The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4287 You Are Not Qualified Enough

Even the Immortal Heavenly Venerate and Huwu Heavenly Venerate came out of the Panshen Tower.

The two looked hesitantly and looked at Emperor Xuan above the void.

They are from the Xuan clan.

But, that was before.

Now, they are Long Fei's loyal servants.

The moment when Long Fei was in difficulty, he was completely powerless to parry.

The entire Pantheon was controlled by a mysterious force, and thoughts were constantly instilled in their minds.

Fight to the death!

So, now they are all standing up.

At this time, Long Fei kept shaking his head, shaking his heart.

Yes, he needs a power.

An extremely powerful force to trigger the kill attribute of Shrouding the Heavens' palm.

However, it never occurred to me to sacrifice these people.

It's just that at this time, even the system is out of his control, and he can't be terrified at all.

The people in Panshenlou are okay. Although they belong to themselves, they don't have much contact.

However, Long Kuang, Xiao Hua and Xiao Lu are different.

This is the person who accompanies him in life and death.

But now, they have sacrificed their lives and turned into a force directly.

Long Fei couldn't accept this kind of ending.

"Stop, stop now. Your powers can't be activated at all." Long Fei shouted, trying to stop it.

But now, the system is not under his control at all.

Of course, Long Fei didn't know either.

Inside a control room on the plane of Supreme.

A young man was typing his head down on the keyboard, and a series of instructions were typed out in his hands.

"Long Fei, this is the only time I can help you."

"Hopefully it helped you."

"I also hope that you won't hate me in the future." The young man said, wiping the sweat off his face in relief.

As soon as the screen changed, Long Fei was here.

At this moment, Long Fei finally regained control of the system.

"Ding, the power is automatically decomposed."

"Ding, power fusion."

"Ding, a new power is born, the power of all things good fortune."

"Ding, power into Shrouding the Heavens palm."

At this time, the power of the master of the plane merged into one, and the power of Long Kuang Xiaohua and others merged.

Formed an indescribable and indescribable power.

If you really want to describe it, it is two words, powerful!

Incredibly powerful.

It contains hundreds of different powers. In addition to Magu, the Lord of Flying Sky, and the Lord of Demon Source, the powers of the remaining 997 plane Lords are all contained in it.

Extremely surging.

But this power is in his hands.

Long Fei felt extremely heavy.

These are all his people, the power condensed with life.

At this time, Emperor Xuan above the void also changed his face.

The slashing sword fell, but before it came, it stayed directly in the void.

Of course, the cliff was not the Emperor Xuan's holding back, but the explosion of this power.

Suddenly, Emperor Xuan's expression changed.

He never thought that his own annihilation would be blasted away.

"Well? Is it still capable of fighting back?" Emperor Xuan said stiffly.

His face changed slightly.

Even the Lord of Chaos looked at Long Fei with a shocked expression.

"This kind of power. He's going to unleash that kind of power, more violent than last time."

The Lord of Chaos trembled in his heart.

His eyes kept turning from Emperor Xuan and Long Fei.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, he made a decisive decision, turned around and left.

In the void, Emperor Xuan's eyes changed slightly.

Glancing at the direction in which the Lord of Chaos fled, he immediately retracted his gaze.

A face full of indifference.

In just a moment, he turned his gaze to Long Fei again.

"What if you can break through this emperor's attack, this emperor's knives are inexhaustible, what about your strength?"

"How many times can I use it?" Emperor Xuan said coldly.


In an instant, the knife was fired again.



Thunder and lightning are like knives, and the sword glow seals the sky.

The incomparably violent thunder power is surrounded by the sword light.

Like a sword of death.

One knife annihilated the world, one knife slaughtered living beings.

Below, Long Fei was still immersed in endless pain.

Hate in my heart.

"Don't worry, today I will definitely use your power to explode Emperor Xuan."

"It will make your efforts and see hope."

"I will make your madness, and make the world tremble for you."

"Five Elements Shrouding the Heavens palm, burst!"

Long Fei shouted loudly, his eyes filled with determination.

In an instant, a palm lifted the sky.

Shrouding the Heavens obscures the sun.


Jie Yun?

The sword of death?

Completely ignored.

directly across the entire void.

At this moment, it was Emperor Xuan, and under this big handprint, Miao Ao became incomparably small.

Brush brush!

The power of the Five Elements spread wildly at this time, spreading in the palm of the hand.

Each finger contains an absolute source of Five Elements power, which is extremely violent.

And, that's not the point.

The power of the Five Elements also began to converge at this time.

It began to gather in the palm of the hand frantically.

In an instant, the Five Elements formed an indescribable pattern on Long Fei's palm, which was like Eight Trigrams, but perfectly round and rounded.

Long Fei's eyes were like fire, and he was extremely determined.

at this point.

Long Fei will not step back.

Even for those who sacrificed their lives, Long Fei would be tough to the end.

And, it's also a big gamble.

Others can put all their hopes on Long Fei at the cost of their own lives.

Then Long Fei, too, can use all his strength.

Go crazy once.

And at this time, Emperor Xuan's eyes changed drastically.

The moment this palm appeared, it turned his heart into depression.

"The power of the origin of the Five Elements? Heaven and earth converge, and the Five Elements are one?"

"What a powerful means."

"Long Fei, I have to say, this emperor still underestimates you." Emperor Xuan's face was gloomy, and his killing intent was even stronger.

Originally, killing Long Fei, in his thoughts, was just a casual act.

From beginning to end, he never regarded Long Fei as his own opponent.

At most, it is just regarded as a destabilizing factor.

Even if Long Fei obliterated his avatar, he would at most be a little jealous, but not the slightest fear.

However, when this palm appeared, it was Emperor Xuan, and there was also a fear of Long Fei in his heart.

"Hmph, there are so many things you can't think of."

"You never thought that daddy would survive, but time and time again, daddy still appears in front of you safe and sound."

"You thought that daddy was beheaded by the people of your Xuan clan, but the people of your Xuan clan have already been killed by daddy as street rats."

"Even today, you won't be surprised."

"Everything daddy does is for today and for the first battle!"

Long Fei said in a deep voice.

The killing intent in his eyes was almost burning.

And the power on the back of the hand began to burst out at this time.

This kind of power is the power of Long Kuang and others in space.

The same madness, the same killing intent, the same fury.

"Five Elements Shrouding the Heavens, Zhen!" Long Fei's eyes were iron-like, and he finally pressed his palm down.

at the same time.

The figure of Emperor Xuan also began to change.

"Heavenly Tribulation style."

"Earth robbery."

"The annihilation style, give me all the explosions." "If you want to kill this emperor, you are not qualified."

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