I want the realm king to speak coldly, cold and ruthless.

As cold as starlight, cold mountains and iron.

Tianling's body froze, and a great pressure directly imprisoned his body.

"Humph, non-human, non-immortal and non-ghost? What a special body shape!"

"But the same, in front of this seat is a waste."

"Star shackles, give me the town!"

Star Monster World King shouted.

Immediately, the tip of his right finger moved.


One after another, the light of Star came instantly.

Moreover, this operation does not affect the strength of his left hand.

The giant left palm still exerted endless pressure on Chen Tianfei and the others.

Like absolute control, there is no pressure at all, and both directions are directly crushed.

Moreover, it is absolutely crushing.

I saw that at this time, the body of Tianling was directly penetrated by the light of Star, and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and Pipa bones were all pierced.

It seems to be a chain linking the sky, spreading directly in all directions, imprisoning the heavenly spirit.

Even if the amount of Spirit Power is unique, it is impossible to break free at this time.

Imprisoned immediately.

"Do you still want to run?"

"If this seat doesn't make a move, do you really think that there is no one in Monster World?"

"As for those wastes, if they die, they will die."

"My star Monster World has too many star demon kings, so it's nothing to worry about."

Star Monster World King said, full of disdain.

It seems that he let Li Yuanba and others take action.

Otherwise, none of his people will die.

Immediately afterwards, the star of the Monster World king looked directly at Xiao Wudi.

"They are protecting you, aren't they? It seems that your identity is quite special? There is also this power, but a baby, who has such a Cultivation Base, it seems that your talent and blood power are outrageously strong."

"However, my favorite is to kill geniuses."

"But before you die, this seat will be used for waste."

"It just so happens that this seat also wants to know how those women are all over the country. When the time comes, this seat will let them enjoy themselves under my crotch."

"Hahaha. How is it? Is this picture cool?" said the King of Monster World, extremely arrogant.

In an instant, Xiao Wuyi's eyes suddenly became extremely scarlet.

Full of gore and murder.

"An immortal dog, dare to humiliate my relatives and die for me."

Xiao Wudi's voice was still immature, but it was filled with a hoarse emptiness.

As if from the Nine Netherworld.

At the same time, Xiao Wudi's aura suddenly changed, and the power of the Endless Underworld Emperor merged with the power of evil that erupted at this moment.

And above the void, there is also the body of the Underworld Emperor.

Outside the body, there is a roaring evil force, which is extremely terrifying.

"Emperor Underworld turned over!" Xiao Wudi shouted loudly.


In an instant, the body of the Underworld Emperor, suspended in the void, suddenly turned around, and an evil light burst out from his eyes, dark and vicissitudes, containing the sorrow of the world and the will to destroy all living beings.

The King of Star Monster World froze.

But immediately, there was a burst of ecstasy.

"Hahaha, this kind of power?"

"It's great, it couldn't be better."

"Now this seat has changed its mind."

"This seat wants you to live, become a puppet of this seat, and gather the evil power of all worlds for this seat."

"Star is a prison, town!" Star Monster World king laughed wildly on his face.

Unable to hold back the desire in his heart, he shot in an instant.




Suddenly, the void resisted, and the stars were like fire, chasing down the void.

In the end, the body of the Underworld Emperor, which was directly transformed by the small invincible power, was firmly enclosed in it.


The fire of Star spread instantly, and the body of the Underworld Emperor, under this power, began to melt in an instant.

One after another, the fire of Star directly burned the body of the Hades.

What is even more terrifying is that Xiao Wudi's fleshly body has also begun to melt at this time.

"Do not!"

Tianling roared, glared angrily, and struggled desperately.

But the more he struggled, the more powerful the imprisoning power of the Star chain became. In just an instant, Tianling turned into a bloody man.

The whole body is dripping with blood, constantly falling from the void.

Also at this time, the strength of Chen Tianfei finally couldn't bear this monstrous pressure.

His body was constantly bent, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood.

"Ah, ah, save Xiao Wudi, don't worry about me, go and save Wudi." Chen Tianfei roared.

Kneeling heavily to the ground.


The leg bones were broken, the knees were broken, the bones of the whole body had broken through the flesh and blood, and the white bones were mixed with flesh and blood, which was shocking.

"I fought with you!"

"Death to me!"

"Daddy is killing you."

"Cut with a knife!"

And as Chen Tianfei's power was interrupted, Li Yuanba and others also rose into the sky and rushed into the void desperately.

"Ant, how can there be more people?"

The King of Monster World, however, was dismissive, with a direct backhand, and an indescribable light appeared in his eyes.


Suddenly, a roar burst into the sky.

I saw a star demon, suddenly roaring into the void.

Bang bang bang!

With a few voices on his face, Li Yuanba and the others were directly knocked out by the star demon.

One by one fell directly into a pool of blood.

No more fighting.

"Tsk tsk, Sun God World? That's all."

"How cool do you think it is?"

"It's just a bunch of trash." The King of Star Monster World said coldly, his face full of ridicule.

But Li Yuanba and the others still didn't want to give up at this time, crawling in the void step by step, blood and tears flowing from their eyes.

Extremely unwilling!

Extreme hatred.

"Hmph, trash, you still want to save people now?"

"Okay, then you all kneel down to this seat?"

"Obviously teach me how to bark. If I didn't give you the chance to be human, is it better to be a slave than to be a dog?"

"It's a pity, you don't even have to be slaves now. You can only be dogs." King Star Monster World sneered.

At this time, under the void, the people of the Star Monster World, as well as the previous Star Monster Kings, were also extremely excited.

"Hahaha, is it enough to learn how to bark? Did you not hear what my king said, if you don't learn how to bark, this little bastard will die."

"Jie Jie, this kind of strength, dare to come to the door, I really don't know whether to live or die."

"Like the old Gu in the starry sky cage, they are all cheap bones."

"It's alright now, you don't even need to be a slave, just be a dog."

One after another, one after another, it was all ridicule and contempt.

Li Yuanba and the others looked sad and angry.

His eyes were full of killing intent, but when he saw the void, he was already extremely weak, and Xiao Wudi, who was about to be burned by the fire of the Star, finally lowered his head.

"Did we call? Can we let him go?" Li Yuanba said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, dog thing, do you have a choice? This seat asks you to bark, so you have to bark." The King of Monster World's voice sank, his hands suddenly exerted force, and the fire of Star exploded instantly.

"No! No, my name is!" Li Yuanba's eyes were full of tears, and all his seven orifices were provoked by anger and hatred, and he was bleeding.

But at this time, in the void, Xiao Wudi opened his eyes, and tears fell from his face, "No, no, big Uncle, a few Uncles, don't cry, don't cry!"

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