The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4327 Dictatorship Dissatisfied

World War?

This kind of thing has never happened in millions of years.

Even longer, anyway, as far as they know, after the Myriad Realms civilization opened up, it never happened.

Every time, under the control of these super-powerful realms, the fittest survives, and the ten thousand realms are replaced again and again.

As for the War of the Worlds?

It is simply impossible, and the Venerable World will never allow such a thing to happen.

But now, with one word from Long Fei, it turned out that he was going to set off the Great War of Ten Thousand Realms directly.


It is simply to risk the world, and it is extremely crazy.

There was even a scene before their eyes.

Corpses are scattered everywhere, Stars fall, civilizations are annihilated

This is a crazy act of destroying civilization and self-destruction.

But at this time, Long Fei said directly

"What about the respected world?"

"Jiang Chunqiu is right. Your servility has penetrated into your bones. Even if you have a chance to turn over for you, you will still look like you are licking a dog."

"Daddy will ask you, do you do it?"

"Do you dare?" Long Fei said.

His eyes were full of disdain and ridicule.

Even if he controls all the worlds, Long Fei doesn't have much expectations in his heart.

Just like what he said just now, servility has been rooted and branded in their bones and blood.

At this time, these people from all realms also fell silent.

Each groaned hoarsely, breathing rapidly.

Facing Long Fei's contempt, they clenched their fists.

But in the end, there was still silence.

They couldn't resist at all.

All words are pale.

Because they don't dare.

As long as they think of the great power of the Zunjie, they will feel the humbleness in their hearts, and they just want to survive in the cracks.

As Long Fei said, they wanted to be a licking dog, and they never thought of resisting.

"Ahem, my lord, maybe you're right."

"However, we are a world, not us alone. We want to preserve a world, so this time, I can't agree with this old man."

"What the lord wants to do is the matter of the lord, we, the world of gods, do not participate."

However, there was still one person who stood up to resist.

He directly rejected Long Fei's proposal.

"Yes, my lord, this is too crazy, I am not participating in Tianshui World."

"I don't participate in Tianhuo World."

"I will not participate in Fuhaijie."


All are denials.

None agreed.

"The adults have such strength, but we don't. We don't accompany the adults to go crazy."

"To put it bluntly, my lord, this is for us to die."

"We're not that mentally retarded."

There was another voice of opposition. At this moment, the people of Wanjie were surprisingly unanimous, and no one wanted to follow Long Fei.

In an instant, the atmosphere was extremely empty.

Jiang Chunqiu's face also showed a bit of anger, his eyes were cold and cold, looking at the group of people in front of him, his heart was extremely helpless.

But Long Fei was indifferent and didn't care how the other party answered.

Because now, the fate of their world is completely in Long Fei's hands.

Whether they want to or not is one thing.

But it is up to them to do it or not.

Thinking of this, Long Fei sneered and said

"So, this is your decision?"

"You don't dare to disobey the respected world? You dare to disobey the daddy?" Long Fei said lightly.

But after saying the last word, the momentum of the body exploded instantly, and the power of the flesh shook the void.

Brush brush.


In an instant, another series of explosion sounds appeared.

Nebula collapsed.

This is the wrath of the strong.


In an instant, the people of Wanjie suddenly changed their color.

All of a sudden I lost my mind, especially the ones who called me the most, and now I just kneel down.

"Your anger, your lord, your anger."

"We don't mean to offend, it's just that Monster World and Zunjie are too powerful."

"We really don't want to die."

"Yes, my lord, it's not that the department is unwilling to follow. It's that we carry the future of a world, and we can't afford to gamble!"

These people started to kowtow constantly, with cold sweat on their faces.

But Long Fei didn't speak, and they didn't dare to stop at all.

But at this moment, outside the void, several extremely powerful auras suddenly appeared.

All with a will of absolute control, extremely tyrannical.

Long Fei was also stunned for a moment, but when he sensed this breath, he immediately relaxed, not caring at all.

"What an arrogant boy, he actually wants to start a war of ten thousand worlds?"

"Who do you think you are? Dare to be wild here?"

"Really, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are also kings? Thinking that the king of the beasts is not there, you can go wild?"

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

Brush brush.

Figures came one after another, and they came up with a look of arrogance.


A look like I'm arrogant.

Long Fei is not taken seriously at all.

Below, the people of Wanjie were instantly stunned.

These people are none other than the realm kings of their world.

Of course, only a few have come now.

"Lord Realm King. No."

In an instant, one of them opened his mouth to block.

These people have never seen Long Fei's violent appearance, but they know it well.

As for the King of the Beast Realm, if you add a little catalyst, the ashes will now be f*ck across the ocean.

If a little bit of spiritual soil was bred, the grass on the tomb would be so tall, and you still talk about the king of the beasts here?

Long Fei also smiled.

These people, this is dissatisfied.

Especially now, before the words of the person who opened the door were finished, the realm king of their world just slapped over.

"A shameful thing, how can I have a waste like you in my Tianshui world?"

"What kind of rubbish is worth your knees?"

"My face in Tianshui World has been lost by you." The King of Tianshui World snorted coldly and scolded angrily.

But that day, the people in the water world shook their heads crazily.

"Lord Bujie King, please stay calm and apologize to this lord."

"The King of the Beast Realm."

The man wanted to talk, but was interrupted again.

This time, it was even more direct, and was directly slapped by the Heavenly Water Realm King.

"Dare to say it? It's a shame, I don't know enough." Tianshui Realm King said coldly.

Immediately, his eyes turned to look at Long Fei

"Boy, if you're interested, now kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe this king is in a good mood, and he can spare you a dog's life." The King of Tianshui said.

And at the same time, the people in the world below exploded instantly.

"Sir, come back soon."

"Lord Realm King, stay away from this idiot, don't provoke your lord."

"Lord Realm King, come back soon, things are not what you think."

In an instant, the people in the world below struggled one by one, and began to roar continuously, letting the king of their own world come back.

Even, it is directly stated that the King of Sleeping Realm is a fool.

In an instant, these realm kings in the void were all dumbfounded.

Especially the King of Tianshui, who was blatantly called an idiot by so many people, his face was even more embarrassing.

For a moment, he was extremely angry, but before he opened his mouth, he heard Long Fei say

"What they said is right, you are a bunch of idiots!" "It seems that you are not satisfied, but it's okay, daddy specializes in all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

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