The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4318 Exploding You!

The void is silent.

In Noda's void, only Long Fei's voice echoed.

Who is a fool?

At this moment, the people of Wanjie were slapped in the face by Long Fei.

Like defeated roosters, one by one stands in the void, trembling constantly, and his eyes are constantly dodging.

In their mouths, they kept calling Long Fei an idiot.

But now, it turns out, they are the real ignorant.

At this time, Long Fei didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, he turned around and looked at the young master of the Myriad Beast Realm.

"Now, daddy is going to kill you, who can save you?"

Long Fei said coldly.

Now, Long Fei's killing intent is raging directly, and the killing intent of the young master of the Myriad Beast Realm has also exploded to the extreme.

"No, you can't kill me, the rules of the world are touched, and my father must have known."

"You go now, it's still too late."

"If you dare to hurt me, you will die."

The young master of the world of beasts said.

To this day, he is still arrogant.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, feeling that this person was really in arrears with his IQ.

Now that the rules of all worlds can't bind him, he still fears the so-called king of all beasts?

Is the realm king very arrogant?

Just like who is not the king of the realm.

They are all realm kings, who is afraid of whom?

Therefore, Long Fei didn't care about the threat of this young master of the world of beasts.

Don't say that the King of the Beast Realm is not there, even if it is really right in front of you, Long Fei should kill it or kill it.

"Sir, don't be impulsive, this person is not false. Under the control of the king of the world of beasts, the rules of the world are now coming."

Jiang Chunqiu also said.

Jiang Chunqiu's face was also extremely excited at this time.

Eyes squeezed together.

Without it, it is because Long Fei is too awesome.

Completely worked a miracle. As far as he knows, for countless years, no one has been able to resist the rules of the world in Myriad Realms, but Long Fei not only resisted the power of the rules, but also countered the rules. things, since time immemorial

First person.

And he, just flattered again.

What else could make him more excited than this kind of thing.

Therefore, at this time, he is even more reluctant to take risks with Long Fei, and he does not want Long Fei and the King of the Beast Realm to face each other so early.

"Come on, it's none of my business."

"It's a big deal, just do it." Long Fei said.

Don't care at all.

Jiang Chunqiu "Uh uh."

Jiang Chunqiu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated as he looked at Long Fei with an indifferent face.

I want to slap me on the face.

For fear that he hadn't heard what Long Fei was saying.

Long Fei, on the other hand, didn't care at all, he stepped forward and came directly to the Young Master of the World of Beasts.


A slap directly covered it.


"Pretend? Why are you pretending?"

"The goddess scattered flowers, right?"

"Young Master of the Myriad Beasts, right?"

"Kill daddy and go to Wanjie to pretend, right?"

Long Fei asked again and again, and every time he asked a question, he slapped him.

In just a few breaths of time, the young master of the Myriad Beast Realm was directly beaten into a pig's head by Long Fei, and his facial features were already indistinguishable.

"I'm going to kill you." The young master of the Myriad Beast Realm still said fiercely.


"Kill me, come on?"

Long Fei sneered and kicked over.

He directly kicked the young master of the Myriad Beast Realm from the void.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei's figure flew down and came to the front of the young master of the world of beasts again.

"Now, who do you think will save you?" Long Fei asked.

His eyes were cold.

The Chaos War Sword shot directly and pressed it directly on the neck of the Lord of the Beasts. As long as he exerted a little force, he could cut open his arteries and slash his head.

At this moment, the young master of the Myriad Beasts was finally afraid.

His swollen face, whose facial features could no longer be clearly seen, finally showed fear.

At this moment, he finally knew clearly.

Long Fei not only dared to kill him.

And, not afraid of his father at all. "No, please, don't kill me."

"I can make the ancient world stand above all realms and become a super existence second only to my ten thousand beast realm."

"Moreover, I can also divide a part of the world to become the slave world of the ancient world."

"As long as you don't kill me, I will give you whatever you want." The young master of the Myriad Beasts asked for mercy.

He grasped Long Fei's arm tightly without any discipline.

Just one step down.

"Begging for mercy? Haha, tsk tsk, I thought the young master of the Myriad Beasts was so powerful?"

"It turns out that you are also afraid of death."

"It's a pity, daddy wants to kill you, it doesn't matter if you are afraid or not."

Long Fei spoke lightly, his eyes were contemptuous, like Sword Ray, as if he was one with the long sword in his hand.

"So, go to hell."

Long Fei's voice changed, and the long sword in his hand was pushed horizontally.

But at this moment, an incomparably surging killing intent descended directly through the endless void.



The vast void was pierced, and a palm directly cut through the endless void and attacked.

This force hit Long Fei directly, as if he wanted to kill Long Fei with one palm.

Suddenly, Long Fei reacted and took a step back.

"Dog thing, do you want to kill my son?"

Outside of nothingness, a voice came straight out, extremely angry.

"Father, you are finally here."

"Ah, father, we must kill him."

"I want to make his life worse than death." Suddenly, the young master of the Myriad Beast Realm became crazy again.

And below, it boils again

"Lord Realm King is here, this time, this kid is dead."

"How dare you insult us like this. A world in decline, a world that has been excluded from the world after civilization, dares to be arrogant in front of us."

"Must die."

"Lord Realm King, kill him."

The people of Wanjie suddenly became arrogant one by one, like a dog finding its owner.

At this time, Long Fei's eyes also turned to the void.

A figure has descended.

The breath on his body is extremely powerful.

At least, in Long Fei's perception, it was the same as the original Xuandi.

Even stronger than Emperor Xuan.

More importantly, the light on the head of the King of Beasts.

It is simply a blinding existence.

"I'm Cao, boss, boss."

"Super boss."

Long Fei's heart was surging and he kept shouting.

At this moment, there was an infinite longing in my heart.

What is the king of the world of beasts, the young master of the world of beasts.

All are clouds.

boss, the true meaning of eternity at this time.

"Dog thing, you dare to violate the rules of the world?"

"And, also made my Myriad Beast Realm look like this?"

"You still want to kill my son?"

"This king asks you, who is it that gave you this courage?"

The King of the Beast Realm kept talking, his eyes were full of killing intent.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, Long Fei didn't care about these words at all.

There was only one thought in his mind.

That is to blow up the boss.

"Father, don't talk nonsense, this person is from the ancient world."

"After civilization, no one from the ancient world has ever come here. There must be something extraordinary in him."

"Kill him, maybe let us know the mystery in the center of Myriad Realms, the forbidden land of Myriad Realms."

The young master of the Myriad Beast Realm suddenly said, looking at Long Fei with incomparable hatred.

"Okay, after being arrogant for so long, it's time to suppress him, so that all worlds know that I am the master of the world of beasts." The king of the world of beasts lit up.

Especially when I heard the words "Ancient World", it was even more calm and flickering.

And at this time, Long Fei also suddenly opened his mouth.

"Are you finished?"

"A boss dares to despise daddy?" "Don't waste your time, today, daddy is going to blow you up."

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