The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4330 Imminent!

The center of the universe, the central point of the intersection.

in a palace.

Zun Zhou opened his eyes from his closed eyes.

A bright light suddenly burst out from between the eyes.

"The beasts are dead? Is there really someone who can break through the power of the rules for the world? It's getting more and more interesting."


"Long Batian, could it be you?" Zun Zhou's eyes were cold, and he muttered to himself.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to draw in the void.

And at this moment.

Above the ten directions of this universe.

At the same time, a mysterious power appeared.

A figure, rushing directly to the Shattering Void, appeared faintly.

Northern Dipper Realm, Star Monster World, Phoenix Realm, Divine Realm Realm, Xianzong Realm, Xichen Realm, Tianyuan Realm, Crazy Domination Realm, Furious Sea Realm.

The supreme powerhouses of the nine powerful realms, the realm kings of the first realm, fell to their knees one after another.

"The king of the world of the beasts perished, and the ancient world was reversed, and the nine powerful worlds were attacked together. At the same time, the world king's struggle for hegemony began. After the first battle, the remaining world kings were spiritually sealed."

This figure appeared, just a simple sentence.

After that, it disappeared.

But these words directly set off a turbulent turbulence in the place where all worlds intersect.

"The beasts are dead? It turned out that someone from the ancient world appeared? This time, some did it."

"Haha, I don't know whether to live or die. If you have a little strength, you can't find Bei. Just in time, there is a group of less competition."

"Conquest of all worlds, this time, it is my world's name to be famous"

Suddenly, one after another, the voices of wild laughter appeared in the ten directions of the place where the ten thousand worlds intersected.

Rush the sky.

Immediately afterwards, they gave their orders

"The Northern Dipper world belongs to all worlds. The king of the world is the general, and the billionaires are the soldiers. Follow me on my expedition."

"The realm of the gods belongs to all realms."

"The world of tyrants belongs to."

For a while, the Nine Realms moved.

Of course, there are also surprises, that is, Phoenix World and Star Monster World.

In the Phoenix world, the ancestor of Phoenix stood in the endless flames, his eyes were extremely gloomy

"Ancient world? Someone actually broke through the shackles and got out of the predicament?"

In the eyes of the ancestors of the Phoenix world, the eyes of the ancestors were extremely shady.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

Directly from the endless flame, incarnate into a Phoenix.

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, you must save Long Fei big brother."

"I have a feeling that the person who came out of the ancient world this time is Long Fei's big brother. You must save him."

This Phoenix incarnation is none other than Jojo.

Jojo looked sad and begged bitterly.

Phoenix's ancestor was stunned for a moment, and a murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

But soon, the killing intent was hidden by him

"Don't worry, you are the Holy Maiden of my Phoenix world. Since this person really has the ability to go out of the ancient world, then this king will naturally not speak."

"If he really has the ability, even if I pour out the Phoenix world, it will save him."

The ancestor of Phoenix said.

"Thank you old ancestor, thank you old ancestor, as long as I can save Long Fei's big brother, even if I want my fire of nirvana, I will never hesitate." Qiaoqiao cried with joy and said firmly.

"Alright, alright, stop crying."

"The Conquest of Ten Thousand Realms has already started, so it won't be long before the battle for the King of Realms will begin. Get ready." Phoenix ancestor said.

Qiao Qiao was stunned for a moment, and there was a deep unwillingness in her eyes.

This preparation, needless to say, Qiaoqiao knows it in her heart.

It's getting ready for marriage.

Because now, the Phoenix world has gathered people from the nine strong worlds in the Phoenix Valley, where all worlds meet.

They came here to beg.

Of course, there were originally ten realms.

However, because the Myriad Beast Realm disappeared, naturally only the Nine Realms remained.

"Okay, I see. As long as the ancestor does what you promised Qiao Qiao, I will marry." Qiao Qiao said firmly.

But in my heart, it was like a drop of blood, and the pain was unbearable.

"Long Fei big brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"But as long as you can live, Jojo is willing to do anything."

"Jojo as long as you live."

In the Phoenix Valley, people from the nine worlds are also well aware of this news.

They are all talents from the nine worlds, and in their respective worlds, they are also the peak powerhouses.

Moreover, most of them are young masters of the first world.

Everyone was excited after hearing the news.

"Haha, Conquest of the Worlds, this time is interesting?"

"That's right, it's best. Then we will directly destroy some of the worlds that don't have long eyes, and see who dares to shoot women with this young master."

"Hmph, I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue, can't we practice here?"

Full of gunpowder flavor.

No one obeys anyone.

But now, at this time, people in the Phoenix world will naturally not allow trouble.

Immediately there was a steward to stop it

"Everyone, don't be impatient."

"Just now, the ancestors have issued a secret order, let me tell you, whoever can cut off the rebellion of the ancient world, then who will be betrothed by Holy Maiden."

Said the steward of Phoenix.

A word fell.

The people from the Nine Realms suddenly stopped talking, and then each snorted coldly.

At this time, a young man walked out directly from the crowd of Zunjie.

"Ancient world, Long Fei? This time, this emperor will kill you." The young man said and left.

Completely ignore the people in the remaining eight worlds.

But if Long Fei were here, he would definitely be shocked.

Because this person is completely a young version of Xuandi.

The screen turns again, and turns back to the area where the World of Ten Thousand Beasts is located.

This figure also appeared, and even before disappearing, he gave Long Fei a meaningful glance.

As for Long Fei, after this figure disappeared, anger in his heart aroused instantly.

"Set me as the reverse?" Long Fei clenched his teeth.

A thick humiliation appeared in my heart.

Back then, he made killing Emperor Xuan his lifelong goal.

Now that Emperor Xuan is dead, the people of Zunjie are standing on their heads and shitting.

Even, in a word now, he directly defines himself as a rebel and lets all worlds attack.

Click click!

Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, and killing intent burst out from his body.

"You want to conquer me, right? It just so happens that daddy also wants to conquer all worlds."

"This time, it's up to us who can beat who." Long Fei said in a deep voice.

The killing intent is rampant, and everything is released.

The faces of the remaining realm kings were all solemn.

When they stayed, they already knew what they were going to face.

However, now this process is directly transparent.

Without any buffering, it just exploded.

"Damn, let's fight, this time around our world is destined to be eliminated, it's better to do it."

"Yes, let's fight hard, it's better than being a dog all your life, and in the end, someone else will eat meat."

"Sir, we have done with you."

These people said in succession.

Long Fei was heartbroken, and snorted coldly, "Let's do it. Everyone, this time, we will die hard. I, Long Fei, hereby promise that as long as you can survive, the center of this universe will definitely exist in the future, your glory."

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