The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3858 Divine Moon Powerhouse

The Cultivation Base of the two old men is completely different from the two followers just now.

Long Fei's ninth-level Wangu Long body simply can't match their speed.


Flanking from left and right, the overwhelming coercion hit Long Fei's body, and he felt like he was on the bottom of the sea.

The body will be crushed in the next second.

"Master, the Cultivation Base Shenyue Realm of these two old men."

"Run away!"

Long Kuang directly let Long Fei escape.

Because the Cultivation Base of these two old men can crush Long Fei, which he can't deal with now.


"Haha... There is no word for 'escape' in daddy's dictionary." Long Fei frowned, his mind was fully open, and he roared in his heart, "Tenth-level Wangu Dragon Body, open!"


Long Yin was shocked, and the phantom of the Wangu dragon body on Long Fei's body was more realistic. It was completely a giant dragon possessing him.

The strength has more than doubled.

The pressure on the mind and the sea of ​​​​knowledge also reduces the points.

The tenth-level Wangu Long was barely able to withstand the pressure of the two Shenyue Realm elders.


Just barely.

It's hard to fight back!

"Master, you won't be able to support the tenth-level Wangu dragon body for long. The load on your body is too great." Long Kuang said in a hurry.

"You are not yet the opponent of the Divine Moon Realm powerhouse."

"Master, run away!"

Long Kuang kept talking.

Long Fei ignored it.

The whole body shook, his eyes swept left and right, and his right fist moved, "Infinite fists!"


Gloves in hand.

Long Fei swung his body, "Bang!"

Rushing to the right, the power of the four original stones gathered on the infinite glove, and he bombarded with one punch, but he did not lock on the target.

Because he couldn't see the speed of the old man.

He can only rely on feeling.

The feeling of combat experience.

With one punch, the space was torn apart, and cracks spread out.

This power...

Strong mania.

The whole sky was moaning, and the top and bottom of Jianling Mountain was shaking.

The corner of Xuan Lieshan's mouth twitched, and coldly said with a smile, "The power of the Dragon God Emperor... is nothing more than that."

He was laughing at Long Fei.

Because the power that Long Fei burst out was not worth mentioning at all in his eyes, and Long Fei's punch couldn't hurt the old man at all.

Not only does it not hurt, it is simply an empty punch.

Just as Xuan Lieshan said he expected.

Long Fei's punch was very powerful, but... he didn't hit the old man at all.

The old man's speed is too fast.

Before Long Fei's fist fell, he had already changed direction.

A punch hit the air.

Long Fei frowned, "Oops!"

If one move fails to hit, will fall into the attack range to deal with.

For a moment.

Long Fei's reaction was extremely fast, his hands were crossed to protect his chest, his mind and sea of ​​consciousness were withdrawn, and his powerful defensive power was immediately released.



The attacks of the two old men fell at the same time.

Long Kuang said quickly, "Master, neck."

"Belly Dantian position!"

"This is the two of them attacking the weak point!"

If these two places are hit, then his life should almost be explained here.

Long Fei was stunned, and his reaction was lightning-fast.

With a slight movement of the body, he can only avoid the heavy and light.

There is no other way!



A sword pierced Long Fei's left arm.

A sword pierced Long Fei's thigh.

Blood burst out.

The two swords pierced directly, Long Fei's eyes tightened, and he clenched his teeth.

Long Kuang also quickly said, "Master, go back quickly, the power of the moon will cause you secondary damage!"

"Go back!"

The two old men showed grim sneers, stared at Long Fei, and said excitedly, "Boy, your life is ours!"

Just this moment.

A force exploded directly from the long sword.

Long Fei's pupils shrank. At this time, he couldn't care about the pain, so he twitched hard.

The body pulled away from the two swords.


Long Fei couldn't help but let out a painful cry, and burst out, landing a hundred meters away.

He retreated very quickly.


There was a sudden burst of burns at his wound, and then it suddenly burst open.

"Bang, bang!"

The flesh on the entire shoulder blew out, the bones on the shoulder were clearly visible, and the blood gushed out.

The same goes for the thighs.

All the flesh on half of the thigh was blown away, leaving only the half and a white bone. The flesh and blood looked like cotton with blood, and a few pieces would fall off with a slight shock.


very painful.

Long Fei's Wangu dragon body couldn't stand it at all.

The strength of his physical body and the defenses of the Sea Emperor Armor are completely useless in front of the powerhouses of Shenyue Realm.


This is also the speed of Long Fei's withdrawal. If the power of Shenyue is injected, the secondary damage caused will not be like this.

One of Long Fei's legs and half of his arms would be gone.

The power of the God Moon Realm is completely different from the power of the God Realm.

Long Kuang said, "Master, the Cultivation Base of these two old guys is too strong. You are really not their opponent. You can leave Qingshan without worrying about no firewood."

"Let's get out."

Long Kuang advised.

Long Fei didn't stop at all.

The people of the Xuan family must die.

If he couldn't even kill these two Xuan family elders, how could he kill Emperor Xuan?


He can't go either.

If he is gone, his brother will probably die, and the entire ancient sect will be turned into ruins.

Long Fei said with a deep voice, "Long Kuang, how did you see their attack clearly just now?"

Long Kuang said, "I can see clearly, but I can't help you, and my strength has not recovered. I can only see their moves clearly, and I can't crack them at all."

Long Fei said, "Can't you crack it?"

Long Kuang said, "The speed, reaction, and formation ability of Shenyue Realm are too strong. Even if I can see you clearly, I can't react right away."

"Master, I know that you hate the Xuan family, but now you are really not their opponent. You listen to me and escape first."

"Don't talk about the escape."

"Don't say it now, and don't say it in the future." Long Fei was a little unhappy.

He hates running away.

Life is important, but the lives of those around him are also important.

Long Kuang was stunned.

Long Fei thought frantically.

At this moment.

The two old men stood not far away with a sneer on their faces. For them, Long Fei's head was theirs immediately.

Get your reward right away.

"Boy, obediently kneel on the ground and die."

"With your Dragon God Emperor's strength, how dare you show off your power in front of us?"


"You are too weak!"

The old man laughed excitedly.

Mengtu wanted to stop him, but...he was crushed by the murderous aura on the square and couldn't say a word.

And those peak masters who followed him, Elder, couldn't get down in the sky in the distance, and couldn't get in at all.

They couldn't take it any closer.

At this moment.

No one can help Long Fei.

He can only rely on himself...

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