The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3924 I'm Going To Do Big Things

In fact, Mu Changfeng was also very helpless.

If there was a choice, he would never choose Long Fei and Mu Yun.

Their identities are not as simple as blue waist cards, but Long Fei and Mu Yun are really white waist cards.

Cultivation Base is only a realm of the gods, not even the realm of the gods.

He really couldn't figure out how two people like him broke into the hinterland of Guishen Mountain?

Is it a burst of luck?

No matter how lucky two handymen disciples are, it is impossible for them to enter such a place.


Mu Changfeng didn't think much about it, the top priority was to save people.

"Let's not talk about the rest, Lin Feng and Jiaojiao must be sent back as soon as possible, otherwise they will die if they stay," Mu Changfeng reminded.


The disciple who helped them stood up, frowning, and said earnestly, "The injury is too serious, I can only continue the heart for them. Whether they can survive or not depends on when they can go home."

Several other disciples froze.

Sustain the heartbeat?

what does that mean?

It means that there is only half life left, just like a candle in the wind, it may be blown out at any time.

It's fine to put it outside, but in the hinterland of Guishen Mountain, they can't save it.

"Is it so serious?"

"That beast's damage is so strong, when I..."


Everyone's faces were tense.

Mu Changfeng said, "Time waits for no one, you two come here."

Long Fei and Mu Yun stepped forward.

Mu Changfeng said, "You help me send the two of them out to Mu's house, and you will get the reward for the task, but there is one thing, the premise is that these two must live to the Mu's house."

Mu Yun said, "Senior brother, you should be able to use the space transfer technique."

One of the youngest disciples fell gently and landed next to Mu Changfeng, staring at Mu Yun with contempt, and said, "Do you think we didn't think of what you thought? They are seriously injured and unconscious and can't bear the space. The technique of transfer."

Humans have three souls and seven souls.

The space transfer can only be transferred when the three souls and seven souls are completely in the body.

And these two seriously injured people are almost separated from their bodies, and they can't bear the power of space transfer at all.

Long Fei said, "Senior brother, can I ask what Demonic Beasts they were injured by?"

The disciple said, "Boy, you only need to know your own mission. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. The more you ask, the more you know. It's not good for you, understand?"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched and said, "Senior brother, if you want me to send them back, I can also assure you that they will return to Mu's house alive."

"But, I also have a condition!"

The disciple's eyes were angry, and his heart was full of fire. A mere servant disciple dared to say such a thing, and his heart was even more angry. With a deep voice, he said, "Boy, you better know your own identity, and make conditions with us, Do you want to die?"

very angry.

Mu Yun clenched his brows, and clenched his fists under his sleeves, ready to shoot.

And it's the first shot.


Just as the dark energy on his body moved, another disciple's eyes glared.

In an instant.

Overwhelmed and crushed, Mu Yun couldn't move for a moment.

Their perception ability is too fast, and some small movements in front of them will be seen through in an instant, and they can't move at all.

"just you?"

"A white-label disciple, the lowest existence of the Mu family."

"Dare to make trouble in front of us?"

The young disciple spoke fiercely.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's go."

Without saying a word, just turned around and left.

Mu Yun immediately followed, and said in a low voice, "Boss, this mission is simply a reward, and it's an A-level mission, just enough to qualify us to participate in the Southern District assessment."

He didn't want to miss it.

This task is too simple.

Long Fei did not speak.

When he took the third step, Mu Changfeng said lightly, "Hold on!"

Long Fei stopped.

Mu Changfeng said, "I can tell you what we encountered."

Long Fei turned around and said, "Please speak."

"Senior brother, what did you tell him?"

"That's right, it's not necessary."

"What are they?"

"How dare you make conditions with us?"

They were very unhappy.

Mu Changfeng said lightly, "We were attacked by a mysterious Demonic Beasts. The reason why it is called a mysterious Demonic Beasts is because we didn't even see what it looked like."

After he finished speaking, his eyebrows tightened.

It could be seen that he was distressed.

Because it feels like a shame.

Except for Mu Changfeng, the other people also looked to the side, very uncomfortable.

Long Fei sighed inwardly, "Mysterious Demonic Beasts?"

"Their Cultivation Base is at least the pinnacle of the Divine Moon Realm, or even higher. If the seven of them join forces, they won't even be able to see what this Demonic Beasts look like. How strong are these Demonic Beasts?"

"Will it be a fairy beast?"

This is what Long Fei wants to know.

Such an elite team in this hinterland, they are definitely not for training, nor for hunting Demonic Beasts, they must have other stronger purposes!

Fairy beast! !

Of course, this is just Long Fei's guess.

"Okay, you already know." Mu Changfeng said.

Long Fei said, "I've accepted the mission."

talking room.

Long Fei and Mu Yun stepped forward and carried the two injured people on their backs.

"Boy, it's best for you two to send people back to Mu's house safely. If my brother dies, or something happens, you two don't even want to live."

"Did you hear clearly?"

Mu Changfeng glared at the younger brother, then looked at Long Fei again and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, but I hope you can return to Mu's house in the shortest possible time."

"Life is at stake!"

Long Fei said, "Since I took over your mission, I will definitely let them live to Mu's house."

He did not say to go back in the shortest possible time.

He just said alive.


He has another purpose.

Their life is life, so his brother's life is not life?

There are still ten days left, if Mu Yun does not have the fusion of fairy crystals, he will also lose his mind and become Demonic Beasts, and his life will be lost.

"Have you explained it?" Long Fei asked with a thought.

Hua Xianzi said, "Well, I have explained everything, and they will tell me everything."

Long Fei remained calm, secretly rejoicing in his heart that he was really lucky to have obtained Fairy Hua.


Long Fei and the two left with the wounded on their backs.

After half an hour.

Mu Changfeng said with a light voice, "They are heading towards Mu's house. Well, we should also plan what's next."

The sensory thoughts left on Long Fei were taken away.

at the same time.

Long Kuang said, "Master, the induction on your body has disappeared."

Long Fei stopped immediately!

Mu Yun was taken aback and said, "Boss, what's the matter? Why don't you leave? We have to complete the task as soon as possible."

He was puzzled.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth curled into a slight smile, and said, "I have to do something big!"


"What's the big deal?"

Long Fei said, "Kill the immortal beast!"

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