The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3819 How Many Come, How Many Daddy Kills

Long Fei was still thinking hard.

Standing in the Heavenly Dao martial arts field, that special aura is connected with my own body, as if I am a part of the Heavenly Dao martial arts field.

The King's Heart has not changed.

Just like before, he just felt the strong atmosphere of Heavenly Dao martial field, but he couldn't feel the power of Emperor Dao.


He didn't have much time to think about it.

The disciples of other Sects entered the venue one after another.

Like the previous game, the elder of each Sect is the one who enters the field, the Great Master, the strongest Talisman in the Sect.

Zhao Da was naive, but said fiercely, "Is it one hundred and ninety-nine to deal with another one? Can you have some face?"

One hundred and ninety-nine Talisman Great Masters, they did not enter the competition, but killed Long Fei.

The Five Elements brothers are also furious.

constant protest.


The entire Heavenly Dao martial arts field ignored them.

"One hundred and ninety-nine Sect Elders were killed just now, can they let you go?"

"He's not dead, these Sects will never stop."

"Hey... I don't think this ancient sect is called the ancient sect, let's just call it a death sect. It's not to offend this, it's to offend that, what is this not a death?"

"It stands to reason that the girls in Phoenix Valley are among them, and these Sects don't dare to be too presumptuous, so how can this be?"

"Who knows?"

"I guess you think the ancient Lie Zong is too arrogant?"


Some obsolete Sects talk.


They are also just good spectators.

For them, what happened today was too much, too much fun.

"Stop arguing, the competition has begun."

"Who do you think will win?"

"I think that kid will definitely die this time."

"I noticed just now that Tianshi Tianshi of Sword Tianzong has played. He is the first Great Master of our Mortal Realm. He has already played. That kid is still playing? He will definitely die!"

"I bet he won't last for a minute."

"I bet thirty seconds!"

"You don't believe him so much? I bet he'll fall in twenty seconds!"


Many people started gambling.

Not many people are optimistic about Long Fei.

A pair of one hundred and ninety-nine has no advantage, and his Cultivation Base is only the ninth rank of the Sword Emperor, not even the Sword Emperor Realm.

The animal control technique just now might just be a coincidence.

Talismanship is another kind of cultivation, no matter how awesome a person is, he can't possibly have so many auxiliary positions.

Then there is.

Many people wished that Long Fei would die.

It's because of the ancient Lizong that this year's Sect conference was done like this.

An ancient family is gone.

There is not even a chance to enter the divine dimension!

Can you not hate it?

Xuan Mingyuan smiled and said, "Who do you think will win?"

The shop boy thought for a while, and said, "I don't think he can win, even if he knows some ancient art, but this is one hundred and ninety-nine Talisman Great Masters, is it possible that a Talisman can be swallowed like the toad just now? ?"

Xuan Mingyuan smiled and said, "I think he will still win!"

The shop assistant's eyes narrowed, "Huh?"

Xuan Mingyuan smiled and said, "How can the people the ancestors want be ordinary people? These mortals are not his opponents at all."

If only these people can deal with Long Fei, then the ancestors would not waste so much energy to kill Long Fei.

The shop assistant asked, "Sir, why do we have to arrange so many people to die?"

Xuan Mingyuan sneered and said, "Cannon fodder, you should have the consciousness of being cannon fodder. Being able to be cannon fodder for my Xuan family is also a blessing they cultivated in their previous life."

So many people to die?

Feel sorry!

In Xuan Mingyuan's eyes, these people have never been seen as human beings.

To him it was a bunch of cannon fodder.

That's all.

The shop assistant was stunned for a moment, and his body fell even lower.

The talisman test begins.

Just like the beast-controlling competition just now, the talisman Great Master instantly summoned the talisman that had been prepared at the moment when the competition started.

"Heaven will kill the talisman!"

"Sea Beast Swallowing Talisman!"

"Golden Python Talisman!"

"A Sword Breaking the Heaven Talisman..."


Every talisman was glowing with golden light.

Each one is a god-level talisman.

They flew towards Long Fei in unison, and for a while, Long Fei's body was like a rain of talismans, covering him directly.

"Be careful, old man!"

Everyone in Zhao Dahan grabbed the railing and was extremely worried.

Long Fei stood quietly, looking at the talisman paper and some materials on the talisman platform, feeling the powerful forces around him rushing towards him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and coldly said, "The lesson I just gave is not enough. !"



"How much you come today, how much I kill!"

His eyes closed slightly, sensing it carefully.

Can't sense the existence of any emperor's power.


He still roared in his heart, "The power of Emperor Dao!"

No force erupted.

Long Fei picked up the rune pen, walked with his mind, sketched at will, and the spiritual source poured in...

In an instant.

The moment the talisman took shape, he felt a powerful force of physical strength suddenly injected into it.

The talisman flew directly into the air.

A golden light flashed.


The dazzling essence directly wrapped Long Fei.

Like a golden magic shield.

Also at the same time.

One hundred and ninety-nine powerful attacks flew towards him, all absorbed by the golden shield.

There were no explosions.

There is no power fluctuation, everything is as if their talisman is like a mud ox into the sea.


The Talisman Great Masters in the martial arts field were stunned.

The Heavenly Dao martial arts field was also silent, and everyone looked at Long Fei with their mouths open, dumbfounded.

"What... what's going on?"

"what happened?"

"What's the situation?"

"What about those runes?"

"Why are they all gone?"

"It's all absorbed by the golden light, and the figure of that kid can't be seen, won't he die?"


All were dumbfounded.


A disciple exclaimed, "The back of their heads!"


The talismans they just released were suspended behind the heads of the 199 master talismans on the field. The difference from just now was that these talismans had golden light on them, the golden light of the shield wrapped around Long Fei.

Quietly suspended behind their heads.

Their eyes became dull, and many people began to tremble.

They wanted to hide, but these talismans followed their heads from beginning to end.

More people began to tremble.

His face was pale, and there was fear in his eyes.

"Long Fei, don't mess around."

"Kid, if you dare to mess around, I will definitely destroy the ancient Lie Sect, and I will make your ancient Lie Sect dead."

"I am the retired elder of Jian Tianzong. If you dare to touch me, you will definitely not end well."

They are all threatening Long Fei.

The more threatened, the more afraid they were.

Some people even knelt on the ground begging for mercy.


Long Fei didn't look at them. His eyes were fixed on Xuan Mingyuan, who was aloof.

"Give me all to die!!"

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