The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4371 Little Invincible Wakes Up

At the end of the war, Long Fei's figure alone supported the world.

Below, the king of Monster World, like a dog, crawls in front of Long Fei.

This is still Long Fei's mercy, this palm did not fall.

Otherwise, the King of Star Monster World, who would not even exist at all, would be annihilated by a single palm.

"No, Long Fei, don't kill me. My Little Sister is Zun Zhou's wife. If you dare to hurt me, Zun Zhou will definitely kill you with all his strength."

The King of Monster World finally stopped pretending, directly confessed, and began to beg for mercy.

However, to Long Fei, it was useless and did not exist at all.

For so many days, the torment of the soul, the touching of the body, the tearing of the soul

Do you want to let Long Fei let go with a single confession?

It's just a fool's dream.

"Zun Zhou? It's not like Zun Zhou is fighting daddy now."

"And, with that palm just now, do you think Zun Zhou can kill me?"

"If he were here now, daddy would kill him with one palm." Long Feihan said in a cold voice.

Even if he knew that this palm could no longer be used.

But now, the words still have to be said.

The power of this palm is too awesome.

What kind of nirvana, I have no sense of existence in front of this palm.

This palm can be called a destruction level.

What power is in front of this palm, there are only two words to lie down.

"No Long Fei. Zun Zhou, who you don't understand at all, is terrifying."

"Although your palm is powerful, Zun Zhou also has similar power, and it is much stronger than your palm. You can't do it at all." The King of Monster World said repeatedly, explaining the seriousness of the matter, wanting to let the dragon Fei let him go.

"So what? You even dare to target Zun Zhou. Now, if daddy can kill you with one palm, I will still be afraid of him?" Long Fei asked back, with a mocking expression on his face.

The King of Star Monster World had long ago had a revolt and wanted to take Zun Zhou in his place.

This matter, Jiang Chunqiu should have told Long Fei long ago.

Now the King of Monster World says that he is not Zun Zhou's opponent?

Totally a joke.

"No, Long Fei, the reason why I dare to do it is because I devoured the power of your brothers before. They have a secret behind them, and they can even find the power before civilization."

"If I can get that kind of power, of course I won't be afraid of Zun Zhou."

"However, not many people know about this kind of power."

"Moreover, for this kind of power over the years, I have already thoroughly researched these, and I know where each power is." King Star Monster World said.

Long Fei was also stunned at this moment.

But then, just sneer

"Who are you talking about in the ancient world?"

"This kind of power, daddy still uses you to tell me where? Idiot!"

Long Fei sneered.

Nine Heavens, every place has a vortex similar to the world of ten thousand beasts, and below that is the ancient world, the power of the Thirteen Great Emperors.

And Long Fei had long been thinking about this kind of power.

As for the exact location.

If Long Fei couldn't find it, no one in this world would be able to know.

Because, he controls the thirteen inheritance powers.

So the opportunity is in hand, and the king of the star Monster World is used to tell him where the location is?

It's useless at all.

Thinking of this, Long Fei's eyes turned cold.

Killing intent surged, and the hand suspended in the void also fell outright.

"Do not!"

The King of Star Monster World roared in pain.

When death is imminent, even if it is him, there will be constant fear.

But at this moment, a mutation arose.

The void suddenly burst open.

One after another surging power poured out from the void.


In an instant, Yantian space was directly shattered by this power.

Long Fei's eyes also turned, and even the King of Monster World didn't care anymore, and threw himself away.

For him, owning women, sons and brothers is the most important thing.

In comparison, a boss is nothing.

Between the whistling, Long Fei's figure has come to the void.

However, the moment the body freezes, it is instantly stunned.

"Damn, this power. Six Paths?" Long Fei's eyes were full of doubts.

And unbelievable.

It was not the first time that Long Fei had encountered this kind of power.

Back then, he had entered the underworld and witnessed the power of the Six Paths with his own eyes.

However, that kind of power is not on the same level as before.

In the twilight, Long Fei flashed past the mist and heard what Xiao Wudi said.

"Myriad Worlds Underworld? Return of the Six Paths?"

"Is it invincible?"

In an instant, Long Fei was excited.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

It's just that the time is somewhat beyond Long Fei's imagination.

Although he believed that Xiao Wudi didn't die, there was even a chance to throw the sky.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

At this time, the King of Monster World, the star below, also changed drastically on his face, looking at the surging power above the void.

I saw Long Fei's look of anticipation again.

In my heart, I have no courage to struggle at all.

Run away before turning around.

But at this time, above the void, a force suddenly descended, directly intercepting the King Monster World who wanted to escape.


The violent power fell, and the world under the real Star Palace was smashed through.

The power of the endless starry sky spreads upwards.


Star Monster World King's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and suddenly raised his head

"Do not"

Shouted in horror.

The crackdown before Straight Long Fei was even more hysterical.

But the sound had just fallen, and the flow that was wearing all the stars in Monster World circled in an instant, directly wrapping the King of Star Monster World in it.

At the same time, an extremely cold voice came from above the void, "I said it a long time ago."

"As long as I don't die, I will definitely refine all of your Star Demons and Myriad Realms into Star Animals."

"Today, you are the first."

The voice was indifferent and ruthless, and between the words, above the void, the other five powers were surging like a tide at this moment, and instantly moved towards the people in the monster world.

Brush brush brush brush!

One after another force whizzed past.

And the people of Star Demon Myriad Realms were swept in by this power in an instant.

At this time, Long Fei's eyes were constantly shifting with this power.

Especially when he heard Xiao Wudi's voice, the whole person stood directly on the spot.

His eyes couldn't stop turning, and he patrolled the entire void over and over again.

"Invincible." Long Fei said.

Rushing to kindness.

At this time, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu also re-selected above the void.

"Sir. Young Master, Young Master is awake." Jiang Chunqiu said, with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

"Hahaha, my lord, I've said it long ago, Young Master is auspicious and must be all right." Wang Yun also said.

Long Fei nodded heavily.

At this time, Xiao Wudi's figure appeared directly above the void.

The power of the six paths in the palm of his hand, he is proud of the world.

"Dad, wait, wait for me to refine all the Star Demon World into Star Animals." "I'll apologize to you again."

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