The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3892 How Can A Lion Turn Around Because Of A Dog Barking?

"The system still has this function?"

"I know by listening to the voice, and there is a Cultivation Technique that automatically survives by listening to the voice?"

"It's really awesome Plath."

Long Fei left the training academy and walked towards the Danyuan not far away. He was still thinking about the "Eight Explosive Boxing" in his mind, which surprised him.

It also made his blood boil.

Not because of one more skill, but because of the power of the system.

As long as the system is in place, then all is not a problem, it is only a matter of time before killing the Xuan Clan.

All he can rely on now is the system.


Long Fei himself is a contradiction. He hates the system very much, and he has to rely on it. He hates the designer of the system, and he is also grateful to the designer.

If it weren't for the system, even if they crossed, they would still be an ant struggling at the bottom, and they might have died long ago.

Entering the ancient world, all his reliance was gone.

The only thing left is the system.

Now we can only rely on the system and start from scratch!

When I walked to the Danyuan, the sky was already bright, and there were already many disciples in and out of the Danyuan. They were holding Spiritual herbs in their hands, or holding a pill furnace in their hands.

Dan House.

Especially important in the Eastside.

Not only does it require the Medicine Pill expenses of thousands of disciples in the Eastern District, but it also has to shoulder the responsibility of developing new pills and guiding the cultivation of pill refining disciples.

The disciples of the Pill Academy had a very high status in the Eastern District, and ordinary disciples would not dare to offend them at all.

I'm afraid there will be no Medicine Pill after offending the disciples of the Dan Academy.

For practitioners, Medicine Pill is indispensable.

No matter how high your Cultivation Base is, you cannot do without Medicine Pill.

There are thousands of Medicine Pills, which can increase your spiritual source, strengthen your physical body, and refine your physique, mind, and sea of ​​knowledge. More powerful Medicine Pills can make cultivation a thousand miles away.

The combat-type Medicine Pill is even more powerful.

A Medicine Pill instantly increases several levels, enhancing strength, speed, and various attributes.


The Dan Academy has a very high status in the Mu family.

Walking into the Pill Courtyard, Long Fei didn't look at it much, he immediately swept the floor, and he had no interest in everything around him.

As for pill refining?

Long Fei also had no interest at all.

He used to be the ancient pill refining Grand Great Master, and any Medicine Pill refined is a Holy Spirit-level existence. Even if he loses his ancient power now, his understanding of pill refining is unmatched by others.

As for the Mu family, the most powerful thing is the power of space, and they are not good at pill refining the Mu family.

The Eastern District is also the weakest district of the Mu family. The Medicine Pill refined by the pill refining master here cannot enter Long Fei's eyes at all.



Cleaning up all kinds of fallen leaves in the garden.

The area of ​​the alchemy courtyard is much larger than that of the practice hall. In addition to a three-story alchemy room, there are many specially cultivated Spiritual herbs in the courtyard.

Spiritual herbs are not high-end, but they embellish the scenery of Danyuan, and some Spiritual herbs bloom and emit the fragrance of the spiritual source, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

These Spiritual herbs are also prepared for those pill refining apprentices, so that they can identify Spiritual herbs and how to understand the attributes of Spiritual herbs.

Under a big tree not far away.

An old man who looked fifty years old stroked his beard and said slowly, "Pill, Spirit."

"If you want to make a good Medicine Pill, you must know how to control the spiritual source, how to use the spiritual source's power, and combine the power in Spiritual herbs."


The ten pill refining apprentices immediately got up and said, "Remember!"

Long Fei smiled slightly, with some doubts in his heart, "Is this the pill refining master of the God Space?"

"It's just a little bit of fur."

Seeing the smile on Long Fei's face, the old man couldn't help laughing and said, "You are all my carefully selected disciples, with a certain pill refining talent, you must seize the opportunity, otherwise..."

He raised his eyes, looked at Long Fei, and said, "Otherwise, it will be like him, who can only clean the yard for us every day, be a handyman disciple, a person who has no hope in his life."

The words were full of ridicule.

Many disciples also looked at Long Fei with contempt on their faces.

"Master, don't worry, no matter how bad we are, we won't be like him."

"A handyman, his Talent should be the lowest one, right?"

"Does that even need to be said?"

"It's just a bottom ant."

"Boy, what are you looking at? Why don't you sweep the floor quickly?"


Long Fei didn't provoke anyone, but there were all kinds of laughs from under the tree.

Long Fei ignored it.

How can a lion turn around because of a dog's barking?

When they laughed at Long Fei, they were actually laughing at themselves, because he really didn't bother to listen to this level of pill refining.

"Boy, are you upset when I say something to you? How dare you turn your back to us?" A disciple stood up.

I want to show up in front of my teacher.

Long Fei ignored it.

Long Fei's ignorance made him even more unhappy, as if he had been humiliated, he strode up.

Others also looked at Long Fei with the expression of watching a play.

The old man didn't stop either.

He's just a handyman disciple, so what if he slaps a few times?

The disciple walked in front of Long Fei, stepped on the broom on the ground, stared at Long Fei, and said, "Boy, I'm talking to you."

Long Fei raised his eyes and said lightly, "I don't know what happened to my brother?"

The disciple sneered, "What's your attitude? What did you laugh at when the teacher was talking just now? Do you know what pill refining is?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

The disciple smiled and said, "You don't understand. If you understand, I'm afraid the world is full of pill refining Great Masters."

Long Fei said, "Yes, yes, senior brother is right."

The disciple looked at Long Fei and said, "You laughed at my teacher just now, but now you immediately kneel and kowtow to me and apologize to the teacher."

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, and his heart was a little unhappy, his eyes tightened slightly, and he looked at the disciple.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

The disciple's heart froze slightly, and his body trembled suddenly.

Long Fei whispered, "Don't be cheap in front of me, or you can't imagine the consequences."

His voice was low, but with a faint murderous intent.

The disciple's face was a little pale, and he was too frightened to speak by the aura on Long Fei's body.

That moment was really uncomfortable, as if I was going to die soon.

It wasn't until Long Fei turned around and walked a few meters away that he slowly recovered, his eyes tightened, and he said loudly, "Dog thing, I..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

There was a sudden explosion on the side of the Dan room.


A door blew out directly, and the window and door were also torn apart, thick smoke billowing, and a charred spirit source breath.

It's a mess around!

Everyone in the yard was startled by the explosion.

Long Fei was also stunned, his eyebrows tightened, "Frying furnace? Why is the power of Spiritual herbs so powerful that it actually caused such a strong blasting furnace sound?"

The old man under the tree also shouted, "The furnace is fried!"

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