
The Eastern Emperor Sword wrapped in purple divine light shattered, shattered to the ground...

All are fragments.

There was only one hilt left in Long Fei's hand.

Looking at the shattered Eastern Emperor Sword, Long Fei was stunned for three seconds, and then burst out with anger, "I am a fairy."

"Are you going to kill me?"

Really angry.

The last dungeon, the last reward, is just such a weapon with intuitive data, and it increases the health value, the upper limit of the attack power reaches 1 million, and has 100% crit. If such a weapon is in the game, it is simply killing destroy all existence. ,



become a piece of debris.

Long Fei wanted to die.

Why is this happening?

Why do this?

"My God, what did I do wrong? You want to torture me like this?" Long Fei was full of bitterness and tears in his eyes.

An artifact just disappeared.

Life has turned gray.


At this time, the Emperor Sword Qi did not disappear, and was still floating on the side of the hilt.

Looking at it, Long Fei gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay if you smashed my big sword, but now you have broken the Eastern Emperor Sword again, you can say if you want to kill me or not. "

Emperor Sword Qi was unable to respond.

did not speak.

Long Fei said angrily, "Tell me, you said it, aren't you able to speak in the dungeon? Tell me now."

Emperor Sword Qi still did not respond.


Sword Qi constantly wraps around the hilt.

It looks a little strange.

It's like some kind of ceremony.

Long Fei couldn't figure out what it was going to do, and said, "Have you even spared the hilt now?"

"Go, go, go."

"It's okay to satisfy you."

Long Fei released his right hand and wanted to let go of the long sword... but he let go, the hilt of the Eastern Emperor Sword did not fall, but was wrapped around his hand by the Emperor Sword Qi.

Long Fei said, "What are you going to do now?"

Just as Long Fei spoke.

Emperor Sword Qi suddenly stretched out.

It extends directly from where the hilt breaks, and in half a second, it becomes a sword.

a handful...

A sword wrapped in golden light.

Just like the golden long sword, the only difference is that the hilt is different.

Long Fei was a little confused by Emperor Sword Qi.

Sword Qi takes shape and becomes a golden long sword.

It's still Sword Qi.

Not a real long sword.

Just when Long Fei was confused, the golden long sword suddenly said in a tender voice, "Master, I will be your sword from now on!"


"You are my sword?"

"Aren't you a Sword Qi?" Long Fei asked suspiciously.

Emperor Sword Qi said, "I am Sword Qi, it is true, you return your sword to its sheath, I am a Sword Qi, you draw out your sword, and I am your sword."

"I want to annihilate any sword in the world!"

"I want to annihilate any sword in the world!"

One sentence was repeated.

Long Fei looked stunned and asked, "What about your attributes?"

Emperor Sword Qi said, "It must be better than your sword just now, and it is many times better."

Long Fei wanted to check the attributes, but what he was holding in his hand was a sword hilt with no attributes, and he couldn't check the attributes of Emperor Sword Qi.

Long Fei was suspicious of Emperor Sword Qi's words.

Emperor Sword Qi also seemed to know Long Fei's doubts, and said, "I can smash the Eastern Emperor Sword to pieces, which is enough to explain everything."

"I can't prove it to you now, you'll know later."

Long Fei said, "Okay, I'll trust you for the time being, but you have to obey my orders. You mustn't come out when I'm not drawing my sword."

Long Fei was worried about smashing his friend's sword.

In this case, he will not be able to pay.

Emperor Sword Qi will also be a troublemaker. Emperor Sword Qi said, "Okay, if you don't draw your sword, I will definitely not come out!"

Long Fei said, "That's it."

With a move of his right hand, Long Fei made a movement of retracting the sword into the scabbard. In fact, he moved the hilt and inserted it back into the scabbard.

He was also worried that the hilt would fall off.

However, what he didn't expect was that the hilt and scabbard fit together perfectly, and there was no intention of falling.

This Emperor Sword Qi should be lodged in the scabbard.

Long Fei was also relieved, put away the long sword, let out a breath, and muttered, "The copy is complete, now it's time to hit the peak Realm with all his strength."

Grades are always the most important.

No matter how strong the power is, it cannot be brought into play without the level as the basis.

Long Fei is now the first-rank Sword Emperor.

This is very powerful in the mortal world, but it is not even the lowest level in the divine space.

And his enemy, Emperor Xuan!

Early on, it was the strongest Realm in Shangshen Space.

The gap between Long Fei and him is not even a tiny bit, it is likely to be dozens or hundreds of ranks. How can he defeat Emperor Xuan in this situation?

How can I get everything back?

Long Fei still has a long way to go.

At least the gap with Emperor Xuan is still very long.

"Pass the test this time, and enter the God's space!" Long Fei secretly thought, what he has to do now is to make breakthroughs and enter the God's space.

First enter the divine dimension to understand the situation inside.


Long Fei's mind moved into the cultivation space.

Crazy absorption of the spiritual source aura released in the spiritual source vein mine, and then madly used for cultivation.

Blood Essence consumes too much, and it is difficult for him to break through the first-level now, and it takes too much time.


Long Fei was not worried.

The breakthrough is slow, and he still has a system!


"Are you here yet?"

Sword Spirit Mountain.

Sword Spirit King, with his hands behind his back, looked anxious, and before Ling Yuan walked into the hall, he stepped forward and asked anxiously.

Ling Yuan shook his head and said, "I didn't see it."

Sword Spirit King's eyebrows sank, "No, according to the date, it should arrive in these two days."

Ling Yuan asked, "Isn't it because I forgot?"

The Sword Spirit King's expression trembled slightly, and said, "No, definitely not. The last time he promised me, it was these two days."

"What on earth did the elder say say?"

Ling Yuan said, "The elder said that he hasn't arrived yet, and he will notify us when he arrives."

"in addition."

"The elder asked me to bring you a message. Have you thought about it?"

"Master, what did the elder ask you to consider?"

"Is it about Junior Sister Liu?"

"Did the elder know about us imprisoning Junior Sister Liu?" Ling Yuan looked a little flustered. He was restless these days, let alone cultivation, and even had nightmares when sleeping.


The situation of the ancient Lie Sect is completely different from half a month ago.

Long Fei has been regarded as a god by the ancient Lie Zong.

They simply can't deal with it now.

Sword Spirit King frowned and said, "Don't worry, only the two of us know about Liu Luoxi, and no one knows."

"Only we know that place."

"Even if Meng Tu knows something, what can he do?"

"He wouldn't be there without me!"

Ling Yuan was still a little worried, and said, "Master, will something go wrong..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Sword Spirit King glared and scolded, "What are you worried about?"

Ling Yuan immediately lowered his head and said nothing.

The Sword Spirit King coldly snorted, looked at the distance and muttered, "As long as the gods and powerhouses come, nothing will be a problem."


"Senior Brother, does this place where birds don't poop really has the body of the Holy Yin?"

"Could it be a mistake?"


The void moved, and the space opened wide.

Several young men slowly flew down and descended over the ancient Lieshan...

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