The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4352 Big Explosion! ! !

Luoyuan Great Emperor panicked instantly.

With a heavy roar, he began to wave the long spear in his hand, and began to pierce the heavens and the earth continuously.

However, this time, every time he wielded the power, it instantly dissipated without a trace.

And the breath on his body, at this moment, also became weak.

"no, do not want."

"I am the dignified ancient human king, the Dragon Court general, the Great Emperor of the human race!"

"You dare to train me?"

Luoyuan Great Emperor's illusory face began to condense facial features, staring at Long Fei with resentment.

But Long Fei didn't even pay attention.

What can the ancient king be like?

What can the Dragon Court generals do?

The Great Emperor of the human race is none of his business.

There is only one rule for Long Fei's actions, that is, those who stand in the way die.

Moreover, this is still an ancient-level boss, even more powerful than the original king of the beast world.

Can Long Fei be spared?


"Don't dare? There is nothing in this world that I, Long Fei, dare not do."

Long Fei snorted coldly, the East Seat in his hand kept going.

This is the ancient method of pill refining.

Long Fei has rarely used it since he was in the ancient world.

Now it is performed again, but it is just as familiar.

Moreover, the power is far from being able to compare at the beginning.

At the beginning, he was only the Cultivation Base of the ancient Power, but now, he has stabilized and perfected, and his own power has been rampant countless times. It is naturally different to use this pill refining method again.

This can be seen from the reaction of the Luoyuan Great Emperor.

He was afraid.

Afraid to make a move at all, he can only threaten.

"Kid, you have to know that this is the place where all worlds meet. If you dare to kill me, my twelve brothers will definitely swallow you alive in the future."

"And, my lord will suppress you forever."

Luoyuan Great Emperor said.


At this moment, he really felt the threat of Death.

"Threat me? Who gave you confidence?"

"Now you are the fish and I am the knife, how dare you be so arrogant?"

"Practice for me!" Long Fei didn't care at all.

Turning a blind eye to Luo Yuan's words, when he raised his hand, the entire space of heaven and earth flashed with brilliance, and the flames of the sky burned instantly.

And the center of this flame is Luoyuan.

"Ahhh! No"

In just an instant, Luo Yuan let out a scream.


It's like being tortured inhumanly.

"No! Don't do it, I admit defeat, I accept it."

"I am willing to sign a slave seal for you, and I will be your general in the future, and I can even find other people for you."

"Let them follow you and fight the world for you."

Luo Yuan began to scream frantically.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, seemingly moving, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

Even, there is no initial admiration for Luo Yuan.

Even though, in those early years, Luo Yuan was very upright and domineering.

But now, after endless years of self-appointment, even the physical body no longer exists.

In this case, he has already become another person.

"Conquering all worlds? It seems that Long Batian also wanted to do this at the beginning, right?"

"As daddy knows, this old thing isn't that simple."

"It's a pity, daddy has his own brother. As for you, an existence that should have died a long time ago, kill me!" Long Fei said in a deep voice.

Killing intent exploded!

And at this time, Luo Yuan finally began to change continuously.

The light of the boss has also become extremely dim.

One after another violent Star power escaped from his body.

A Medicine Pill shape was formed directly in the void.

Moreover, his own blood volume began to change at this time.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it suddenly decreased.

From three question marks, it turned directly into a fixed number.

thirty million!

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and he was puzzled.

Originally, in Long Fei's sense, this kind of boss's blood volume might be heaven-defying. After all, even the original Emperor Xuan had trillions of blood.

But at this time, Long Fei didn't have time to think about it.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

This is Long Fei's consistent principle.

As for everything Luo Yuan said, Long Fei didn't care at all.


"No, don't kill me!"

"Long Fei, I can feel that the power of your lord is still on you. If you kill me, you will never know the secret about your lord."

Luoyuan Great Emperor kept roaring, and directly threw out a heavy news.

Even Long Fei was stunned.

In an instant, Long Fei's eyes became even colder.

actually is not because of Long Batian.

But because of the fall.

At this time, Luo Yuan's words directly exposed his ambitions.

Because, since he knew that he had the power of Long Batian on his own, he still pretended not to know, turned a blind eye, and wanted to seize the house wholeheartedly.

This also shows that he has already given birth to a resentment, and he doesn't care about Long Batian at all.

Even, he wanted to use his own body to in turn seize the layout that Long Batian once left.


At this time, in the system space, the scales suddenly moved.

An extremely angry emotion erupted from it.

Then, without waiting for Long Fei's suppression, a force appeared directly and instantly blessed Long Fei's palm.

In an instant, the boundless fire of nature suddenly became brighter.

And Luo Yuan was also in a more violent state.

"Not my power."

"This emperor is not reconciled!"

"I'm not reconciled!" Luoyuan Great Emperor roared hard.

But it was useless at all. With the blessing of this power, the fire of nature cut off most of Luo Yuan's power in an instant.

And his blood volume suddenly became fifteen million.

But with the passage of time, the change in this blood volume is so fast that it is indescribable.

Almost a breath of time, is the elimination of millions of blood.

Three breaths, just three breaths time, the blood bar on the top of Luoyuan Great Emperor's head directly bottomed out.

"Boy, do you think you're awesome."

"Hahaha, you are the biggest poor bastard."

"One day, you will know that from beginning to end, you are just a pawn."


Luo Yuan laughed wildly, like a counterattack before dying.

However, he never had a chance to tell, Long Fei covered his hands, and a fire of nature burned directly.

In an instant, in the melting pot of heaven and earth, there is no trace of Luoyuan's breath anymore. Some, it is just a Medicine Pill condensed by the power of endless Stars.

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing Luoyuan Great Emperor, gaining 30000000000 experience points, 300000000 spiritual source points, and 1 fury point."

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the skill Luoyuan Nine Strikes."

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the Luoyuan Killing World Spear."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting Medicine Pill, Star Dan."

The system beep appears.

Long Fei slowly raised his head and reached out to hold Star Dan in his hand.

Instinctively, Long Fei felt that the pores all over his body opened at this moment, as if he wanted to swallow it.

"System, don't play like this, this Medicine Pill is specially made by daddy himself, you just broke it out?"

"Is it suitable?" Long Fei said helplessly.

As soon as the voice fell, the system voice appeared again, "Ding!"

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