The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4336 Star Monster World King

Star Monster World, Star Palace.

As a super strong world, Star Monster World is extremely high.

And because of the marriage relationship with Zunjie, he even claimed to be the king next to Zunjie, and became an existence second only to Zunjie.

Therefore, even the palace is extremely tall.

The whole is a Star forging, incomparably grand and vast.

Moreover, in addition to Star, there are countless formation blessings, which are full of light and splendid.


But at this moment, in the palace, a sound of explosion appeared.

On it, the King of Monster World had a frosty face, and the injured Star's seat was smashed to pieces by his punch.

"Long Fei? Ancient world?"

"A mere piece of trash is so violent? He even threatened to attack our planet, Monster World?"

The face of the King of Star Monster World was abnormally cold.

Just now, the news that Zun Zhou had overthrown Long Fei from Northern Dipper Wanjie came, and even the news that Long Fei was going to attack Monster World, also passed on to the heavens.

So, now the king of Star Monster World is so angry.

"My king, why worry, he's just a stinky boy, our star Monster World is not comparable to that kind of trash world."

"The realm king of the Northern Dipper is only equivalent to the strength of our star demon general, and it is not worth mentioning at all."

"Destroy the Northern Dipper Myriad Realms, I'll wait for the Star Demon King, it doesn't take much, just five people can do it."

Among the Great Hall, several core characters of Monster World said.

The King of Star Monster World, his expression softened a little.

"But, no matter what, my star Monster World must not be beaten in the face."

"After a mere civilization, it became a world of rubbish, and I dare to say that it is unbearable to conquer Monster World."

"Yes, my king, let me wait and bring back the head of that kid."

Several people said in a proud tone.

It seems that Long Fei is not in his eyes at all.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, but I still can't underestimate it. This kid is also arrogant. He even let the king of the lower realm of the beast world leave, leaving only a thousand wastes."

"With these people, I was able to destroy the Northern Dipper world, which shows that this kid is not easy." King Monster World said.

Then, with an expression on his face, he suddenly thought of something

"No, this kid also beheaded the King of the Beast Realm. If this is the case, you are afraid that Ah Shi will not be able to take it."

Star Monster World King's anger disappeared and began to analyze Long Fei.

In his heart, like these Star Demon Kings, he didn't care about Long Fei at all.

Moreover, his strength is far above that of the average strong realm king.

As these star demon kings said, five star demon kings can destroy the Northern Dipper world.

This is strength.

This is the bottom line.

Taking the Star Monster World as an example, the Star Demon King can only be counted as the second step of the corpse, and on top of this, there is the Star Demon Emperor.

Above the Star Demon Emperor is him.

Such strength is enough to disdain the heavens.

It's just that Long Fei's power is too strange, making him a little cautious.

Therefore, after thinking that Long Fei had killed the King of the Beast Realm, he directly overturned the previous decision.

The faces of several star demon kings also changed, and they said in shock.

"That's not possible. The strength of the King of the Beast Realm is even stronger than that of the Star Demon Emperor. If this is the case, why would Zun let us fight?"

Mu Ran, a star demon king said.

There was a look of disbelief on his face.

After all, Long Fei is just a person who came out of the ancient world.

"There are too many things involved. This kid is called Long Fei, maybe it has something to do with the devil before civilization."

"So, it's not enough to leave this matter to you."

"Let the five emperors take action."

"The power of the five emperors plus you, should be foolproof." King Star Monster World said.

Then, the king of Star Monster World issued an edict.

"Okay, you can just go."

"I have already informed the five emperors that the five emperors will leave the customs soon to help you," said the king of Monster World.

Immediately, the faces of the several star demon kings were overjoyed.

Just about to speak, ready to attack.

Suddenly, the entire Star Palace moved abruptly.


Like an earthquake, the entire Star Palace began to turmoil.

Star Monster World's face froze

"Don't die, you dare to attack my star Monster World?"

"Could it be that Long Fei has already come?"

"Hmph, it's just right here, go out and kill him."

Several star demon kings were furious.

The same is true for the King of Star Monster World, the anger that had just subsided suddenly rose again.

Killing intent.

"Dog thing, I'm tired of living."

"Just right, let the king of this realm take action and kill him directly." The king of Monster World flicked his sleeves and moved his body, turning into a little starlight, and disappeared instantly.

At this time, above the Star Palace.

A huge grinding wheel is constantly bombarding the Star Palace.

"Haha, it's fun."

"The palace made by Star is not very good. It's so unbeatable."

"And what kind of rubbish formation is it, it's simply vulnerable, and it can't even withstand the bombardment of the grinding disc."

A childish voice echoed through the void.

Extremely arrogant.

Just invincible.

Xiao Wudi controls the roulette with one hand and releases the power of the underworld with the other.

Like the demon of annihilation of the void, it is extremely tyrannical.

Behind him, Li Yuanba and the others looked at each other.

"Tsk tsk, it really is the boss's kind, this arrogance, I like it."

"Haha, who said no? I seem to see the rise of another boss."

"I have a hunch that it won't be long before the entire starry sky will tremble because of Xiao Wudi."

Li Yuanba, Lin Yousheng and the others were speaking without a word.

Also easy.

But his eyes are always watching the surroundings.

Always ready to fight.

At this time, Xiao Wudi seemed to be tired of playing, and a ferocious killing intent flashed on his tender face.

"The bastards of Monster World? Get the hell out of here."

"My lord is here for revenge."

Little Invincible drank loudly.

In an instant, the roulette in his hand shines brightly.

The power of the underworld emperor, the power of evil, and the power of the era and the power of the other side exploded in an instant.


In an instant, the Star Palace began to collapse.

But at this moment, a pair of big hands broke out directly from the Star Palace.

With a sudden movement, he directly held the roulette in his hand.

Xiao Wudi's face changed and became extremely heavy.

"The power of the underworld emperor, the power of evil explodes for me!"

Xiao Wudi made a sound, and the power radiated from him, as if it was integrated with the liberation roulette.

but. The next scene made Xiao Wudi even more panicked.

Because this power is useless at all.

The entire roulette was tightly held by that big hand, and there was no way to pull it out.

"Hmph, looking for something to die. I thought it was the bastard Long Fei who came to die? I didn't expect it to be a group of ants like you." The voice of the King of Monster World came directly.

Immediately after that, the figure of the King of Star Monster World appeared directly.

Several star demon kings followed closely behind.

"My king, these are a few ants trying to break free from the control of my star, Monster World. That order to hunt down the world was also issued by me sitting down from the monster."

Suddenly a star demon king looked at Li Yuanba and the others and said. "Well? People from the Sun God World?" King Star Monster World's eyes moved, and he said in a cold voice.

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