Aloof and cold.

Emperor Xuan's words were as cold as frost, and there was absolutely no emotion in them.

It seems to have ignored life and remained silent.

It seems that in the whole world, there is nothing worthy of his care.


"Daddy is a fart? If daddy is a fart, what about your Xuan clan?"

"how about you?"

"Just a piece of shit."

"You have suppressed daddy since the beginning of Tiannanyu. How is it now? Is daddy different or standing in front of you alive?"

Long Fei sneered.

Killing intent erupted.

Emperor Xuan's eyes turned cold, and a chill burst out from his body.

"So, this emperor is here today. Today, you will never have the slightest chance to escape from this place."

"This place will be your burial place."

"From now on, there will be no possibility of your existence in the whole world." Xuandi said.

Every time he said a word, the entire sky was lowered by one point under his suppression.


Boundless coercion descended.


Long Fei is okay, his physical power is already detached, and he doesn't see this kind of coercion at all.

However, the people of the Mu family are not.

They simply can't resist this kind of coercion.

puff puff!

Suddenly, two sounds of vomiting blood appeared.

I saw two disciples of the Mu family, under this pressure, their bodies exploded, and they died without a trace.

Long Fei's eyes tightened, and his heart was shocked.

"Can't wait, they simply can't bear the pressure of Emperor Xuan." Long Fei thought to himself.

Immediately, his eyes turned to Emperor Xuan.

"Emperor Xuan, you son of a bitch, that's all you can handle."

"There's something, you're going to deal with daddy?"

"If you were a man, you would shoot at daddy. Daddy wanted to see who killed who today." Long Fei said.

While speaking, Long Fei's figure has also risen into the sky.

A sword volleyed into the air.

At the same time, Chaos Armor and Chaos Crown were all put on.

In an instant, one after another chaotic mother qi floated out from the chaotic crown.

One after another washed over Long Fei.

like a baptism.

In the distance, the Lord of Chaos saw the change in Long Fei's breath, and his expression changed greatly.

"Chaos Mother Qi? How could you have it."

The Lord of Chaos was terrified.

This method has always belonged to him alone.

It never occurred to me that Long Fei could have it at this time.

For a time, the fear of Long Fei became more intense.

However, Emperor Xuan above the void remained indifferent.

Looking at Long Fei, who was full of breath, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a smile appeared.

"How dare you make an axe on a small street?"

“Heavenly Tribulation Style!”

Emperor Xuan said coldly.

In an instant, the thunder in the sky suddenly took shape, and the robbery thunder was densely covered, rendering the entire world.




Immediately afterwards, the thunder of the sky roared down and came down.


With determination in Long Fei's eyes, he slammed his sword out.


Immediately, the sword glow rose into the sky, colliding with the thunder of the sky in the void.



Under the violent collision, pieces of destruction aura were directly formed.

The void was blown apart.

At their level, they can annihilate one side of the world if they make a move at will.

At this time, this kind of unreserved confrontation is beyond the limit that the ancient world can bear.

The world was trembling uncontrollably, as if it were about to collapse.

Below, Mu Yao and others looked at Long Fei in the battle with anxiety in their eyes.

However, in this case, they can't help much at all.


Mu Yao shouted loudly.

At this time, she is the leader of the Mu family.

Now, only she can understand Long Fei.

The reason why Long Fei was so anxious to take action was because of them.

Therefore, the best help they can give Long Fei is to leave here.

In an instant, the disciples of the Mu family, under the leadership of Mu Yao, left again.

And at this time, the people of the Xuan clan wanted to pursue them.

But because Emperor Longxuan moved the means just now, the distance has come, and it is impossible to catch up for a while.

On the other hand, Long Fei had no time to be distracted.

Emperor Xuan is too strong.

A simple confrontation has made Long Fei feel that his own power is being suppressed everywhere.

Even if there is a Chaos War Sword, the power of the slashing can't hurt Xuandi at all.

On the contrary, it was Emperor Xuan's power. Even if Long Fei wore the Chaos Armor, he felt that every power could stimulate his own body.

Extremely painful.

Especially at this time, Emperor Xuan's Heavenly Tribulation style seemed to have no end.

Endless thunder, roaring the world.

As for Long Fei, he could only slash out with one sword after another.

But that's it, the speed of Long Fei's sword swing still couldn't keep up with Thunder.

Several thunder powers hit him.

Immediately, it was as if the body had been pierced, and the soul was experiencing the brilliance of thunder, which made Long Fei feel an excruciating pain.

But on the show, Long Fei endured it and still acted as if nothing had happened.

"Is it that much power?"

"Emperor Xuan, are you capable of that? Do you want to kill daddy?"

Long Fei said, taking advantage of the gap, he looked down.

When he saw that the people from the Mu family had left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Long Fei turned his eyes and looked at the Lord of Chaos.

The Lord of Chaos froze in his heart, and a bad premonition grew out of his heart in a hurry.

"Long Fei, what are you doing? This is a conflict between you and Emperor Xuan." The Lord of Chaos said.

declare your own position.

"Contradiction f*ck. You said it yourself just now that this ancient world is either yours, his or daddy's."

"If that's the case, you still want to stay out of it? Come in for daddy."

Long Fei sneered, his body moved, and he went straight to the Lord of Chaos in an instant.

And this thunder in the sky also bombarded at this moment.

In an instant, the figures of Long Fei and the Lord of Chaos were shrouded in it.

"Long Fei, you bastard." The Lord of Chaos shouted angrily.

Hate it.

He had no idea that Long Fei would be so shameless and would pull himself into the battle group.

However, at this time, he couldn't help thinking more, and he had to use means to resist.


The thunder of the sky continued.

However, at this time, due to the addition of the Lord of Chaos, Long Fei suddenly felt a lot easier.

"Now this kind of attack can't hurt Emperor Xuan at all."

"Unless it's a nirvana."

Long Fei's heart turned rapidly.

Thinking of ways to kill.

But up to now, all the power under his control could not be the opponent of Emperor Xuan at all.

Compared with the current Emperor Xuan, the clone of the Emperor Xuan who was beheaded before is not a fart at all.

It is even said that the original Xuandi clone did not even inherit 10% of Xuandi's power.

Therefore, even if it is a breakthrough now, it is still not an opponent.

And at this time, Emperor Xuan's figure took another step forward.

Walking in the thunder of the sky

"Lord of Chaos?"

"Long Fei. Two trash-like existences."

"Is it true that this emperor's name is the number one powerhouse in ancient times, is it false?"

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