The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3763 Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard

Long Fei and his party disappeared.

A disciple of Tianjue Palace immediately walked in front of the shopkeeper, grabbed the shopkeeper's collar and lifted it up in the air, and scolded, "Shopkeeper, you deliberately hit our Tianjue Palace in the face, right?"

"There are eight million spiritual source stones in this bag? Can you afford to live in Tianzi No. 1 courtyard?"

The shopkeeper didn't panic when it was mentioned, and said, "Several adults, can you afford to open the bag and take a look."

Another disciple stepped forward, opened the bag and took a look, his eyes sank, his body trembled, and he was speechless with excitement.

Several other disciples also gathered around.

Looking at the contents of the bag, their faces became very ugly one by one.



"Totally impossible!"

"This, this, this is the spiritual source concentrate, a spiritual source stone worth millions."

"There are so many Lingyuan concentrates, there are at least hundreds of them, this, this,, how much is this worth?"


"What on earth are they Sect, with such deep pockets?"


They were all shocked.

Lingyuan concentrate, the energy of one concentrate is worth a million first rank Lingyuan stones, Long Fei's bag is worth hundreds of millions!

This is super generous.

The disciples of Tianjue Palace were shocked.

The shopkeeper put away the bag and said with a light voice, "I don't know what they are, but one thing I can be sure of, they are not easy to mess with."

The shopkeeper glanced at them intentionally, and wanted to say something more incisive, but he still held back his words.

He's in business, and Sect has a grudge that he doesn't want to be involved.

"Senior brother, I didn't expect that there are so many spiritual source concentrates on them. If I had known, I would have killed them one by one..." His eyes were killing.

Lingyuan Concentrate is something that their Sword Emperor Realm desperately needs.

The senior brother shook his head gently and said, "We are not their opponents."

"If we do it just now, we will suffer a lot."

Zhao Dahan's light bump said everything!

Several disciples were stunned.

The senior brother looked at the direction of Long Fei's disappearance, clenched his fists secretly, and said solemnly, "This matter will not end like this."

"Go, go to the master!"

Flicking his sleeves, he strode to the other side.


than financial resources?

Long Fei's financial resources are probably incomparable even if all the Sects add up.

Show your prestige in front of him?

High above?

Rich boss?

A bag of Lingyuan concentrate directly extinguished their fire.

It's no use being arrogant.

Slap in the face with money!

Long Fei owns a Lingyuan vein mine, and now the Lingyuan stone is not worth mentioning to him.

"Sir, they are the disciples of Tianjue Palace. Tianjue Palace's behavior is extremely ruthless, and they are evil sects. You have to be more careful these days, they never suffer." The second shop assistant reminded.

Zhao Dahan wiped his nose and said, "I'm afraid he'll be a jerk. If he comes, I want him to lie down and go out."

Long Fei said, "Low-key, low-key."

Long Fei said to the shop boy, "My behavior is that people don't offend me, I don't offend others, and if anyone offends me, kill his whole family."

When speaking, Long Fei smiled faintly.

That expression was like a god of death.

The shop boy's heart trembled slightly.

After walking through a few corridors, the shop assistant bowed and said, "Heavenly No. 1 Courtyard is here."

A copper door.

Several auspicious beasts are carved on the bronze door.

The threshold is also extremely ready, engraved with formation inscriptions.

Long Fei said, "This yard still has formations?"

The shop boy immediately said, "Yes, this is a small defense formation. Except for your own people, it will be activated as soon as you enter the yard."

"This kind of defense formation is only standard. There are many things in the courtyard that you would not expect. It is also the first time I have come to Tianzi No. 1 courtyard."

"It is also in the light of the adults."

Baili Tianhai sensed in front of him and said, "Imperial-level upper formation."

The shop boy was shocked, looked at Baili Tianhai, and said with admiration, "Your lord has good eyesight, it is indeed a formation of the upper class of the emperor."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Baili Tianhai said lightly, "This kind of formation can be used against ordinary powerhouses, but once it encounters Sword Emperor Realm's powerhouses, it's useless."

Dian Xiaoer's expression changed, and he was a little embarrassed. He said, "After all, there are only a few strong sword emperors, and there are not many emperor-level formation masters in the entire ancient world, let alone the mortal world."

Baili Tianhai smiled and said nothing.

into the yard.

It is indeed extremely luxurious inside, and all the flowers, plants and trees outside are rare treasures, things above the immortal level.

The koi raised in the pond are also glowing with golden light, which is extremely eye-catching.

The home design is also top-notch, according to a trip to Eight Trigrams.

The yard is very big, there are more than 20 rooms alone, and the ten or so of them are very spacious.

"Sir, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are our special offerings. If you need anything, just ring the bell at the gate, and someone will come within a minute."

Long Fei nodded and asked, "This is the most expensive yard here. I want to know where Tianjue Palace lives?"

The shop assistant said, "Tianjue Palace lives in the No. 1 Courtyard of Yellow Characters, about three miles away from here."

Long Fei said, "What about the other yards?"

The shop boy said, "It stands to reason that we can't disclose customer information, but you are the owner of Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard. I can say anything you want to know."

"There are four courtyards in this hospital, which are Tiandi Xuanhuang, the first courtyard with yellow characters is Tianjue Palace, the first courtyard with mysterious characters is Wanxuanzong, and the first courtyard with earth characters is the Ministry of Dark God."

"Wan Xuanzong was the fourth Sect at last year's Sect conference."

"As for the Dark God Department, they are a special existence, and they didn't send anyone to attend the Sect conference last year."

Baili Tianhai said, "The Ministry of Dark God is a killer organization, and it is also the strongest killer organization in the ancient world."

"Killer organization?"

Long Fei couldn't help thinking of the dark night clan, "I wonder how they are in the Hongmeng world?"


Thinking of the brothers and women in the Hongmeng Realm, Long Fei couldn't help clenching his fists secretly.

so long has passed.

He entered the ancient world, but now he has not even seen Emperor Xuan's face, let alone revenge.

I feel very uncomfortable.

"Emperor Xuan!!" Long Fei's heart tightened.

The shop assistant said, "Sir, rest first, and dinner will be delivered later."

After he finished speaking, he carefully exited the courtyard.

Close the yard gate.

The shop assistant did not go anywhere else, but went to Dizi No. 1 Courtyard.


"Reporting to my lord, they have already moved in."

"very good!"

"You pay close attention to their every move."

The second shopkeeper asked, "Sir, when will you do it? It seems that the information is wrong. Their Cultivation Base is stronger than what is stated in the information. I feel that their Cultivation Base is above the Emperor Realm."

"Emperor Realm?"

"Haha..." "Even if he is at the peak of the Emperor Realm, he has to die this time!!"

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