The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4311 Suppression

Star Demon Hou said lightly, his eyes extremely cold.

Then, the giant monster that Star transformed into slammed down with a punch.


The light of Star exploded directly, sweeping the starry sky in an instant.

Hong Yi, on the other hand, did not change his face, and threw the liberation roulette with one hand.



All of a sudden, the star road swayed, and the light shot into the sky.

Under the collision of this force, the endless starry sky road was directly broken.


Hong Yi's figure suddenly retreated directly, and even the roulette wheel with liberation dimmed, without the previous turbulent momentum.

"Hahaha, with this kind of power, you dare to fight with Ben Hou?"


"I really don't know who gave you the courage."

In an instant, the Star Demon Marquis laughed wildly, his face endlessly hideous.

It seemed that everything was in his hands.

And behind him, the people of Monster World gradually emerged, no longer hiding.

"Master Hou is Master Hou, you can catch him."

"What about being tyrannical? In front of Lord Hou, you still have to be a grandson obediently."

"The one who was suppressed all at once is this. Look, does he look like a dog, and his eyes, tsk tsk, aren't you reconciled?"

A sound of ridicule is overwhelming.

At this time, there is no more fear.

Hong Yi's face was instantly embarrassed.

Resisting the severe pain that came from his body, he looked at the Star Demon Marquis.

A fight, see each other.

He is not an opponent.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the figures of Hong Qiuye and others also came to Hong Yi instantly.

"Old Ancestor, how are you?" Hong Qiuye asked, extremely worried.

Relatively speaking, Hong Yi's Cultivation Base is already the strongest among them. Even he is not the opponent of the person in front of him, so they, let alone.

"Fortunately, this person is very strong. You will leave first, and I will carry him first." Hong Yi said.

At this time, there is no extra time to think about it.

Hong Yi didn't know if he could hold back.

But there is one thing, these are Long Fei's women and brothers, and Long Fei once guarded a world for him, so even if he fought his life, Hong Yi also wanted to keep them safe.

"No, I, Li Yuanba, haven't let go of my brother's habit of running alone."

But as soon as his voice fell, Li Yuanba opened his mouth and said, his eyes ferocious, and he looked at the Star demon.

"If the boss is here, I believe it will be the same."

"Can't be cowardly, just be just."

Li Yuanba said, with determination in his eyes.

"Yes, Brother Yuanba is right."

"No matter how strong this person is, I don't believe in combining all of us. It's just not enough."

Immediately, Zhang Yue and Chen Tianfei also spoke.

Both of them have been with Long Fei for a long time, and they have a tough temper.

Retreat without a fight is impossible.

Moreover, only fighting can have a chance of survival.

Otherwise, once Hong Yi is defeated, it will be even more difficult for them in this place where all worlds meet.

"Tsk tsk, is it still affectionate and righteous?"

"Don't worry, daddy is reluctant to kill you."

"Hand over your fate and become the slave world of our star Monster World, then the Marquis will naturally not kill you."

At this moment, the Star Demon Marquis said.

The whole person's face is full of arrogance, almost dominating, looking at Hong Yi and the others with a cold expression.

"As for these women, although they are broken flowers and willows, daddy has also accepted them."

"I don't know who is your man here. I don't know what it would be like to let him watch daddy play with you."


Star Yaohou's unbridled humiliation, a look on his face. After that, the people of the Star Demon World began to agree.

"Hahaha, yes, when the time comes, Lord Hou will be finished, don't forget there are us."

"A bunch of rubbish, it deserves this. It has long been our angry world, and it will not suffer this kind of pain at all."

"Why anger the Hou Ye, I really don't know whether to live or die."

A sound of mockery and flirtation spewed out of their mouths.

Click click!

Li Yuanba's double fists and my clacking sounded, I couldn't bear it any longer, and took a step forward.

"Damn it, I can't take it anymore. Tianling, Wuxin, you and sister-in-law and Xiao Wudi will go first, Tian Fei, Zhang Yue, and Yi Zu, we will fight the four." Li Yuanba said.

Tianling and Li Wuxin's expressions froze, looking at Li Yuanba and nodding their heads.

They can die.

But before death, Liu Luoxi and others must not be allowed to have an accident.

Not for anything else, just because of this, their sister-in-law.

"Let's go together!" Liu Luoxi refused directly.

She didn't know what Li Yuanba meant, but she also knew the status of these people in Long Fei's mind.

Just like them, they are all in Long Fei's heart, and they are the people Long Fei wants to protect.

"Don't say it, in an extraordinary period, you don't want mother-in-law or mother-in-law, you go first, and I will carry it." Hong Yi couldn't help but say, he directly sacrificed the boat on the other side, and a force rolled over, throwing all of them into the boat on the other side. .

Then, push with both hands.

The boat on the other side rushed into the endless void in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Ahhh, bastard, how dare you escape?"

But at this moment, Star Demon Marquis reacted.

He thought that everything was in his own hands.

Just like before, as long as he makes a move, others will obediently surrender.

But this time, I never thought that Hong Yi would be willing to give up his own life and let others escape.

"Follow me, no matter where you go, you must bring them back to me."

"The things I liked by Xingye have never been obtained." Xing Yaohou said.

And Hoshino is his name.


Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, one after another figure, driving the aircraft directly, rushed into the void and began to chase and kill.

"Hahaha, it's useless. Your Monster World is just as good as you, counting on them, it's just to die for."

Hong Yi laughed.

He had already thought of this scene.

The moment Xing Yaohou appeared, he knew that he was not an opponent.

All actions are for the purpose of laying the groundwork just now, in order to send others away.

Now, the goal is reached.

Hong Yi also felt relieved.

"Hmph, so what? You think they can get away?"

"This Marquis will issue an order to kill all worlds. As long as the world level is below my star Monster World, it will be intercepted."

"Furthermore, this Marquis will not kill you. This Marquis wants you to be imprisoned in my Star Demon Prison, and when they are brought back, they will be executed together."

"Let Wanjie know the fate of disobeying my star Monster World."


Saying that, the Star Demon Marquis shot directly, and the Wanzhang Star Demon swooped down instantly, directly drowning Hong Yi.

At the same time, after the chaos of the ancient world, Long Fei was preparing to enter a new route.

But suddenly got up.

My heart hurts so much.

In the blink of an eye, Long Fei's eyes became scarlet, and bloodshot streaks filled it, which was extremely terrifying.

"grown ups."

Jiang Chunqiu was startled, shocked by the breath on Long Fei's body, trembling, his whole body trembling.

However, Long Fei had a murderous look on his face and was extremely indifferent. He turned around, glanced at Jiang Chunqiu, and said

"Go, go to the nearby Myriad Beast Realm, I want to know what happened recently in Myriad Realms."

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