The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3862 Long Wushen Debuts

A thunderous voice exploded, "Stop me!"

Longyin Longwei poured down like a waterfall.

at this moment.

That coercion pressed down from the sky like a gust of wind, and the sword spirit Great Hall was directly crushed and inserted into the stone, constantly cracking.

The entire Sword Spirit Mountain seems to be falling.

How fierce is this power?

How scary is it?

And this power is the power of Longwei.

It is the same as Long Fei's eternal dragon body power.


Compared with the power of the ancient dragon body on Long Fei's body, he is not a little weaker, but 100,000 miles.

Long Kuang said quickly, "This is the power of the dragon family..."

"It doesn't matter what kind of race Daddy wants to kill, even if the King Daddy comes, he can't stop him." Long Fei didn't care so much.

The Xuan family sees one and kills the other.

No matter who he is here, kill him first.


Long Fei not only did not stop, but even more force, the power of the original stone flickered on the infinite glove, and he clenched his fist tightly.

There was a roar on the glove.

He blasted the top of Xuanlie Mountain's head.

Xuan Lieshan's psychological defense line was originally in a state of collapse, and his Cultivation Base was weakened to half of the original, but in this case, his Cultivation Base still reached the Shenyue Primary Realm.

Facing Long Fei's attack, even if he couldn't resist it, he wouldn't be hurt.


A dragon roared above the sky.

Long Wei crushed it down, his heart sank even more, his heart was like a dead silence.

Long Fei was scared.

Now comes a more powerful dragon powerhouse, does he still have hope of living?

His heart was even more afraid.

"It's over, it's over..."

Xuan Lieshan was shivering with fright, watching Long Fei attack, he was so frightened that he didn't know how to defend, and his actions and reactions were extremely slow.

His status is noble, and there is someone to protect him in the face of any danger.

He has never experienced a desperate situation of life and death. When he is in a desperate situation, he is like a fool.

Can't do anything!

Except screaming!

"No,,, no,,, don't kill me,,"

"Don't, don't kill me."


Xuan Lieshan screamed and begged for mercy.


Long Fei has already jumped high, using his own power to the maximum, "Give me death."




Punch down in anger.

The voice in the sky sounded again, and this time it exploded directly in Long Fei's mind, "Beast, stop me!"


Long Fei spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His mind seemed to be shattered at this moment.

Both eyes bulged sharply.

Painful eyeballs will pop out.

Long Kuang shouted, "Master..."

The coercion can do this, it is too strong.

Long Fei couldn't resist it at all.

The blood spurted wildly, but Long Fei still clenched his teeth and held on, his strength was not reduced by half, he looked up at the sky and said, "Don't ask me to stop when the king daddy is here, what the hell are you!"


Punch down.


It slammed directly on top of Xuanlie Mountain's head.

Xuan Lieshan's pupils shrank sharply, and under the power of infinite fists, his head slammed down heavily on the ground.


The head burst, and blood burst out.

at the same time.

His forehead slammed into the ground directly, and a thick shock wave burst out, and the bones in his body quickly broke.

Excruciating pain.

The pained Xuan Lieshan couldn't even make a sound.

The blood tank on the top of his head bottomed out directly from the 100 million blood volume, and a long string of bright red numbers floated above his head.


A super crit damage.

Just a little blood on the spike.

The damage is a bit explosive.


With such a small amount of blood, Xuan Lieshan did not die.


The severe pain did not cause continuous blood loss, and there was only a little blood tank left on the top of his head, and then he didn't move.

Xuan Lieshan's body curled up, trembling constantly, and black blood flowed from his mouth. He couldn't say a word now, only his eyes were blinking, but they were all desperate.

"Just a little blood!"

Long Fei clenched his right fist and stepped forward.

He was also seriously injured when attacking Xuanlie Mountain.

His heart seemed to burst, and the pressure that entered his mind just now was really too powerful, and his body now seemed to weigh tens of millions of pounds.

Even so, he didn't give up.

Just to kill!

Everyone in the Xuan family must die.

Long Fei took a step, the ground shook slightly, and his body sank a little.

Xuan Lieshan watched Long Fei walk towards him, his body trembled even more, he opened his mouth to speak, but there was blood in his throat and he couldn't make a sound.

On the other side, the Sword Spirit King, who was kicked into the wall by Long Fei, was also stunned. The scene just now made him feel hopeless.

He was deeply hated.

It's useless to hate Xuanlie Mountain, and hate Long Fei even more.

Even if he called the powerhouses in Shangshen Space, he couldn't kill Long Fei. Now they are killed by Long Fei, and when Xuan Lieshan dies, he will be him immediately.

Thinking of this, his body was also struggling violently.

He wanted to break free and escape, but he was as immobile as Xuanlie Mountain.


Long Fei took another step.

Xuan Lieshan kept shaking his head, his lips trembling, "No, no, no..."

His face was extremely pale.


In the third step, Long Fei stood in front of Xuanlie Mountain.


Looking at the last bit of blood in the blood tank on his head, Long Fei said in a deep voice, "Everyone in the Xuan family must die!"

endure the excruciating pain.

Long Fei punched Xuanlie Mountain.

Any punch with a little blood can kill him.

In this state, Xuan Lieshan has no way to escape.

He closed his eyes, resigned.


The ground sank suddenly.

A figure fell and directly penetrated the entire Great Hall. At the moment of penetration, "Boom..."

Countless figures are superimposed.


A deep voice sounded, "I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

The pressure in the voice is like a mountain.

Long Fei's mind made a crunch-like cracking sound, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, but even so, he didn't stop.

Still punched.

"court death!!"

The middle-aged man's voice sank and his eyebrows tightened.



The roof of the Sword Spirit Great Hall was swept away directly, and an incomparably powerful dragon claw suddenly attacked.


The purple scales on the dragon's claws gleamed.

Not a ghost!

But the substance!

Just a real dragon.

An incomparably powerful giant dragon, half of the sky is full of dragon body, and the entire ancient Lie Zong is crushed by this giant dragon for millions of kilometers.

How powerful is it? Almost instantly stepped Long Fei on the ground...

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