The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4340 Dayang Realm

Star Monster World, in front of Star Palace.

Everyone from Monster World was extremely excited, with hideous eyes in their eyes.

"I just came to know that it turned out that the thief of the Ten Thousand Realms Conquest was the boss of these people, as ordered by Zun Zun."

"Cut, back then that traitor called himself the Yang God Realm, don't you know that?"

"Hmph, to even dare to threaten to attack our planet, Monster World, I really don't know whether to live or die."

These people are extremely arrogant, and their eyes are cold.

"This time, his brothers were hung by us like dogs in the void, locked with endless star chains and hooks, and the fire of the stars burned their bones every day."

"And, it's his son who does it."

"I don't know what his reaction will be when he sees this picture."

The people from Monster World looked at the void, and saw that Li Yuanba and the others were being locked in the Star by the Star chain.

One by one is extremely weak, the whole body is covered with scars and blood dripping.

Moreover, there is the fire of Star, which is constantly burning, bombarding them again and again.

But Li Yuanba and the others remained silent.

Not a single scream.

For the sake of Xiao Wudi, they can lose their dignity, they can crawl on the ground, they can kneel, and they can learn to bark like a dog.

but. I will never beg for mercy to live.

This is their last faith.

But their eyes were filled with endless sadness, looking at the demon of Star who was in the void, with blood and tears, and constantly spitting out the fire of Star, and hated it extremely.

"Haha, that's it. Brand this scene with a star stone, and then walk through the void."

"I don't believe that Long Fei will not come."

"Also, release the video of his brother learning to bark as a dog."

"And the image of the little kid being burned by our king is also released. Those women will not be able to bear it. After the king enjoys it, it will be our plaything."

The people of Star Monster World laughed loudly, with lewd eyes on their faces.

Soon, among the laughter, many people from Monster World directly spread out the Star Stones one by one.

At this time, in the endless emptiness.

A flying machine quickly shuttles through the void.

Stars whizzed past behind him.

Long Fei's expression was heavy, and since the last time, there has been no smile on his face.

None of the Thousand Realm Kings, including Jiang Chunqiu, spoke.

It's not at all.

The aura emanating from Long Fei's body was too tyrannical and terrifyingly cold.

It seems to condense the murderous intention of the world star.

Killing intent.

Even in the aircraft, they could feel the icy cold.

It was like being under a glacier, freezing to the bone.

"My lord, things may not be as bad as you think."

"Also, we have now entered the sphere of influence of the star Monster World."

"In a few moments, we will be able to reach within the scope of Dayang Realm, and then we will stop for a while, and let me, the King of Dayang Realm, open the passage, and we will be able to directly reach the scope of Star Monster World."

Jiang Chunqiu said bravely.

If it wasn't necessary, he would rather be a mute.

He was also unwilling to face Long Fei at this time.

Long Fei nodded.

No matter how powerful the aircraft is, it is definitely not as fast as the space channel.

Moreover, regarding the Dayang Realm, Long Fei remembered that there was another task.

The rewards are also very generous.

Therefore, it is necessary to stay in Dayang Realm at this time. Furthermore, Long Fei also knew that his current state was extremely unstable.


Long Fei also needs an adjustment.

At this time, Jiang Chunqiu also took a deep breath, and with Long Fei's permission, he directly controlled the aircraft to change its direction.

Go straight to Dayang Realm.

Somewhere, the mountains stretch.

The peaks are stacked, and the Star is towering.

A huge statue stands on the mountain of high mountains, showing Star, with a mask of thousands of miles.

"Damn Jiang Chunqiu, he sold our Dayang Realm like this."

"It doesn't matter if he dies, don't implicate our Dayang Realm. What is he that can also represent our Dayang Realm?"

"I swear by the world, he is also worthy? It's just an Elder. If it weren't for his relationship with the goddess of our Dayang Realm, he would be worthy of leading the team as an Elder?"

Under the statue, all the people from the Great Yang Realm were furious.


All in all, they were all denunciations of Jiang Chunqiu.

It's all exclusion.

In the middle of the crowd, a person sat under the statue.


Hearing the voices of the people in front of him, the emotions in his eyes were complicated.

In a trance, the man looked at the statue in front of him, his face becoming more and more silent

"Shut up for me."

In an instant, all fell silent.

As soon as this person opens his mouth, it is an absolute ban.

Because he is the king of the Great Yang Realm.

"Needless to say, Jiang Chunqiu? It's just a waste who relies on the halo of a goddess."

"Because of the ancient goddess, can their Jiang family rise?"

"It's enough for the favor we paid back."

"Now that Long Fei is being conquered by Myriad Realms, Monster World has seized Long Fei's weakness."

"They are bound to lose, and what we have to do now is to distance ourselves from Jiang Chunqiu as soon as possible," said Zhong Shan, King of the Sun Realm.

This statement was immediately recognized by everyone.

"Lord Jiewang said that Jiang Chunqiu is a black sheep, and keeping it is always a scourge."

"Yes, clear the relationship, otherwise we will be hated by the star Monster World and become the target of the crusade against the world."

"Damn things, it's just pushing our star Monster World into dire straits."

Countless voices appear, with a high degree of unity.

And at this time, outside the void, an aircraft suddenly broke in.

"Hahaha, Dayang Realm, I, Jiang Chunqiu, are finally back."

Immediately afterwards, on the aircraft, Jiang Chunqiu's figure directly tossed down.

With a look of excitement, looking at this familiar picture, my heart trembled.

"Everyone, our opportunity in Dayang Realm has come." Jiang Chunqiu couldn't wait to share his great achievements.

In his opinion, he can have a relationship with Long Fei.

It was simply a monstrous opportunity.

Especially after seeing the power of Long Fei, he was even more unswerving, thinking that this was an opportunity for Dayang Realm to break through the stars.

So, now that I have just returned, I want to show off.

"Oh? Opportunity? You talk about it, what kind of opportunity is it?"

Jiang Chunqiu, however, did not hear the indifference in the King Dayang's tone, and was still in high spirits.

"King Zhongjie, this time, I have brought a super awesome boss to my Dayang Realm."

"This is the real boss."

"The power is beyond your imagination!"

Jiang Chunqiu said, eloquent, his saliva spurted out.

For fear that his performance is not strong enough to show Long Fei's arrogance.

But as soon as this sentence came out, the people in Dayang Realm burst into laughter.

Suddenly, Jiang Chunqiu was stunned.

No matter how excited he was, he understood that the current situation was fundamentally different from what he thought. "You guys, what does this mean?"

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