The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4295 Tongtian Bridge

The bridge to the sky, the center of all worlds.

Countless people have gathered here.

The battle of the king of the world is a major event in all worlds. To participate in this move, basically all the cultivators have the same goal, especially this kind of existence that has become the pinnacle in the world.

I want to break through this layer of shackles and reach another level.

And if you want to achieve this goal, the only possibility is the battle of the world king.

The king of the realm is just the king of a realm.

But become the overlord among the realm kings.

But it is able to control the heavens and the world, rule the heavens and the earth, and dominate the eight wastes.

No one can think of this kind of thing.

And now, the battle for the king of the world has begun, and the people of Wanjie will naturally not miss the opportunity and flock to it.

In just a few days, countless people have gathered under the bridge to the sky in this place where all worlds meet.

"Hahaha, the battle for the king of the world has finally started. This time, I will rule the world to dominate the world. Who dares to be my enemy?"

A man with a strong body but an extremely ugly appearance laughed wildly.

Of course, his appearance is extremely special, not just ugly.

Even scary.

Because they only have half a face.

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears, all the five senses are only half.

The other half turned into a meat ball.

This kind of appearance naturally looks extremely scary.

But the breath on them is also extremely powerful and daunting.

Especially now, after the leader laughed loudly, he showed his own strength unscrupulously, and a single laughter can shake Star.


And behind him are the masters of the world he lives in, each with a ferocious slaughter in his eyes.

It seems that this realm king battle is a battlefield for them to keep their names.

It's a brutal killing opportunity.

The face is wild.

Extremely arrogant, with no one in sight.

It seems that other people in the world are waste in front of them.

And at this time, a cold hum suddenly appeared.

"Whatever, don't even look at this place. You've been in your world where birds don't shit for too long, and you dare to run wild here."

"That's right, all of them are so unique, and those who don't know it think that this world king's hegemony battle is a more ugly competition."

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. With such a face, I dare to participate in the battle of the king of the world. I really don't know if my brain is in shit."

Suddenly, another world appeared.

People in this world are beautiful and unparalleled, regardless of gender, their delicate facial features are enough to drive the opposite sex mad.

For a time, the whole Tongtian Bridge smelled of gunpowder everywhere.

The battle is imminent.

Of course, only these two people are tit for tat, and many people who appear one after another completely ignore it.

Don't want to get in trouble.

"Assholes, just like you bitches, what are you beeping, if you don't agree, just do it now, just kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, and let the people of all worlds know how powerful I am in the ancient world."

Your group of ugly-looking people suddenly burst into anger.

That's how it is sometimes.

A group of people are like this, so it won't be surprising.

Then everyone got used to it.

But suddenly, I found a group of people who were different from me, and then there was a rejection in my heart.

That's the way it is now, that group of people who look strangely ugly are probably like this in their world, so they won't feel any discomfort.

But now, a group of extremely handsome people appeared in front of them.

In an instant, an extreme contrast was formed.

In an instant, killing intent was born. "If you want to do it, okay, then daddy will let the people of Wanjie know that ugly people are not qualified to exist in this world."

Not to be outdone, another wave of people, coldly said.

But at this moment, the Tongtian Bridge where the two groups of people were located suddenly roared.



Immediately afterwards, the Tongtian Bridge linking the intersection of all worlds suddenly broke.

All of a sudden, the people of the two worlds were in a panic.

Horror was written all over his face.

"No! How is it possible that the Tongtian Bridge will break?"

"I absolutely don't believe it."

"Who is it? Who is shooting?"

"No, I still have to participate in the battle of the king of the world, and I have to win the final victory, don't break it!"

Suddenly, an unwilling scream appeared.

But to no avail.

The rupture of the Tongtian Bridge is still continuing.




After three breaths, the entire Tongtian Bridge was completely broken.

And this group of people fell down without any accident.

Then, an imprisoned force appeared directly, madly suppressing the group.

It seems that they are going to be slaughtered.

"You dare to clamor for something like waste? When you come to participate in the battle for hegemony in the world, you must understand that among the worlds, I am the leader of the world, and the world has never entered this place, so you dare to go to the sky?"

A voice appeared.

A group of people descended from the void.

In an instant, all the sounds on the Tongtian Bridge stopped abruptly.

All eyes were fixed on the group of Zunjie, and the eyes revealed panic.

No it, because the breath on them is too powerful.

Almost anyone who stands up can suppress them.

"Is this the power of Zunjie? It's terrifying."

"Oh my God, how can we fight this? Those who enter the center of the intersection of all worlds are all forward-looking, not the backbone at all. People from the respected world, any one is so powerful, then what kind of cultivation should the world king of their world be? Base?"

"It's terrifying. It seems that this time, the battle of the king of the realm is dominated by the respected realm again."

Everyone whispered, and they showed a gesture of absolute surrender to the respected world.

As for the previous chaotic ancient world, there is another world. At this time, it has long been silent, completely imprisoned in the heart, and dare not let a fart.

The people at Venerable seem to be extremely satisfied with the current response.

They respect the world, it is so arrogant.

The heavens and the world, in their eyes, are a kind of appendage, that is, ants, and they will not take it to heart at all.

"Hey, this time, it's a small punishment and a big commandment. Before my respected world comes, whoever dares to go first is to be an enemy of my respected world."

"If someone pretends to force again, the end will not be as simple as being imprisoned."

"Direct kill."

The leader headed by Zunjie, coldly said.

For a time, all the people in the world lowered their heads secretly, not daring to disobey the gazes of the people in the world.

One by one, they retreated silently, making way for a clear road.

But at this moment, in the depths of the starry sky, a ray of light suddenly swept in.

It was none other than Long Fei.

Long Fei exerted his speed to the extreme, surpassing the speed of light.

Jumping vertically and horizontally all the way, it has even reached another level.

At this time, when I came here according to the call of Myriad Realms, my heart was inexplicably excited.

"Well? Are the people of Wanjie so friendly?"

"Give me a way out?"

"Hahaha, since this is the case, daddy is disrespectful."

Long Fei laughed, and without any hesitation, jumped directly onto the bridge to the sky.

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