The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3838 Something Happened?

Long Fei did not stop, summoned the ancient giant Peng, and the group rode on the giant Peng and rushed back in the direction of the ancient Lie Zong.

The current ancient giant giant is completely different from when it came. It has now been purified into a spirit king-level bird.

Crush the existence of 10,000 streets of God King Eagle.

He is extremely fast.

Avoid any birds you see in mid-air.

On Ju Peng's back, Long Fei sits at Lotus Position.

He was carefully sensing own Dantian, "What is the Star inside?"

"Is my Dantian really turning into a Galaxy?"

"What's the use?"

Dantian turns into a Galaxy, which is no doubt horrific.

Powerful and shocking.

at the same time.

Also very depressed, because Long Fei still doesn't know what this Galaxy Dantian can do?

What can I bring him?

He hasn't found anything special yet.

According to the meaning of Long Kuang, Dantian is huge, and his spiritual source value will increase a lot, but his 'blue volume' has not changed much.

Then there is the power of the emperor!

After the appearance of Galaxy Dantian, Long Fei never felt that enormous power, as if it had completely disappeared.

With the power of Emperor Dao, Long Fei still hadn't touched the threshold.

"If Galaxy Dantian is the power of the emperor, how should I release this power? How should I cultivate?" Long Fei frowned.

He has to get stronger quickly.

Time is running out.

Long Fei didn't have that much time.

Xuan family will know his position in a short time, and he will definitely send someone there.


He must become stronger before the Xuan family can find him.

And Long Fei's only hope now is the power of Emperor Dao.

"How on earth can we cultivate the power of Emperor Dao?"

"Can you really master it? Instead of relying entirely on luck." Long Fei's mind wandered in the Galaxy Dantian.

He wants to find answers.


In the Galaxy Dantian, his thoughts are like a speck of dust.


For three full hours, Long Fei had no clue.

As soon as his thoughts returned to reality, he looked at Baili Tianhai beside him and asked, "Where are you?"

Baili Tianhai said, "It's almost here."

Long Fei was slightly startled and said, "So fast?"

Zhao Dahan exclaimed excitedly and said, "After the transformation of the ancient giant Peng, his speed is too fast. The journey that used to take several days now only takes a few hours."


"I really don't know what sister-in-law gave him to eat?"

Baili Tianhai glared at Zhao Dahan fiercely.

Zhao Dahan also realized that he mentioned 'Phoenix', and immediately smiled and said, "Look, the sun is so big today."

Wu Huo said, "Brother Dahan, the sun is the same every day, nothing special."

"Cough cough..." Zhao Dahan made a series of coughing sounds.

Long Fei smiled and said, "It's okay, Phoenix was picked up by his aunt, and we will go to Phoenix Valley to find him later."

He still remembered what he promised Phoenix.

With his protector, with the Five Elements, with the eight Vajra, with one hundred and eight Divine Generals, go to Phoenix Valley to marry her.

When Phoenix left, Long Fei did not forget these words.

Zhao Dahan also said excitedly, "When are you going?"

Long Fei said, "I will go, I will definitely go."

Thinking of what Aunt Phoenix said, "Her world doesn't allow you to appear..." "If you dare to appear in her world again and disturb her, I will kill you."

"You are a disaster star, don't you know it yourself? Look at the people around you, how many are still alive?"

"Do you know why Longmai Mountain was destroyed? It's because of you."

"Don't you know? You can't beat the Xuan family."

"The power of Emperor Xuan is something you can't shake."

"Look at you now, too weak!"


"You are too weak now, you are not qualified for me to protect you."

"I'll think about it when you step into the divine space."


Aunt Phoenix's words, Yao Lao Si's words, and Emperor Hades' words were inserted into Long Fei's heart like steel needles.

feeling bad.

Unspeakable pain.

But no matter how uncomfortable it was, Long Fei had to endure it.

He must resist.

He swore that he would definitely step on all these under his feet, because he is Long Fei!

"Phoenix was picked up by her aunt, which is understandable, but what about Yun Xi? She also disappeared inexplicably, and never showed up until the end. Did something happen?" Baili Tianhai asked.

Everyone is also stunned.

It was so strange that Yun Xi disappeared.

Without any sign, it disappeared for no apparent reason.

Long Fei said lightly, "She should have gone to the divine space. She is a person who has been reincarnated and rehabilitated. She should have entered the divine space this time. When you enter the divine space, maybe you will be able to see her."

I still know a little bit about Yunxi Longfei.

Yun Xi is not worried either.

I believe we can meet again in the future.

Qian Xuanji walked to Long Fei's side, bowed slightly, and said humbly, "Sir, they're gone, I'm still here."

She did not forget her own identity.

Long Fei's slave.

Beside Long Fei, her posture was kept very low.

Long Fei glanced at Qian Xuanji and said, "You're already the sixth rank Cultivation Base of the gods. With your current Cultivation Base, it's a matter of one sentence that you want to leave. Why do you stay?"

"You are a natural godhead, and you can no longer make breakthroughs on Cultivation Base. You won't get any benefit from following me."

Long Fei is telling the truth.

She could leave at Heavenly Dao.

Long Fei will not look for her again.

Unexpectedly, Qian Xuanji actually stayed.

After Long Fei finished speaking, Qian Xuanji immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Everything this servant has been given by the adults, no matter how daring the servants are, they would not dare to leave the adults."

Long Fei smiled, "Okay, get up."

Qian Xuanji slowly stood up.

Just then.

Wu Tu ran up and said, "Boss, look quickly."

Long Fei said, "What's wrong?"

Wu Tu pointed to the bottom of Ju Peng and said, "There are so many bird mounts, and these bird mounts are not low-level."

Below the ancient giant giant are more than a dozen birds.

Many are god-level birds.

They all go in one direction.

Ancient Lizong! !

Baili Tianhai frowned, "Look, that's the God King Eagle of Aotian Palace!"

"The Griffin King of Hongshan Sect."

"The giant whale of Tianhaizong."

"These are Top 100 Sects, what are they going to do?"

"Boss, they all seem to be flying towards the ancient Lie Zong, could it be..."

These Sects are very powerful.

Any one of the top 100 Sects can crush the ancient sects.


So much at once...

Think of what happened on the Heavenly Dao arena.

Everyone's eyes narrowed.

"An accident is going to happen to the ancient Lie Zong!" Long Fei's thoughts moved, and he said to the ancient giant giant, "Get back to Sect as quickly as possible!"

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