The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4342 Slaughter City

Long Fei's figure flickered instantly.

A word of killing will directly characterize everything.


A long sword appeared directly in Long Fei's hand, and the endless chaotic aura surged on it.

A sword moves, swallows the sky and the earth, and annihilates nothingness.


With a sword cut, all things withered before the entire Great Yang Realm.

Countless people from Dayang Realm were directly beheaded by Long Fei.

In an instant, the entire Dayang Realm also turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The King of the Sun Realm looked extremely embarrassed, and more importantly, he was afraid.

The face is gloomy.

"Come on, come on, I'll open the space channel, as long as I pass the message to Monster World, there will be a chance for a master to come."

"They can't escape!"

The King of Dayang said, pretending to be calm.

It seems to be extremely stable, but it is actually a flustered comparison.

And under his order, in the Great Yang Realm, a person stood up.

Panic on his face.

Extremely unwilling.

However, there is no way.

They are from the Dayang Realm, and the realm king's words are orders, and they cannot be disobeyed at all.

Otherwise, it is also inevitable to die.

"Long Fei, don't make a fuss that doesn't matter. Our Lord Realm has already opened the space channel, and the powerhouses of Monster World will come."

"If I were you, run away now and live a few more days."

"Yes, I advise you to capture it as soon as possible. You are not the opponent of Star Monster World at all."

The people from Dayang Realm said.

Verbal attack.

Naturally, they also saw that Long Fei's state was not right, and he was extremely crazy.

So he spoke sarcastically, trying to make Long Fei completely lost.

In the air, the King of the Thousand Realms also looked worried.

"My lord, what's wrong? Shouldn't it be Qi Deviation?"

"In a hurry, I am extremely angry. I feel that the adults have gone berserk, and no sound will be heard."

"Then what should we do? Isn't this state very dangerous, if the people from Monster World really come."

Several people said worriedly.

"No, sir, now, there is no Qi Deviation."

"It's been completely murdered."

"Only killing can quell the anger of the adults."

Jiang Chunqiu said.

It was as if he had changed into a person, very indifferent.

It is directly different from before.

Many realm kings looked at each other, knowing that Jiang Chunqiu had undergone such a change, and there was no surprise.

Because being abandoned by a world, if he can't make any changes, then such a person is not worthy of following Long Fei.

However, they remained skeptical about Jiang Chunqiu's words, and looked at Long Fei with their eyes. As long as Long Fei was in the slightest, they would immediately take action.

At this time, Long Fei's scarlet eyes looked directly at the people from the Great Sun Realm in the void.

"Struggle? Die? Star Monster World?"

"Hahaha, damn it's you."

"A arrogant and hypocritical guy who thinks he is superior."


Long Fei's killing intent was Ling Ran, and he hated it to the limit.

Star Monster World, three words directly become a knife in Long Fei's heart.

Like a stick in the throat.

This is already a deadly vengeance.

Even this kind of hatred is comparable to that of the original Emperor Xuan.

What kind of respected realm, what real world kings are fighting for hegemony, Long Fei has already left them all behind.

What he wanted to do was to turn the Monster World upside down.

Sweep away everything in front of you.


Long Fei cut out another sword.

The killing intent of the sword came out.

The faces of the people in Dayang Realm changed dramatically.

"Do not!"

"Flee, this sword is definitely not something we can resist."

"He has Qi Deviation."

"Run away!"

As soon as Sword Ray came out, these people were instantly terrified.

Turn around and run away.

But it's too late.

In this state, Long Fei will kill if he makes a move.

The sword has been Expanding Aperture anger into hatred, a sword Ling Xiao to kill.

This sword carries the anger in Long Fei's heart and inherits the hatred in Long Fei's heart.

Only killing can make Long Fei feel a trace of peace.


A sword slaughter, there is no accident at all.

And Long Fei's footsteps, without the slightest pause, moved forward step by step.

With every step—hundreds of people were beheaded.

In an instant, the entire Dayang Realm was washed with blood.

At this moment, the people of Dayang Realm finally saw the strength of Long Fei, and they all felt remorse.

In particular, the powerhouses of Dayang who participated in slandering Jiang Chunqiu under the statue before, felt even more regretful in their hearts.

"Chunqiu, you have a relationship with the goddess. In the past, the goddess looked down upon the ages and smashed a bloody path. Do you have the heart to watch her hard work for our Dayang Realm come to an end?"

"Yeah, Chunqiu, please beg your lord, we know we're wrong."

"As long as you ask your lord, from now on, our Dayang Realm will be your most loyal servant."

Suddenly, several people spoke.

With hope and indifference in his eyes.

It seems that when he asks Jiang Chunqiu at this time, Jiang Chunqiu will definitely agree.

And Long Fei, the only remaining rationality now, also made his actions abruptly.

Turning around, Long Fei looked at Jiang Chunqiu.

However, Jiang Chunqiu sneered as if he hadn't heard it.

One breath, two breaths

After three breaths had passed, Jiang Chunqiu did not speak.

And Long Fei, there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, almost hoarse, the sound like pig iron rubbing—, came from his throat

"It seems that you should be the ones who are really abandoned."

"Originally, you have the opportunity to enjoy the glory under this starry sky once."

"But now, Death is your home."

Long Fei was very satisfied.

Some lines cannot be touched.

The people from Dayang Realm had obviously touched the scales in Long Fei's heart.

They must die!

If Jiang Chunqiu opened his mouth, Long Fei would withdraw.

But in the future, he will no longer have anything to do with Dayang Realm.

Even for the mission, Long Fei at most only protects the Great Yang Realm, and that's all.

But now, Jiang Chunqiu made his own choice and completely ignored it.

This choice made Long Fei extremely satisfied.

In an instant, Long Fei shot again, like a killing machine, a death god of life, running and harvesting all the way, showing no mercy at all.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Great Yang Realm burst out with screams one after another.

The whole city is destroyed.

And the whole process did not exceed the white breath time at all.

But Long Fei's footsteps didn't stop at all, and he walked over step by step.

Because the front is where the King of the Great Yang Realm is.

At this time, the King of Dayang Realm looked flustered, he could no longer suppress the panic in his heart, and his hands kept forming seals.

"Open, open it for me!"

"Space channel, open!"

"Ahhh, hurry up!"

The King of Dayang Realm screamed loudly, and his eyes were flustered.

It is not a pity for him to sacrifice a strong man in the world.

As long as he can escape, in the future, Dayang Realm will still be Dayang Realm.

However, he could never have imagined that Long Fei's strength had already surpassed his knowledge. These people can't stop Long Fei's footsteps at all.

How many people? To him, it was a joke at all.


"Aren't the people from Monster World coming?" "Is Daddy still waiting here? Go ahead." Long Fei said, extremely cold.

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