The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3876 One Move To Pinch The Sword Spirit King

The door to the sky is open!

No one thought of it.

The same goes for Xuan Lieshan, who also has a confused look on his face.

Watching the door to the sky slowly open, his psychology immediately changed.

He didn't kill Long Fei, it would be too embarrassing to know the Xuan clan.

But if he even sent out Liu Luoxi, who had the body of the Holy Yin, he would really be ashamed to go back.

It was a chance he had no choice just now, and now...

Not the same!

The top of his head is only a few hundred meters above the sky gate, and he can reach this height in just one second.

Even if Liu Luoxi is added, he can arrive within two seconds.

It was very difficult for Long Fei to catch up with him in such a short period of time.

to this end.

The corner of Xuan Lieshan's mouth twitched lightly, and when he was about to push Liu Luoxi out, he suddenly grabbed Liu Luoxi's hand and glanced at the real door to the sky above his head, he deliberately dragged his time and said, "Long Fei, How do I know if you will lie to me?"

"I don't read much, what if you lie to me?"

"To be on the safe side, you go back 10,000 meters first."

Sword Spirit King's eyes were full of light, and he also saw the gate of the sky opened, and his heart ignited hope, extremely excited, and whispered to Xuanlie Mountain, "Sir, the gate of the sky is opened, who opened it? Is it you? family?"

This is also what Xuan Lieshan wants to know.

That's why he didn't immediately escape with Liu Luoxi.

He has to wait for the gate of the sky to fully open, and he has to know who is above it, whether it is a member of the Xuan family or someone from another family.


As long as he reveals his identity, no one from the ancient family in the divine space dares to offend him, and he will definitely help. Besides, Long Fei is wanted by the ancestors with a lot of money, who doesn't want to kill Long Fei?

"Hold on!"

Xuan Lieshan gave a deep voice, and his heart is now blooming with joy.

Now in this situation, he is sure to win!


Long Fei also noticed that the door to the sky suddenly opened, and he also understood in his heart that Xuanlie Mountain was delaying time to wait for the rescue. Losing his dragon soul, it would be impossible for the power of Wangu to win against Xuanlie Mountain. , he is definitely not an opponent.

He has no recourse at all now.

Pantheon can't help.

Long Kuang can't help either.

None of the stuff in his Interspatial Ring is currently available.

As long as Xuan Lieshan's helper came, his confidence would immediately change, and Long Fei's aura would not be able to hold him back.

Until then...

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, and he said coldly, "I gave you a chance. If you don't know how to cherish it, then you all die."


With a thought of Long Fei, he released tens of millions of spiritual source points in an instant.

It was as if a faint blue flame was burning on his body.

Unusually terrifying.

The Sword Spirit King was so frightened that he kept shrinking back.

Xuan Lieshan was also slightly stunned. He had never seen such a powerful aura before. What the hell is this?

No one has ever burnt 10 million spiritual energy points like Long Fei.

This is too scary.

They were terrified by Long Fei.

Xuan Lieshan said again and again, "If you have something to say, talk about it. I didn't say that I won't let her go."

"Brother, don't be angry!"

"Don't get angry, I'll let it go right away, can't I let it go right away?"

Xuan Lieshan looked at the sky gate above his head as he spoke.


A voice came from the gate of the sky.

This voice was injected into Xuan Lieshan's body like chicken blood, and immediately made his blood boil.

"Lieshan Young Master, you're back!" Call him Lieshan Young Master?

That means...the person who opened the door to the sky is not someone else but someone from the Xuan family.

In the Xuan family, those who are qualified and capable of opening the door to the sky are at least disciples with direct bloodline, or elders.

I feel that this voice is not difficult to judge, it is not a blood disciple of the direct line, but an elder.

at this moment.

Xuan Lieshan's whole body boiled, looking at the sky and shouting, "Quick, quick, Long Fei is below!"

The disciple did not react immediately.

Several disciples around him are the same.

For a while, I didn't know what Xuan Lieshan was trying to express?

at the same time.

Xuan Lieshan clasped Liu Luoxi with both hands and flew towards the gate of the sky, laughing loudly, "Hahaha... boy, you are going to die soon, my Xuan family has already come."

"Just because you want to fight me?"

"You too?"

"Is she your woman? I'm going to make her my crotch plaything tonight, hahaha..."

Xuan Lie Shan laughed wildly.

At this point he felt like he had won.

Immediately, a large number of Xuanjia powerhouses rushed down to take Long Fei's life.

"Fight me?"

"The one who killed me?"

"Today is your day of death." Xuan Lieshan's face was flushed, and his heart was indescribably excited.

at this time.

The King of Sword Spirit tried his best to follow Xuanlieshan's side, only Xuanlieshan could take him into the divine space.

If he can't get up, he will definitely be killed by Long Fei.

He doesn't want to die yet.

Sword Spirit King is a smart man, he knows how to choose.

Xuan Lieshan was excited, and he was just as excited, he laughed horribly, "Long Fei, you bastard, humiliating the old man? Today is your death, hahaha..."

"Wait to die."



Xuan Lie Shan's laughter stopped abruptly, looking at the position where Long Fei was suspended just now, he suddenly said, "Where are the others?"

The Sword Spirit King also frowned, "They were all there just now, why, how, why did they disappear all of a sudden?"

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice came from above their heads.

Who is not Long Fei?

Long Fei was suspended above their heads, and his two pupils stared at them both like death.

In an instant.

Xuanlie Mountain and the Sword Spirit King seemed to have fallen into the abyss, their faces suddenly pale.

Xuan Lieshan immediately said, "Big brother, I was joking just now, really, I immediately released your woman."

"Let it go, let it go now."

He was extremely resentful in his heart, and he even wanted to curse at the 'rice buckets' at the gate of the sky, "Don't these rice buckets even remember who Long Fei is?"

"Rice bucket, rice bucket!"

Xuan Lieshan laughed and was about to let go of Liu Luoxi.

Suddenly backhanded.

He grabbed the Sword Spirit King directly, shoved it sharply, pushed it towards Long Fei, and roared, "Go to hell."

After doing all this, Xuan Lie Shan used his milk-feeding strength to rush up.

The Sword Spirit King was completely unprepared. At this time, Xuanlie Mountain would push him towards Long Fei. His Cultivation Base was not worth mentioning in front of Xuanlie Mountain.

The powerful Shenyue realm power was injected into his body, and he was fired directly like a cannonball.

"Sir... save, save, save me!"

Long Fei was furious, grabbing the Sword Spirit King's head with one hand and pinching it violently.


The Sword Spirit King's body exploded directly.

Also at the same time.

The system beeps...

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