The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3786 So Familiar Breath

The god man was angry.

Overturning his slave in front of so many people is not giving him a face.

Who dares to blaspheme the power of the gods?

Anger surged in my heart, "Damn, you must die today."

As soon as the voice fell, the coercion on the god man was like the sky sinking, and he directly rolled towards Long Fei.

a time.

Divine light bursts, thunder roars.

The color of the world changed, and the power was extremely powerful.

After all, the power of the gods is the power of the gods, and it is even more powerful in this mortal world. Many of the Sect disciples around were so frightened that they fell to the ground and dared not move.

Baili Tianhai, Lu Xun, and the Five Elements brothers surrounded Long Fei directly.

Long Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm dead? Let's see who dies today!"

As soon as his temper came up, Long Fei didn't care so much.

He couldn't see anyone being arrogant in front of him.

Looking at the god of gods man releasing the power of gods, Long Fei will release the power of the dragon body as soon as he drinks in his heart.

Also at this time.


A voice fell.


A middle-aged man fell, his sleeves swept slightly, and the power released by the deity man was directly shaken away.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

The power of this middle-aged man... easily shook the power of the godly man away. This power... was extremely terrifying.

The man of the gods is angry at first, and he will release stronger power.


When he saw the word 'Xuan' embroidered on the middle-aged man's chest, his mind froze, he immediately put away his strength, dropped his body, stepped aside, and said, "Sir..."

Don't wait for him to speak.

The middle-aged man said lightly, "Today is the Sect conference, and please give me a Face, all to calm down."

"Even if there is any grievance, it can be resolved at the Sect conference."

"What do you two think?"

Who is the middle-aged man?

Xuan Mingyuan.

It was also the word 'Xuan' on his robe that directly made the man of the gods withdraw his power.

The Xuan family is the super overlord in the divine space.

Xuandi, the ancestor of the Xuan family, is a peak powerhouse in the divine space, and he is also the most powerful person in this battle of the realm king.

Who dares to oppose the Xuan family?

Who dares not to give Xuanjia Face?

The Heavenly God man is not stupid, he is very clear about the consequences of provoking the Xuan family.


The deity man gave Long Fei a cold look, and said solemnly, "Boy, I'll keep your life for you first, and I'll kill you at the Sect conference."


Leaving heavily, strode into Heavenly Dao Martial Arts Field.

Just because a middle-aged man said a word, the god of the gods is Giving face?

Is this still the dignity of the gods?

Long Fei couldn't understand.

You must know that the middle-aged man in front of him has no divine light in his body, nor is he a powerhouse in the divine dimension, but a person in the mortal world.

The people around were dumbfounded.

what's going on?

Totally unimaginable.

Xuan Mingyuan folded his arms, smiled politely at Long Fei, and then left.

I didn't want to get to know each other.

"Boss, what's the situation?"

"Does he know you?"

"Who is this person? Why should the goddess give him a face?"

"Damn, this guy is awesome."

The Five Elements brothers watched Xuan Mingyuan turn and leave, and they were all puzzled.

Baili Tianhai didn't understand either, "Dage, who is he?"

Long Fei also shook his head and said, "I don't know, but what is certain is that this guy is not ordinary."


Zhao Dahan said, "Is it strong? I didn't see it."

Long Fei did not explain.

He could feel that Xuan Mingyuan shook the power released by Tianshen Nan with a single move just now. This power was at least a few Realms higher than Tianshen Nan, otherwise he would not be able to do it at all.

Strength is one of them.

Another point is his identity.

Even if the Cultivation Base is not as good as the middle-aged man, according to his temperament, and the identity of the gods, he will not give up.

The identity is definitely not ordinary.

Long Fei looked at the back of Xuan Mingyuan's departure, and his eyebrows tightened secretly, "The breath on this guy...a bit familiar."

For some reason, Long Fei felt a familiar aura on the middle-aged man's body.


Can't remember for a while.

Phoenix also watched Xuan Mingyuan leave, her brows slightly wrinkled, and then looked at Long Fei, her little hand clenched lightly.

Long Fei thought for a while and didn't figure out who it was, and he didn't think about it any more, and said, "Enter first."


"Sir, why did you stop it just now?" Dian Xiaoer didn't understand why Xuan Mingyuan wanted to stop Tianshen Nan from doing something.


We should let the gods and gods try the depth of Long Fei, so that we can deal with it.

Xuan Mingyuan smiled lightly and said, "Just because of this pustule, he is also his opponent? If anyone can kill the dragon clan, then the dragon clan will not stand in the ancient world for so many years."

The shop assistant was still puzzled.

Xuan Mingyuan continued, "I stopped that pustule because I didn't want Long Fei to reveal his identity prematurely. A fight with that pustule would inevitably reveal his dragon clan identity, which would be no fun."

"Today is the Sect conference, and good shows should be staged slowly."

Xuan Mingyuan didn't want this play to end prematurely.

He still wants to play slowly.

The second shop assistant seemed to understand, and immediately reported to Xuan Mingyuanhui, "Sir, our Dark God Department has sent ten disciples to fight."

"Their Cultivation Bases are all above the sixth-order Sword Emperor."

Xuan Mingyuan smiled lightly and said, "Well, let them not have to work so hard, just get the top three."

The shop assistant nodded and said, "I know, I've arranged it according to your order."


"Sir, the Sect Leader of Jian Tianzong has also arrived. In addition... Song Xianhu's father, Song Gucheng, is also here. He is now the elder of the ancient Feng family."

These news are not a big problem for the Dark God Ministry.

The mortal world doesn't know, but the ancient families in the upper god space know that the dark gods are the forces of the Xuan family.


"The Demon Sealing Clan?"

"The old family has withered to a dead end. Even a mere mortal human can become the elder of the family. This demon clan is really out of breath." Xuan Mingyuan's mouth showed contempt.

The Xuan family is too strong.

Occupy the vast majority of resources in the God space.

Whether it is the power of the ancient times, the cultivation resources, or the alliance with the powerful outsiders, the Xuan family is dominant.

God's space war is imminent.

These are some ancient families who are desperately fighting, and they are fighting for the qualifications of the world king.

And the Xuan family?

No need to fight at all!

The throne of the Xuan family's ancestor, the realm king, is bound to be won.


The ancestors of the Xuan family still have two things to do.

Get Longbatian's corpse and Tiantian stone. The other is Long Fei's life!

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