The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3907 You Are Too Weak

"Dare to argue?"

"See if I don't break your mouth!" Mu Wufeng took one step forward and was about to shoot Long Fei.

Seeing this, Mu Dafu could only go up and stand in front of Long Fei, saying, "Elder Wufeng, there must be a mistake."

"It must be a misunderstanding, please ask the elder Wufeng to investigate."

He had to keep Long Fei.

This is his mission.

Even if he died, he had to save Long Fei's life.

Mu Wufeng is the first rank of Shenyue, if he makes a move, Long Fei will not be able to hold it.

Mu Wufeng was furious, stared at Mu Dafu and shouted, "Try me again, believe it or not, I want your dog's life."

talking room.

Mu Wufeng kicked Mu Dafu.

Mu Dafu did not dodge.

He received this kick heavily, and was kicked to his knees on the ground, but did not get up, and said, "Elder Wufeng, even if the two of them are at fault, they are still subject to the law enforcement by the Law Enforcement Hall."

Long Fei felt even more unhappy when he saw Mu Dafu being kicked to his knees. He rushed forward and said with a loud voice, "Since you said that our Cultivation Technique was stealing from you, that's fine!"

"Try it!"

"Look who is stealing from whom!"

The voice fell.

Mu Dafu's eyes narrowed, and he said in a hurry, "Elder Wufeng, this child is ignorant, don't take it seriously."

Mu Wufeng smiled coldly, stared at Long Fei and said, "Boy, this is what you said. Since it is a competition, then add a precondition."

"Life and death depend on the sky!"

Mu Yun's face darkened, he immediately grabbed Long Fei, shook his head and said, "Boss, don't compare."

Mu Dafu was also slightly nervous, and said, "You bastard, this is the training academy. In fact, you're a savage place, so hurry up and make amends for me."

What does life and death mean?

It means that people will die in the competition arena.


Long Fei Cai Tianshen middle stage Realm, the cultivation base of the disciples of the training institute is above him, the Realm is completely unequal, and there is only one result of the competition.

Long Fei is dead!

But Mu Wufeng didn't give Long Fei a chance to go back and said coldly, "Boy, either have a match as you said, or... Leave your two hands for me today."

Long Fei said, "Comparing, whoever does not compare with whose grandson."

"it is good!"

"Go to the ring." Mu Wufeng gave a deep voice, glanced at Long Fei, and said in his heart, "Damn, even a mere god, the middle stage, dares to run wild in front of me, and it will cost you your dog's life!"

Many disciples of the practice institute were also excited.

"Boy, you are dead!"

"Running wild in our territory? If you can get out alive today, my name will be written upside down."

"How dare a handyman disciple be so arrogant?"

"Look for death."


The disciples of the training institute began to walk towards the ring.

Mu Yun's face was gloomy, and he said, "Boss, their Cultivation Base is several Realms higher than ours. How can they compare, and they won't necessarily compare with you."

Mu Dafu looked at Long Fei and let out a soft breath. It was impossible for him to save him. He patted Long Fei on the shoulder and said, "Keep your life in the ring, remember that life is everything."

He also thought that Long Fei couldn't win.

After all, Long Fei's Realm is here, the level gap is too big, how to win?

If it was yesterday, maybe Long Fei really couldn't win.


With the power of the inscription in hand, Long Fei's power can be increased several times.

Not to mention too much, there should be no rivals in the Divine Moon Realm.

Looking at the entire training institute, except for Mu Wufeng, the other disciples are the god Realm.

Long Fei said lightly, "Don't worry, I can protect myself."


"Get out of here for me."

In the arena, a disciple of the seventh rank of the gods shouted.

Mu Dafu's eyes sank, and he said, "The Seventh Rank of the Heavenly God."

"Boy, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Long Fei had already walked out.

Mu Wufeng said lightly, "Mu Hai, let him see what the Eight Explosive Fist is."

As he spoke, his eyes lifted slightly.

On the stage, Mu Hai understood, looked at Long Fei and said with a sneer, "Boy, come up and learn my eight-explosive punch."

Long Fei stepped onto the ring.

In an instant.

All the disciples in the training institute were shouting.

"Kill him."

"kill him."

"Kill him."

"See if he dares to be arrogant."


The sound was too loud, attracting many outsiders to watch.


Mu Yuanan is one of them.

He looked at Long Fei in the ring, his eyes changed slightly, "Is it him?"

I was a little shocked.

"Everyone, come and see, the handyman disciples are challenging the disciples of the training institute."

"Everyone, come and see."

"The handyman disciple challenged the green card disciple of the training academy? Which handyman disciple is so crazy? Did he get water in his head, or was he kicked by a donkey?"

"This handyman disciple is afraid of death, right?"

"Should be tired of living."


It was the first time that a white card handyman challenged a green card disciple in the Eastern District. After such a spread, half of the people in the Eastern District knew about it.

People flocked to the gymnasium like a tide.

Many people even started gambling directly.

on the ring.

Mu Hai showed a disdainful smile, and said, "Boy, do you want me to explain to you what the Eight Explosive Fist is?"

Long Fei said with a smile, "Yours is an eight-explosive punch, mine is a nine-explosive punch. I can explain to you what a nine-explosive punch is."

Mu Hai's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Looking for death."

The voice did not fall.

Like a taut bow and arrow, the body suddenly shot out.

The speed can be said to be as fast as the pinnacle of the seventh rank of the gods.

Almost half a breath, he rushed in front of Long Fei, moved his right fist, and roared, "Eight explosions!"

The fist wind roared vigorously.

This punch is obviously much stronger than Mu Shan's.

Even Mu Yao in the crowd took a serious look.


The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched lightly, he stepped on his front foot, and took three steps back abruptly.


When the punch missed, Mu Hai sneered, "Escape? Can you escape?"

A punch missed, turned around and attacked again.


Long Fei's body sank the moment he landed, and he rushed forward directly, smiling coldly at the corner of his mouth, "Nine burst punches!"

With a sneer on Mu Hai's face, he said, "Give me death, eight burst punches!"

The fists meet.

The power suddenly exploded.

Long Fei retreated Half step.

Mu Hai flew out of the ring and landed ten meters away.


Falling a dog eats shit, getting angry, shooting from the ground, and going to rush to the ring again.


Long Fei raised a finger towards him, shook it gently, and said, "You are too weak."

The voice fell.


"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

There were eight consecutive and even explosions on Mu Hai's body, and each of them was a burst of blood shot out, standing on the spot with eight explosions, directly turning into a bloody man.

Long Fei stared at Mu Wufeng with a faint smile and said, "Do you know what the Nine Explosion Fist is? The first one will eat shit, and the other Eight Explosion will be similar."

"Did you see clearly?"

"Do you want me to teach you?"

Being so humiliated, Mu Wufeng's head was smoking with anger...

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