The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4301 Jojo Is Forced

Yangshen Realm, the other side of time and space.

Hong Yi, Hong Qiuye, You Rou, Liu Luoxi and others gathered together.

Including the Eight Great Vajra and Li Wuxin, and several other Great Emperor heirs, they were all solemn.

Staring at the void expectantly.

"Yi Zu, you said that Long Fei will participate in this competition for the realm king?" Hong Qiuye asked.

"Yeah, I don't know how he is doing now after the past few months?" Liu Luoxi also said, his face full of deep worry.

Hong Yi smiled meaningfully, but did not speak.

At this moment, the little guy Long Wudi took a step forward, controlled a mini grinding disc in his hand, and said

"Don't worry, Dad is so strong, the ancient world can never stop him."

"Maybe the Emperor Xuan and the Lord of Chaos have long since become the souls of the dead under the sword of Dad."

"I have confidence in Daddy," said the little guy.

A look of indifference.

"Haha, for sure, when the boss left, Cultivation Base was better than Hong Yi. Hong Yi's Cultivation Base is a super-class master who completely crushed the ancient world. What Heavenly Emperor is scum in front of Hong Yi."

"But when the boss left, he was stronger than Hong Yi, so he would be fine." Li Yuanba also said that his height of more than two meters has not changed at all, but his aura is more condensed.

Even speaking, there is a kind of shocking power.

Not only him, but also the rest of the people.

The Yang God Realm and his party directly let them go a step further, reaching another level.

Moreover, they also experienced the baptism after the promotion of the Yangshen world, and gained a lot.

All have been elevated.

Take the Eight Great Vajra as an example. Before they were here, they had obtained the inheritance power of the Eight Great Demon Kings and became the Sun God.

But after the first battle, it was extremely sublimated.

Baptized again.

Today, it has reached another level.

Everyone's body is full of surging aura, plus their special power, that is, they are almost the same as Hong Yi.

And Hong Yi, at this time, also opened his mouth and said.

"That's right, the ancient world will never be able to suppress Long Fei. I have a hunch that we will definitely encounter Long Fei in the battle of the king of the world."

"Even, the entire world king competition will become his home court and the foundation for his dominance in the first battle."

Hong Yi said that he also has absolute confidence in Long Fei.

"Hey, well said, this is the most beautiful sentence you have said in so many days."

"Don't look at who's boss." Zhang Yue said.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

"Go!" Chen Tianfei was even more violent, not willing to wait for a moment, and directly urged Hong Yi to use his means.

The next moment, Hong Yi directly got out of the boat on the other side.

Yes, this time, it was re-forged after the baptism of heaven and earth, and the power is even greater.


Drink again.

One by one, the figures rushed directly into the boat on the other side.

Then, the brilliance of the boat on the other side flashed, and instantly poured into the endless void.

Phoenix world.

The endless flames continue to burn, and there is no accident between heaven and earth, all of which are flames.

This is Phoenix fire.

It can burn all the chaos between heaven and earth.

In the center of the flame, hundreds of figures gathered in one place.


Suddenly, a shocking cry appeared.


"It's the ancestor."

"Holy Maiden is Holy Maiden, so the ancestors could go out in person."

A cry of exclamation appeared, and looked at the void with incomparable respect.

I saw that the entire sky was burned by the fire of Phoenix, and it was red.

Among them, a Phoenix soared, with a huge body, directly submerging the whole world.

The wings shook, overwhelming the sky, and directly turned into the sky.

This scene made the people below admire even more.

Immediately, everyone knelt down, extremely pious and respectful.

Only one person was still standing on the spot.

He is what everyone calls Holy Maiden.

Also Jojo.

"Ancestor." Qiao Qiao said lightly, her tone cold.

"Eh! You all retreat first."

"Let me have a few words with Holy Maiden alone."

At this moment, above the void, the huge Phoenix transformed into a human figure and came directly to Jojo.

"Yes, my ancestor."

"But listen to the orders of the ancestors."

Everyone reasoned directly and left with respect.

In an instant, only Qiaoqiao and another old woman were left in the field.

"You hate me?" said the old woman.

"Yes!" Qiao Qiao said coldly, raising her head slightly, with endless coldness in her eyes.

If Long Fei was here, seeing Qiao Qiao's expression, he would definitely explode in an instant.

She is kind and has always been submissive, never taking the initiative to kill someone.

Now, there is such a big killing intent and resentment.

If it wasn't for some unspeakable pain, this would definitely not be the case.

"You know, I only have big brother Long Fei in my heart, and I still insist on using my marriage as a bargaining chip, shouldn't I hate you?" Qiao Qiao said word by word.

"Long Fei? Oh, it's just a joke."

"Do you really think he is worthy of you? A low-level waste."

"I don't even have the qualifications to fight for the king of the world, how can I be worthy of you?"

"Besides, I'm doing it for you too. As a person in the Phoenix world, you should have this awareness. Everything you do will be planned for the Phoenix world to go further."

"No matter who it is, as long as he can overcome the heroes in the world king's hegemony, he will be your man."

"I don't care what you think in your heart, you'd better be obedient, otherwise, I don't mind going to the ancient world in person and beheading that piece of trash you've been thinking about."

The old woman said with a threat in her words.

In an instant, panic appeared on the quiet face.

Reach out and grab the old woman directly

"No, ancestor, please don't, don't hurt Long Fei's big brother." Qiaoqiao pleaded bitterly.

At this moment, all hope in my heart was instantly annihilated.

She no longer expects Long Fei to come to his side, to be able to turn into a god, the heroes of Leah, sweep the enemies of the heavens, and come to him.

Or, desperately trying to break free from all shackles and follow Long Fei.

Because she knew it was impossible.

Long Fei is everything to her.

She does not accept anyone, anything that is harmful to Long Fei.

So, at this moment, he accepted his fate and stopped struggling.

Seeing Jojo's expression, the old woman nodded in satisfaction.

"It's good if you understand, it's not too early, you should also prepare to go to the place where all worlds intersect."

"Remember, before the battle for hegemony begins, there will be people from the world who are tyrannical to propose marriage. At that time, you have to follow the arrangements of this book."

"Otherwise, there is absolutely no guarantee that anything bad will happen."

As the old woman said, she flicked her long sleeves and walked away.

The only one left behind was Jojo, who collapsed to the ground and cried silently.

"Long Fei big brother, as long as you are okay, even if you let Qiao Qiao die, Qiao Qiao is willing."

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