The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4357 Star Meteorite Formation

Supreme plane, in a room.

A young man is wiping the cold sweat from his forehead

"It's too fast, you still have to suppress it."

"Only when things in the world are completely resolved and the physical body reaches the limit, can you be qualified to face this place."

"Long Fei, you must do your best, don't let me down."

As the young man said that, he removed his finger from the Enter key and fell into deep thought.

At this time, in the Star Palace of the Star Demon World.

The king of Monster World dominates the overall situation, directly subduing people from all walks of life and controlling them with power.

People from all walks of life dare not speak out, and dare not say a word.

No way, strength is everything.

The strength of the King of Star Monster World is here, and it can completely obliterate them.

Therefore, facing the king of Monster World, they wanted to intervene in the plan to hunt Long Fei, but they had to run aground.

Even, it can only be reduced to a spectator.

"Everyone, how do you feel? How about my Star formation?" The King of Monster World said proudly.

Incomparably arrogant, he has obviously taken the people from the other worlds of Nine Heavens as captives.

Naked showing off.

In front of them, tens of thousands of stars are looming, hidden in the void.

Intertwined with each other, all the forces directly form a line that outlines the void.

Above these lines, there is endless lethality.

The breath is terrifying.

The Elder of Jijie instantly shrank his eyes, and his pupils were full of fear.

Thousands of miles apart, they could feel that they were shrouded in killing intent.

It seems that just move, or say a word.

It will be locked by Star's killing intent.

Directly bombarded into slag.

This killing intent is so powerful that just by looking at it, they feel chills in their bones and trembling in their souls.

If it really falls on him, he will surely die.

In this situation, let alone people, even if they were gods, even if their realm king arrived, they would all have to die.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

I never imagined that the Star Demon World would have such a foundation.

Now, they don't even dare to think about getting a piece of the pie.

All I can think about now is to survive under the oppression of the King of the Star Monster World.

"Okay, Xing Monster World is really a super big world that shakes the world. No wonder it can become the existence second only to the respected world. I will be convinced."

"This power, I didn't say it, gods come to destroy gods, and demons come to eliminate demons. Lord Realm King is indeed unparalleled."

"Hey, it's only our fault to have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai, otherwise, no matter where the adults are used to speak, we will stay behind even if we are shameless. We will join in the grand event and watch ten thousand Stars slaughter the dragon and fly."

"Yes, that's right, under ten thousand stars, Long Fei will surely die."

Everyone said, there is no bottom line.

In this way, I am afraid that I am not humble enough, like licking a dog, with a smile on his face, a hippie smile.

"Haha, so you guys figured it out? Very good."

"Hahaha, this seat knows that after you see my star Monster World, you will definitely surrender after seeing Monster World. As expected."


The King of Star Monster World laughed with a look of disdain.

Between the openings, there is no shyness, directly comparing everyone to waste.

"Cough, compared to the power of adults, we are indeed waste."

"In front of the adults, except for some existences, the rest can only be described as waste."

"My lord's methods are monstrous, and I have nothing to say."

Another humble lick.

But these people are extremely unwilling, they just dare not show it.

Nothing else, just because Star Monster World is too strong, Star Monster World King is too strong.

Moreover, they understood even more that the King of Star Monster World made it deliberately for them to see, to promote the power of the world and let them know the power of the Star Monster World.

"Hmph, a bunch of scumbags, don't let you know the power of this seat, you still think this seat is a soft persimmon? Everyone wants to get a piece of the pie? Don't see if you are qualified or not."

Suddenly, the king of Monster World changed his words and became extremely cold.


In an instant, the faces of the powerhouses in several worlds turned pale, but they did not dare to explain.

"However, this seat also appreciates you very much. You know the current affairs, and you are suitable to be a good dog."

Star Monster World King said, his eyes turned slightly

"However, what this king wants most is Long Fei from this ancient world, to be a dog for this seat. I hope that this seat will not wait for a long time."

The King of Star Monster World said.

After speaking, with a move of his hands, the sky-filled Star disappeared directly, and the monstrous killing intent disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared.

At the same time, at the foot of the Star Demon World, a mysterious light flashed between Mu Ran.

As soon as the light passed, two figures appeared directly.

It was Hong Qiuye and Yaya.

The two used the power of longevity and the power of the realm king of the Yang God to steal the sky and change the sun, darken Chencang, and set up another void passage to cross the millions of stars and land directly on the star demon world.

However, at this time, the two were also extremely weak.

Especially Hong Qiuye, forcibly using the power of the realm king to drive the boat on the other side, all the spiritual sources have been exhausted at this time.

"Big sister, it's so scary here." As soon as she arrived, Yaya suddenly said.

Saying that, Yaya's eyes turned slightly towards the void, just in time to see the scene where thousands of Stars disappeared.

Hong Qiuye also noticed this, and there was worry in his eyes.

"Formation? Sure enough, the King of Monster World really set up the formation, just waiting for her husband to arrive." Hong Qiuye's voice sank, his eyebrows were furrowed, and hatred flashed in his eyes.

But more is helpless.

"In that case, isn't it very dangerous for the big brother and the big sister. If we extradite them, wouldn't it be a sheep?" Yaya said, with a little cautious on her tender face.

Hong Qiuye's face also sank as he said

"In that case, they can't let them take risks. Yaya, don't take in Yourou's power, save your strength." Hong Qiuye said, a mad look flashed in his eyes.

Yaya didn't care about anything, but she also knew that Hong Qiuye would not harm him, so she nodded directly.

The screen turned again, on a desolate planet, Liu Luoxi, Yourou and Aoya, had adjusted her state to the peak.

"I feel that Yaya and Qiuye have arrived at Monster World," Yourou said.

Liu Luoxi and Aoya were both stunned.

"They've already arrived? But why didn't the power of receiving and attracting turned on?" Liu Luoxi's face was cold, and there was a bit of complaint in his voice.

Yurou smiled bitterly

"Presumably, the current Star Monster World is more terrifying than we thought. It's so terrifying that they don't dare to use this power to lead them over. I'm afraid, we will be buried with you when we go there." Yourou said.

But as soon as the voice fell, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the two with a heavy face, "But I have already derived this scene, so I have attached the power of Tianyan to Yaya."

"I can forcibly open the link and activate the power of Yaya." "But in this way, we will be directly perceived by Monster World in the past. Let's see now, do you dare?"

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