The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3903 Assembling The Heart

It came suddenly, without any warning.

Long Fei felt his heart suddenly tighten, as if his chest sank a bit, and his whole body suddenly suffocated.

It's like dying.

Paled face.

There was no reaction at all, and he couldn't resist at all.

He can only let the black stone enter his heart.

Will it take over?

Long Fei didn't know.

Will it die?

He didn't know either.

At this moment, Long Fei was really resigned to fate.

Even if the square mirror can suppress the black stone, the black stone has already entered his heart. If the square mirror is used to suppress it, his heart may burst.

Long Fei did not do this.

Even if he was taken away, he still had a chance to take it back, and if his heart burst, he would be dead, and he could not be saved.

A second is like a year.

Long Fei could clearly sense that the black stone was slowly squeezed into his heart.

At the moment when it squeezed into his heart, the system sounded a prompt tone.


"The system prompts that the heart combination is complete!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Inscription Heart'"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining 'Power of Inscription'"

Item Inscription Heart


Material Titanium

The attribute is under super pressure, creating a supreme bloodline.

Description Inscription Heart is a product of technology.

Power of Item Inscription


attribute power

Description The inscription is released, the whole body is wrapped, and it has a powerful destroying power.


After the system beep sounded, Long Fei's whole body was instantly relieved, "Hu, hu, hu..."

After taking a few heavy breaths.

Long Fei's expression recovered, his eyebrows tightened, "System prompt tone?"

Long Fei would be very worried if there was no system prompt sound, because Blackstone is likely to take the house, but if it is recognized by the system, it means that Blackstone can no longer take the house.


The system prompt made Long Fei extremely shocked.

"The heart is assembled?"

"Damn it, my body is a filling space?"

"Technology product? This...future black technology? Or some high-level technology? Like the system in my mind?"


Long Fei was shocked inwardly.

There is the world of Practitioner, the world of fairy and demon mythology, and the world of countless self-cultivation. These worlds all exist and have been developed for trillions of years.

This is an extension of Martial Dao.


An extension of several trillion years can also lead to the emergence of a technological world.

Just like the earth, from the Stone Age to the present age of technology is a good proof.


There must be a technological world in the universe outside the ancient world, and the fact that this technological world can stand in the universe is enough to show his power.

What kind of picture is this when technology fights against the ancient powerhouse?

The system in his mind is most likely from the high-tech world.

Blackstone assembled into his heart.

replace his heart.

And the system described him as a technological product, so Long Fei now has two technological products in his body, one is the system, and the other is his black stone heart.

Long Fei couldn't know what kind of product it was.

The system does not give much explanation.


What is the heart used for?


The system specifically described that Blackstone's heart could create a supreme bloodline for him.

"Can you create a supreme bloodline?"

"What level is this bloodline?" Long Fei sensed his heart, and there was no special change, but he felt that the heart was a little heavier.

As for the creation of the supreme bloodline, he did not feel it.

The heart is working, it is making blood.


It is not a quick process, and Long Fei's current body has a large amount of blood, and it is impossible to replace it quickly.

For Long Fei, he hopes for the 'power of the inscription' more than the inscription heart.

This power is the power that he punched the Stone Wolf King to death just now.

Once released.

His fists will be covered with rune.

Just like the seal rune of Emperor Xuan before, once the power of ancient times is used, it will appear, but that is the power to suppress him, and the power of the inscription is to strengthen his power.

Long Fei was very excited.


"This trip didn't come in vain."

"Make a lot of money."

Blackstone's heart and the power of inscriptions are of great help to Long Fei now, he is too weak now.

He needs to get stronger now.

Immortal Venerable may appear at any time, and now Liu Luoxi's life and death is unknown, he must become stronger as soon as possible.

With the black stone heart, Long Fei, the power of the inscription, has one more reliance.




There was a roar in the mountain.

Long Fei's eyes tightened, "The mountain is about to collapse, I have to go back quickly."

Run out of the cave quickly.

When he ran out, the cave collapsed.

And outside the cave, Mu Yun also left.

at this time.

It was already dawn, and Mu Yun hurried back to the East District according to Long Fei's instructions. He had to help Long Fei clean the training camp. He had to clean it up before the disciples came to cultivate, otherwise he would definitely be punished if he was found by the general manager.

He now regards Long Fei as the boss.

He saw hope in Long Fei, so Long Fei's business was his business.


They went too deep into the forest, and it was already dawn when Mu Yun returned to the East District.

He didn't have time to change his clothes, so he went straight to the gymnasium.

And this time.

There are already many disciples practicing morning work in the training institute.


"What do you eat?"

"Wake up later than us, where are you Mu's family?"

"Raising a handyman like you?"

"I've only come to clean now, do you want to die?"

When Mu Yun walked into the practice hall, he was immediately blocked by several green card disciples, all of whom stared at him fiercely.

Mu Yun apologized repeatedly and said, "Sorry, brother, I'm sorry, I'll clean it right away."


"I'm sorry?"

"Do you think you can waste our time by delaying our practice?"

"Do you know how much time you've delayed us?"


These green card disciples did not intend to let Mu Yun go.

Mu Yun also kept apologizing, but it was of no use.

Handy disciples have low status, and only bow their heads in front of these green card disciples.


"You wasted my cultivation time today, you have to compensate." A man twitched his mouth and smiled sinisterly.

Mu Yun said, "Senior brother, I, I, I have no money."

Even a handyman disciple's monthly bill is not enough, and there is no extra money at all.

The man was not surprised, and said, "No money? If that's the case, then use it as my exercise tool."

Mu Yun's eyes narrowed.

What are exercise equipment?

Human flesh buns!

I vomited a few mouthfuls of blood when I beat him, and the internal injuries were healed for ten days and a half months.

Just then.

Mu Yao walked into the practice room and walked past Mu Yun.

Mu Yun wanted to ask her for help, but Mu Yao didn't look at him at all.

"Boy, have you made up your mind?" Before Mu Yun raised his head, he punched him...

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