The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3868 Go, Kill Me

Suddenly, a voice came out.

A voice from inside the Pantheon.

at this moment.

Long Fei's eyes suddenly tightened, as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw in an instant, he was holding on tightly.

Panshenlou sensed Long Fei's body and wondered, "What's the situation, how did it happen?"

Long Fei immediately asked, "Are you okay?"

Wanshen Lou said, "Is something okay?"

Long Fei hurriedly asked, "Has the soul casting of the ruthless Great Emperor succeeded?"

All in a hurry.

The dragon nails in Long Wushen's hands are about to fall. If they really pierce into his Dantian, he will really die.

It's really soul-destroying, and the Daluo Immortal can't save him even if he comes.

The moment he heard the voice of Wanshenlou, Long Fei put everything on the trump card of the 'Great Emperor of Ruthless Man'.

If the soul of the ruthless Great Emperor is successfully forged.

It is easy to fight against Long Wushen with the Cultivation Base of the ruthless Great Emperor.

Long Fei's heart was tight, and his heart stopped beating nervously.

It's really on the line.

Wanshenlou smiled and said, "No..."

"It's over!" As soon as Long Fei's heart died, his body remained motionless, as if all hope had been extinguished, and there was nothing left.

The last straw sank.


"I lied to you!"

Wanshenlou laughed and said, "Who am I, Wanshenlou? What kind of soul enters my Wanshenlou and I can't cast it?"


"Your soul really almost killed me. Where did this guy come from? She's really unusual."

"Boy, you said last time..."

Before Panshenlou could finish speaking, Long Fei hurriedly asked, "Can I use her now?"

I don't want to listen to Pantheon's wordy gossip.

Might be dead in the next second, bro!

Do you have any spare time to tell you this?

Wanshen Lou said, "Yes, but..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Long Fei interrupted again, "How do you say it is used?"

Wanshen Lou said, "What are you in a hurry? Listen to what I have to say, you..."

"Time is running out!"

"Wait a second and I may die. Hurry up and tell me how to use it." Long Fei was like an ant on a hot pan, anxious.

Wanshenlou said, "As long as your mind enters the Wanshenlou, you can command her, but... boy, her Cultivation Base is too powerful, this time..."

Long Fei didn't listen to what he was going to say at all.

At this time, he can't handle that much.

Now his own power can't deal with Long Wushen at all, Wangu Long's body is destroyed, the dragon power in his body is destroyed, and the other powers of his cultivation are not opponents at all.

If you want to survive, the ruthless Great Emperor in the Manshen Tower is the only life-saving straw.


Long Fei entered the Pantheon with his mind.


A sharp gaze stared directly at Long Fei.

At this moment, Long Fei's body shook violently.

Just looking at each other, Long Fei felt as if he was going to die.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

It is much stronger than the pressure given by Long Wushen.

At the top of the Pantheon Tower, there was a sound of purple clothes, and the body was glowing with purple light, and the body floated there lightly.

Those eyes...

Unspeakable feeling, unable to meet her eyes.

Just looking at each other makes you feel hopeless.

"As expected of a ruthless Great Emperor." Long Fei said excitedly.

Panshenlou also smiled excitedly and said, "How is it? My masterpiece is okay."

"Look at her..."

"How perfect." "I have never encountered such a powerful spirit in so many years."

Panshenlou is complacent and very proud.

At this moment.

The Ruthless Great Emperor looked at Long Fei and asked, "Who am I and where am I?"

She doesn't know.

Her mind was blank, she didn't have any memory, and she didn't even know where this place was.

Long Fei looked at the Pantheon.

Wanshen Lou said, "Her soul is very pure. She doesn't have any previous life Impurities. Her purity is like a drop of mountain spring water, so she doesn't know this."

"Can you fight?" Long Fei asked.

This is his biggest concern.

Wanshen Lou said, "What else is there to say? Of course!"

Just be able to fight.


Long Fei had to give her a name before that.

Since she doesn't remember her own identity, that's fine.

After all, she is the divine soul rewarded by the system. It is hard to say whether she is the ruthless Great Emperor in Shrouding the Heavens. Long Fei gave her a new name, so here is her beginning.

Long Fei said, "Your name is Ruandi, fierce Ruan, emperor of emperors."

"This is the Panshen Tower, your temporary habitat."

"Starting from today, you are messing with me!"

Ruthless Great Emperor murmured, "Ruthless Emperor, is this my name?"

"All right!"

"That name sounds okay."

She looked very satisfied, and recited the word "ruthless emperor" several times in her mouth.


Ruthless Emperor asked, "What are you doing?"

She looked very simple, except for the fierce look in Long Fei's eyes at first glance, she didn't look at Long Fei with that fierce look, on the contrary, she had the expression of an innocent and cute little girl.

Long Fei said, "Go out and kill with me."


Ruthless Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes showed a very huge change, "Is it fun?"

The eyes are hot.

Eager to try.

"Is it fun?"

"Quick, quick, take me there quickly." Ruthless Emperor became excited.

Ruthless Emperor, must be worthy of this name.

Fierce king.

Long Fei was a little confused by her, and then he immediately took the Emperor out.


Wanshen Lou said, "You have to think about it clearly, her soul is very unstable, and it has just been forged. Her current strength is only enough to support one attack."

"I suggest you wait a little longer."

Long Fei said, "I'm running out of time."

"She is my last straw. If she can't do it, then I will die today." Long Fei didn't hesitate.

He doesn't have a choice right now.

If he had a choice, he wouldn't let Ruthless Emperor come out.

after all.

Is the power of the Ruthless Emperor strong or weak in this world?

Her power is very unstable, what if she comes out and also dies?

Long Fei had no choice but to gamble!

Panshenlou didn't say anything, and said lightly, "Go!"

The door of the Pantheon opened.

At this moment.

this moment.

Long Wushen looked at Long Fei's Dantian position with excitement, and said with a grim smile, "Boy, dedicate all your strength."


"Give me, give me, give me all."

"I will become the No. 1 powerhouse in the ancient world like my ancestor, I will become No. 1 in the world, hahaha..."

Zhenlong Nail stabbed fiercely!

Also at the same time.

Long Fei looked at the Ruthless Emperor and said, "Go, go out and kill with me!" The Ruthless Emperor nodded excitedly, and followed Long Fei's thoughts and flew directly out of the Pantheon...

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