The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3769 Pantheon Tower

Others say it is a treasure, but it is not necessarily a treasure for Long Fei, but if Phoenix says it is a treasure, it must be a treasure.

And, definitely a super treasure.

What is Phoenix's identity?

What has she not seen?

Anything on the body may be an existence that cannot be measured by value in the mortal world.

She said it was a treasure, then it must be very awesome!

Yun Xi also made a slight noise, and said, "Wan Shen Lou, as if I heard it somewhere."

Long Fei said, "So you must win it?"

Zhao Dahan said, "I'll definitely take it. I didn't feel good looking at that evil man just now. Give him a face? Who does he think he is?"

Wu Huo also said, "That's right, what are you talking about killing us at the Sect conference? Damn, are we scared?"

"Jian Tianzong is amazing?"

"Last year, we didn't participate in the Sect conference. This year we are here. What's the matter with his Sword Tianzong?"

"On the arena, he must be trampled under the feet of Jian Tianzong."


One by one is aggressive, as if the world is invincible.

Long Fei said lightly, "Don't blame me for hitting you, even if you all add up, you are not his opponent. If you meet in the arena, you don't need to resist, just admit defeat. Winning or losing is not important, understand?"

I didn't want to discourage their enthusiasm, but I was afraid that they would lose their lives.

The aura on the fox-eyed man is really not that strong.

Strong, then admit it.

Blind arrogance will only cost your life!

Everyone's expressions sank, and Long Fei's words hit them completely.

Long Fei said, "Do you know that there are so many strong people in the Sect conference? I don't want you to get a high ranking in this competition, I want you to test yourselves."

"After the Sect Conference, it is a selection to enter the God Space. This is what you focus on."

"If you can get a good ranking in the Sect conference, it doesn't matter if you can't get it. The point is to enter the God Space."

No matter how bad their Cultivation Base is, getting into the top 20 is not a problem.

This ranking is enough to make the ancient Lizong famous.

The elder will definitely be satisfied.

After the Sect conference is the selection of the God Space, which is the only chance for a person.

The selection of disciples in the upper god dimension is extremely strict. A person only has one chance in his life. If he is eliminated, he will have no chance in the future.

"Boss, we know."



"Senior brother, give him not wanting face. You should have killed them all just now. A few of them from the Sword Emperor Realm didn't speak. Even a ninth-rank Sword Emperor junk dared to be arrogant in front of us? Kill him directly."

"A bunch of ignorant things."

Back in the box, the man was very angry.


As soon as he finished speaking, the fox-eyed man slapped him in the face.


The man was slapped directly against the wall, the corner of his mouth was full of blood, his eyes were full of fear, he didn't dare to say a word, he didn't even dare to breathe, and squatted under the corner of the wall with his body curled up.

The fox-eyed man said coldly, "I'm doing things for you to teach me?"

"Think with your pig brain, why did I leave just now?"

"Didn't you see that the ninth-rank Sword Emperor has hidden his own strength?"

"Otherwise, how could he be the team leader?"

"Do you think he is the ninth-rank sword emperor? His power can kill you in seconds, understand?"

The fox-eyed man burst into anger.

Very upset.

but. He was not dazzled by the anger, he knew very well that the moment his own coercion entered Long Fei's mind, the coercion of the monster's eyes opened and his coercion instantly shattered. That feeling... At that moment, he seemed to be With the death scythe on the neck

Same as above, very uncomfortable.

He knew that Long Fei was not easy.

But he didn't think that he was worse than Long Fei, because he just used the sword emperor's ninth-order coercion, and did not use his sword emperor's life force.

His life force is the strongest.

"Wait and see!"

The fox-eyed man's eyes narrowed slightly, with strong killing intent.

at this time.

The auction venue suddenly fell silent.

The fox-eyed man immediately walked to the window and clenched his fists secretly, "Wan Shen Lou!"

The auctioneer stepped forward, his voice a little excited, and said, "This is the finale item of this auction, and it was also obtained by our four major business alliances from a secret realm with a lot of money."

"It has two names."

"One is called Wanzhong Yaolou, and the other is called Wanshenlou."

"If it is in the hands of the demon clan, it is naturally the Wanyao Building. When it is in the hands of the human race, it is called the Wanshen Building. What is its function? What can it do? We don't know anything about it."

"I also want to remind all bidders here, you can do it yourself, don't buy it back at a high price and don't know if you use it to complain about our auction."




The audience laughed.

The auctioneer is also half-joking.


If you buy it back at a high price but don't know how to use it, isn't it stupid?

"Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up and bring out that Wan Yaolou."

"That's right, don't waste your time."

"Hurry up and take it out."

"I've heard about the Panshen Tower for a long time, and I want to see what it is today."


Most people don't know what Pantheon is.

Not even sure what it is used for.


The fox-eyed man wasn't too sure, but he knew that the Panshen Tower was a super treasure because he knew two proverbs.

There are gods in the building of the gods, and there is no living being under the gods.

This is all he knows.

These two sentences are enough to explain everything.

At this moment.

The auctioneer coughed and said, "Please come out."

A hostess was holding a tray in her hand, and the tray was covered with a red cloth. Under the red cloth, there was something spit out from a height of 30 centimeters, similar to a tower-shaped object.

The auctioneer stepped forward, and he was also a little excited. He had never seen the Panshen Tower, and slowly lifted the red cloth.

Below the red cloth is a building.


It's a miniature building.

It is divided into three floors, just like the Mahavira Hall in the temple.

Can't see anything.

There is no divine light, no special breath release, it can be said that it is similar to an ordinary model, and it is impossible to see what it is.




All the people stared at the Pantheon on the tray with wide eyes, and some people couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"Is this the Panshen Tower?"


"If this is the Pantheon Building, then my house is the God King Palace."

"This, this, this is too disappointing, isn't it?"

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

"Who would buy this thing? Whoever buys it is an idiot."

"It's totally a scam."

"It's so disappointing."

...Long Fei looked at Phoenix, and Phoenix also glanced at the Panshen Tower on the tray, and said, "My husband is great, that's right, it's the Panshen Tower!"

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