The pupils of the purple-haired ancestor's eyes were fierce, and he felt that the power in Long Fei's body suddenly became stronger.


It's too late to stop now, and he also wants to know how strong Long Fei's power is.

Cut off with a sword.

It fell half a meter above Long Fei's head, and the huge blue sword didn't move, and it couldn't go down for half a minute.


Long Fei frowned, his strength exploded, and Long Yin roared.

"Kacha..." The blue sword shattered!

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