The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4332 A Fight

Before the power of the beast world.

The three strikers have been cut off, and all traces of the Myriad Beast Realm have long since disappeared.

Change owners here.

Under this side of the world, Long Fei became the master.

Time, three days have passed since Zun Zhou issued the order to conquer the Ten Thousand Realms.

Long Fei still did not take the initiative to attack.

It's not that I don't want to, but because there is another area here, Long Fei has a yearning in his heart.

The abyss of all beasts!

"My lord, this abyss is not only in the world of beasts, but after every super strong world, there is such a place, which is bottomless."

"For millions of years, no one has explored it at all, even the realm king of the super strong world, dare not explore it."

"This place is completely irreplaceable."

Jiang Chunqiu said aside.

The whole body was shaking.

Behind him, the King of the Thousand Realms is the same.

Looking at this unfathomable abyss, they are all restrained.

Like a pilgrimage, it is extremely humble.

It seems that this place is not something they are qualified to see directly.

Only Long Fei looked indifferent.

He could also feel that under this abyss, there was a mysterious, indescribable.

Release the Buddha, those existences have gone through the magic wash of time, an ancient and mysterious perception, filling my heart.

And Jiang Chunqiu's words also made Long Fei feel a slight movement in his heart.

Originally, he thought that this abyss, like the Three Thousand Peaks, was a base of the Myriad Beast Realm.

But that's not the case at all.

"There are ten such places in the center of the universe?" Long Fei thought to himself.

Inexplicably, it was directly linked to the ancient Great Emperor.

In the center of the intersection of all worlds, there are too many legends about the ancient world.

Whether it is Long Batian or something else, it is full of unknown colors.

The Thirteen Great Emperors are even more powerful, and they are directly called the Thirteen Kings.

Can this kind of existence be arrogant?

"Damn, if you're not going to save people now, you must jump down to see what's going on."

For three days, Long Fei had been making a choice in his heart.

He even awakened Tianyan Beasts in order to explore whether this abyss was related to the Thirteenth Great Emperor.

But Tianyan Beast's answer was simply cut off.

do not know.

"Forget it, we can only wait later." Long Fei said in his heart.

Extraordinarily unwilling.

He didn't go in, not because of fear, not because he didn't dare.

Rather, he was afraid of delaying too much time. Now that the Zun Realm has attacked him, the existence of the Yang God Realm is also in danger.

Unless these concerns are relieved, Long Fei does not dare to take risks.

Furthermore, within three days, Long Fei had already felt that outside the world, an extremely tyrannical force had gathered.

The enemy has arrived.

Suddenly, Long Fei turned around

"Counting the time, they should have arrived."

"I just don't know, this time, which world is it?" Long Fei said lightly, his eyes turned to the void, and the corners of his mouth were cold.

From here, it would be too expensive to travel to the star Monster World.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Long Fei did not leave.

He has to wait!

Waiting for the people from all realms to come, in this way, he can gather more hatred and disperse the danger of Yang God Realm.

And at this time, the realm kings who chose to stay became restless one by one.

"Sir. We seem to be surrounded?"

"I also felt it, such a strong breath."

"It's only been three days, have they already come here?"

Everyone opened their mouths, and their faces changed.

For the position of this side of the world, their perception is limited.

What Long Fei had already sensed, they couldn't feel it until the other party arrived.

This also shows that the incoming person is very strong, at least, not worse than any one of the Thousand Realms King.

Jiang Chunqiu's expression also changed.

But Long Fei didn't react at all, looking out of the void indifferently, calmly.

Seeing this, these realm kings became even more flustered, and some even spoke directly.

"Sir, let's go out now."

"Yes, my lord, if we sit and wait for death, we are extremely passive. It is better to take the initiative and kill a bloody path."

"Yes, my lord, let's make our way first."

These people said, their eyes were already filled with gloom.

They are afraid that the longer it takes, the worse it will be for them.

Some people even looked at Long Fei with distrust in their eyes.

After all, no matter how strong Long Fei is, he is only one person.

But in front of him, everyone had already reached the door, and Long Fei was still indifferent.

Instinctively, they thought whether Long Fei was lying to them.

Because of the current situation, if Long Fei was really so awesome, he could kill the realm king in an instant, he would have already killed him long ago, and would he still be silent here?

Long Fei's eyes moved slightly, seeing the reactions of these people in his eyes, and chuckled lightly.

"Are you afraid?" Long Fei asked.

These people can no longer feel at ease, and their hearts have long been dominated by fear.

But in front of them, if they don't open their mouths, they will never dare to disobey.

"Sir, we are not afraid."

"When we decided to stay, we handed over our life and death."

"Don't put your brain on the waist of your pants, you just want to make a way out."

"But my lord, even if we die, we want to die in a vigorous battle, instead of being besieged by others and suffocating to death."

As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, there were endless rebuttals.

Their eyes were determined, their fists clenched, and they looked like they wanted to fight to the death.

"In the end, you are still afraid."

"You are afraid that I can't take you farther."

"But, it doesn't exist."

Long Fei said lightly.

Be confident.

"Sir, we"

Others wanted to defend themselves, their faces flushed.

Because of this sentence, it was directly pierced by Long Fei.

They chose to stay at that time because they wanted to change the future of their world and their destiny.

But Long Fei's inaction made them panic, thinking that they had made the wrong choice.

Just without waiting for their explanation, Long Fei spoke directly

"Don't worry, what I said, Long Fei, hasn't gone unnoticed."

"I said that taking you to conquer all worlds is to conquer all worlds."

"Dumplings made by others? It doesn't exist."

"They want to catch turtles in the urn, but they don't know that daddy is also waiting for the rabbit."

"As for what you are worried about, it will never appear." Long Fei said, taking a step forward.

In his eyes, coldness radiated.

The King of the Thousand Realms didn't know why, but he still couldn't avoid a path.

"Sir? Are we going to fight?" Someone asked boldly.

But Long Fei shook his head and said

"No, now is not the time."

"It's useless to shoot so early."

"There are too many clowns jumping on the beam. If you don't fight them all at once, they will never know what trembling is." "If you want to fight, let them know what is fear, and what is awe." Long Fei said, After closing his eyes, he fell into silence.

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