The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3844 Use Power To Cast The Soul

"Can I use the power in your Dantian?"

The voice came from the Pantheon.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment.

A little unresponsive.

The Pantheon was obtained at the auction. According to Phoenix, it should be the most ancient artifact in the ancient world.

As long as the soul enters, it can be cultivated.

A very awesome super artifact.

The last time Long Fei was rewarded by the system was the spirit of the 'Ruthless Great Emperor'.

Give it to Wanshenlou for nourishment.

Long Fei has nothing to do with this matter since then.

Unexpectedly, the Panshenlou suddenly made a sound just now, and it was asking for his power!

The Pantheon is a super artifact in ancient times. Its power is very powerful according to what Phoenix said. Now it actually needs the power of Long Fei?

What is Long Feicai Realm?

The Sword Emperor Realm is only, not even the God Realm.

Want his power?

This made Long Fei a little confused.

"What?" Long Fei asked suspiciously, thinking he heard it wrong.

Panshenlou said seriously again, "Can I borrow a little of the power in your Dantian? A little, just a little."

This time it was very clear.

Long Fei also stopped very clearly.


Long Fei was still a little stunned, and said, "You are the Wanshenlou, you are the first batch of super artifacts in the ancient world, you want to borrow my power?"

"Did I hear it wrong."

Panshenlou grinned. Although he was a little unhappy, he lowered his posture and said, "If you wanted to ridicule me, then you did it."

"I'll ask you now, do you want to borrow it?"

I've never whispered like this before.


Long Kuang can't feel the power in Long Fei Dantian, he can feel it.

Galaxy Dantian!

The power here is too strong, too strong.

He was so eager.

That's why he said it so cautiously, for fear that Long Fei would refuse.

Long Fei said, "borrow, but..."

When Panshenlou heard Long Fei say 'borrow', he immediately became excited and said, "borrow is fine. Your condition should be that you want me to teach you how to cultivate the power in your Dantian?"

Long Fei said, "You know?"

Wanshen Loudao "I don't know much, but I know a little more than you. Your kid's luck... I'll be honest, it's so good that I want to kill you and take your home!"


Long Fei was shocked.

These words had to shock Long Fei.


Long Fei didn't feel his own luck.

Wanshen Lou said, "You may not know how strong your Dantian is. Do you think that other Sword Emperor Realm can combine the power of the Emperor Sword, and you are a Dantian, just a little bigger than the average Dantian?"

Long Fei said, "Uh... It's basically the same as what you said."


Panshenlou snorted immediately, and was still very angry, just thinking that he would borrow Long Fei's power later, his tone softened a lot and said, "From ancient times to the present, what kind of genius I have not seen? Haven't seen it?"

"The artifact of destiny."

"Heavenly Sword, Earth Sword, Elemental Sword..."

"Tianli, Huangli, Dili..."

"I have seen all of these, but the Realm they reached is the peak of the ancient realm, which cannot be surpassed or broken through."

"Because their natural power is limited, they are destined to be unable to break through the ancient world for a lifetime, and you are different. What you fuse is a unique power, which is your Dantian."

"Dantian, it may not be the most important thing in the ancient world, but if you want to get out of the ancient world, the Dantian level is very important."

"The Dantian of the general powerhouse can't bear the power of the outer domain at all, but the power that breeds in your Dantian is different."

"You can not only withstand the impact of the outer domain, but also feel at ease." Panshenlou said excitedly, and there was endless yearning in his words.


After he said so much, Long Fei had no interest at all.


He can't even hit the ancient world, and he still wants to go out?

Long Fei didn't think that far.

What he thought was how to destroy the Xuan family!

Long Fei said, "What you said doesn't seem to be very strong. It just makes my body stronger. As for strength...what is strength?"

Panshenlou was stunned, and was about to jump in anger, saying, "Ignorance, ignorance!"

Long Fei said, "You were also told me that there are some. I don't have such lofty goals. I think I know how the power in Dantian should be cultivated, and how strong it will be after cultivation. It's that simple."

"If you know, then tell me."

That's the point.

As for entering the outer domain, Long Fei has not thought about it for the time being.

Wanshenlou was so angry that he said, "Ignorance and ignorance, I didn't expect you to be so short-sighted, you disappointed me too much."

Long Fei said directly, "Can you borrow the power in my Dantian?"


Panshenlou instantly became impotent, showing a pleasing smile, and said, "borrow, borrow."

Be honest at once.

It can be seen that the power in Long Fei Dantian is very important to the Pantheon Tower.

Long Fei said, "Borrow, then talk to me, how do I cultivate the power in my Dantian?"

Wanshen Lou said, "Actually...that what...I don't know how to cultivate, but...if you can lend me a little strength first, I will definitely figure it out."

"Rely on your sister!"

"Playing daddy?" Long Fei exclaimed.

Wanshen Lou said, "Don't worry, listen to me, I don't know for the time being, but... you forgot that I have a ruthless character here?"

Long Fei immediately thought of the Ruthless Great Emperor and said, "The Ruthless Great Emperor?"

Wanshen Lou said, "I don't know what her name is, but I know that if I want to use my power to wake her up and fight, my power is not enough."

"I borrowed your power to revive her spirit. I never thought about it for myself. I'm all for you."

Very moving.

A face of selflessness.

Long Fei didn't fully believe it, but after Wanshenlou said this, he really wanted to know if the Ruthless Great Emperor could wake up.

If only she could wake up and come out to fight.


I guess the world will be turned upside down!

a time.

Long Fei was excited, but suppressed his inner excitement and said lightly, "I will believe you?"

Wanshenlou immediately expressed his loyalty and said, "Heaven and earth conscience, I really want to help you revive this powerful divine soul, but with my current strength, it will take at least a thousand years to complete, you don't want to do this, right?"

"I swear!"

"I swear by my personality, I really just want to help you."

Long Fei said, "You don't have any selfishness?"

"Uh..." Wanshen Lou said, "I just want to see how strong this divine soul wakes up, and... Besides, I also want to know how strong the power in your Dantian is."

"It really is!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Long Fei seriously.

Long Fei was silent for a moment, showing a look of reluctance, and said, "Lend it to you, look at the face of that spirit!"

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