The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3749 Infinite Gloves Of Four Original Stones

Wan Jun's sword is about to fall, and Long Fei has no countermeasures yet.

Os is too strong.

Can't find a weakness.

Even if you find a weakness, it is too difficult to kill with 500 million HP.

"The sixth-level is not good enough, so the seventh-level!"

"I don't believe it!"

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "seventh-level Wangu Dragon Body, open!"

He is now the eighth rank of the Sword Emperor, and he can unleash the power of the seventh-level Wangu dragon body, but... the time cannot last too long.


Longyin roared, the sky and the earth were dark.

The power of the seventh-level is completely incomparable to the sixth-level.

The phantom of the Dragon God Emperor released is more real, like a living dragon, despising the world.

He opened the blood basin and swallowed it at Os.


Swallow heavily.

Oss was in no hurry and let the dragon swallow it.

Long Fei was overjoyed, "Look at you this time..."

Don't wait for him to finish.


The dragon's head was cut off again.

The seventh-level Wangu dragon's body power released by Long Fei also dissipated instantly, his body sank, and a large mouthful of blood came out directly.

The power that has just been released has not passed three seconds!

was scrapped.

"Is the eternal power of the dragon body that I cultivated fake?" Long Fei is now beginning to suspect that the power of the body of the eternal dragon that he encounters and kills the Buddha is fake.

It is completely engraved here.

Totally useless.

Not only can it cause no damage, but it is also tortured by blood.


What's going on?

Long Fei himself was completely stunned.

Suffering continuous blows, Long Fei felt really uncomfortable.


Os fell down and swung his long sword.



The power gathered crazily, the power of the giant Aos began to erupt, and the long sword pointed at Long Fei.

The wind blows.

Long Fei was almost knocked out by Sword Qi.

"No way?"

"Is there no way?"

"So many dungeons, so many missions, I have never failed, daddy won't believe it!" Long Fei's teeth rattled.

"Wangulong's body power is restrained, then use my own power."

The fists clenched hard.



Summon the infinite fist directly.

Long Fei now has four rough stones.


He has never been embedded in it, and now... he has no choice. The strength of Wangu's dragon body is not an opponent. The only thing he has the strongest right now is the power of immortality, and then this pair of fists.

"do not care!"

"Originally, I wanted to leave the power of this infinite boxing glove to Emperor Xuan, so I will use you as a test today."

Ten rough stones were taken out.


"Boom! Boom, boom!"

Four bursts in a row.

There is no need to inlay at all, just put it on it, the original stone and the infinite fist fit together perfectly, and Long Fei clenched his fist.



The power shot straight out of his fingers.

This power...



The power of the four different elements makes Long Fei feel that the entire universe is in his hands.

There is only one word to describe this feeling.

So cool!


The giant sword skill, Oss's long sword swung, the endless Sword Qi pounced on Long Fei, and the long sword stabbed directly at the center of Long Fei's eyebrows.

"Hu... Hu..." Long Fei calmed down, took two breaths of air, raised his eyebrows, and locked his eyes directly on the long sword.

One right hand.

into palms.

Grab directly to the Oss sword.


The moment when the two forces wanted to collide.

In an instant, two egg-shaped forces were formed, constantly colliding and shooting out in all directions. .

Long Fei's brow furrowed, and the original stone of power erupted.

The infinite fist clenched violently and directly grabbed the tip of the sword, "Ah..."


The powerful force directly bounced out.

Oss was directly shocked by the explosion and flew out.

Also at this moment.

As soon as the space stone moved, Long Fei stepped in.


After Long Fei appeared behind Os, the power of the original power stone broke out again, and he punched out, "Boom!"

The armor on the back cracked directly.

The space rough stone once again released the power of space.

Long Fei appeared behind Oss again, and smashed it with another punch!


This time the armor all shattered.

"Bang bang, bang bang..."



Using the power of the power stone and the power of the space stone, Long Fei punched his left and right punches, and Os, who directly abused him, did not have the slightest temper.


"Cut off my head?"

"Your sister, be arrogant with me again."

Long Fei vented fiercely.

It was really unpleasant to be abused just now. Long Fei was almost in despair after being beheaded twice.

Os's power really completely overwhelms his Vanguard body power.

If this guy is from the ancient world, then the power of the ancient dragon body is basically abolished.


Fortunately, Long Fei still had a hole card.

Fortunately, he collected four rough stones, otherwise this dungeon would be absolutely useless.


Long Fei punched out again.

Os was abused and flew around, Long Fei didn't give him the slightest chance, but... he was Os, he was the King of Sword Saints.

and. ,

He has more than 500 million points of blood support.

Even if Long Fei can crush him, it is not so simple to kill him quickly.

Wan Jun Yi sword was used.

Giant sword skills have also been used.

He still has a big move!

A punch was knocked into the air by Long Fei, and in mid-air, Oss' pupils suddenly flashed a ray of light, "Om..."


Sword Qi bursts.

For a moment.

His body stopped suddenly.

He clenched his hands tightly, looked at the sky with both eyes, and uttered a rude voice, "Sword extinguished!!"

The long sword stabbed fiercely against the ground.

"Sword Extermination?"

"His big move!"

"His ultimate move!"

Long Fei's eyes sank.

Oss's attribute system is very clear. Sword Extermination is the ultimate ultimate move. How powerful is it?

The system does not explain.


It's not hard to imagine how destructive it can be.

Because the sky is already cracking.

Everything in the entire copy is crumbling.

At the same time, his long sword was also cracking little by little.

"Sword Extermination?"

"Do you want to use your own sword as an introduction to make everything perish?" Long Fei's eyes sank slightly, "I rely on it."

"You are too cruel!"


The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched lightly, and said, "If you want to destroy it yourself, it's fine. As for my words...hehe..."

Smile proudly.

He only used two kinds of rough stone power just now, and he still has two kinds of rough stone power that he has not used.

One is the time stone.

One is the soul stone.

A thought moves.

The time stone was released, and the time of the entire space suddenly stopped.

Long Fei walked slowly in front of Oss and said with a smile, "Do you know what this is? Thanos' infinite fist, if it weren't for the lack of a rough stone, I would snap your fingers and you would be instantly killed."

"Are you scared?"

"All right!"

"I don't have time to chat with you."

"I'm going to send you off The Underworld!"

When Long Fei's power exploded, the power of the original power stone burst out, and bombarded at Os's head, "Bang, bang, bang..."

The blood volume quickly bottomed out.

Become 0 o'clock! about to explode...

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