The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4376 Long Tingcheng

In the blink of an eye, another seven days have passed.

During the seven days, Long Fei did not sleep and never rested.

Xiao Wudi always surrounds Long Fei, watching Long Fei vertical and horizontal, his eyes full of admiration.

Hong Yi also did not idle, and began to lead Jiang Chunqiu and others to build the palace.

Li Yuanba and others directly entered the Closed Door Training.

At this moment, Long Fei stood in the void, carrying the sky on his back.

In the eyes, the endless Star is flickering, as if to accommodate the whole world in the eyes.

But the movements of his hands are getting slower and slower.

"Back then, Long Batian dared to cast the Dragon Court in this land of ten thousand worlds."

"So today, I, Long Fei, also dare!"

Long Fei's heart was stunned, and the sky and the earth were filled with supreme domineering.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei used his strength and looked at the void.

"From today onwards, I, Long Fei, will set up the Dragon Court in this land of ten thousand worlds."

"Among the worlds, if anyone refuses to accept it, they will fight directly!"

Long Fei said in a deep voice.

Sound travels thousands of miles!

No, in other words, this time, the sound directly spread to the Land of Ten Thousand Realms.

Although the land of all worlds is endless, Long Fei's voice used the power of his own rules.

With his body as the king of the realm, and now he has ruled in this land of ten thousand realms.

In the dark, there is already some kind of close connection with this land of ten thousand worlds.

Therefore, at this time, a word is directly transmitted to the world.

For a time, Long Fei said a word, stirring up the situation in the world.

The center of the world, in the temple of the world.

Zun Zhou slammed his palm down, and the large buildings turned into fly ash.

"Dragon Court? You dare to cast Dragon Court?"

"That old bastard of Long Batian failed, how dare you walk the same path as Long Batian?"

"It's really over the top."

Zun Zhou was furious and his eyes were sharp.

One after another chill and killing intent raged out from his body.

Below, the people of Zunjie lowered their heads heavily, not daring to look directly into Zun Zhou's eyes.

Trembling in my heart.

At this time, a figure walked out of the crowd, and after kneeling down, he said

"My lord, let me do it. This time, I will kill the little bastard Long Fei. I must take back all the insults he has blessed on me."

This person is Emperor Xuan.

Of course, at this time it should be said to be Xuan Tian.

Zun Zhou's face sank slightly, glanced at Xuan Tian at random, and said:

"No, regarding Long Fei, the deity has already made arrangements."

"Remember what I told you, this marriage is no trivial matter."

"Also, I can tell you responsibly that the Holy Maiden of the Phoenix family is the woman of Long Fei."

"Don't you think that robbing Long Fei's woman. Letting your woman moan under your crotch is more fulfilling than killing Long Fei?" Zun Zhou said.

Xuan Tian was stunned for a moment, and then there was a wicked and perverted laugh in his eyes: "Hahaha, your lord is really smart. Little beast, this time, I must make you not survive, nor die, and I will train you both into one. The slut who is as good as possible, this time, I must make your life worse than death." Xuan Tian said.

, silently withdraw a step,,,,

At this time, the power of the Phoenix world among the worlds is located.

Jojo was already in tears.

"Long Fei big brother, you're finally here, you're fine, you're fine."

"It's great, I'm going to find you." Jojo's eyes filled with tears of happiness with excitement.

After being separated for too long, hearing Long Fei's voice again, to her, was simply a reloading of her soul.

For a while, there were no more thoughts in my mind.

What marriage, what race.

Everything has been forgotten.

At this time, there was only one thought in her mind, that is, to find Long Fei.

However, she just opened the door when she was stopped directly.

"Holy Maiden, the marriage is coming soon, if it's okay, don't come out." The elder of the Phoenix family said coldly.

Qiao Qiao's face turned cold, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

"What? I'm leaving, you dare to stop me?" Qiao Qiao said coldly.

"Holy Maiden is high, I naturally dare not stop it."

"However, do you think you can break through the Restrictions laid out by the ancestors?"

"Unless you don't want the Phoenix blood anymore!"

"However, even if you abandon your bloodline, you can't escape death in the end. Therefore, the old man advises you to go back obediently," said the elder of the Phoenix family.

Hearing this, Jojo's face was full of unwillingness

"Ancestor, why did the ancestor treat me like this? Didn't he promise me that as long as the big brother Long Fei can come to the Land of Ten Thousand Realms, will we be reunited?" Qiaoqiao roared unwillingly.

However, what was ushered in was endless ridicule

"Reunion? Haha, Holy Maiden, you are too naive. A Long Fei is not a fart."

"The more frustrating he is, the faster he will die."

"Do you think Zun Zhou can let go of someone who provokes his majesty?"

"Impossible. The old man advises you to die obediently," said the elder of the Phoenix clan.

At this moment, a flame of fire appeared from nothingness in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestors of the Phoenix family slowly walked out of it.

"Child, I have been doing what I promised you. Otherwise, why do you think Long Fei could survive the conquest of the world this time? If it wasn't for the old man, he would not have survived at all." Said the ancestor of the Phoenix family. .

Out of nothing!

But Qiaoqiao is too naive, and there is no doubt about his words at all.

"Old Ancestor." Qiao Qiao cried heartbreakingly, but it was useless.

"So, it's time for you to fulfill your promise. After you get married, the old man will open his mouth and ask Zun Zhou to spare Long Fei's life. In this way, you are satisfied," said the ancestor of the Phoenix family.

Jojo shook her head frantically, tears streaming down her eyes.

But for a moment, he nodded again.

"Ancestor, we must save Long Fei's big brother. Qiao Qiao. I promise you." Qiao Qiao said.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family nodded in satisfaction.


The figure of the ancestor of the Phoenix family disappeared, and the gate was closed instantly.

However, what Qiao Qiao didn't know was that when the door was used to it, Restrictions were shot directly from the hands of the ancestors of Huang Zu.

"Hmph, Long Fei, you must die! You are not dead, how can the old plan be realized?"

Of course, the impact of Long Fei's words was more than that.

At this time, in addition to the Zun Realm and the Phoenix Realm, as well as the Myriad Beast Realm, Xing Monster World, and the Northern Dipper Realm, which were not reached by Long Fei, there were several super strong realms.

At this time, there was also an uproar.

"Presumptuous, it is too arrogant."

"I don't agree to fight? So arrogant, is he trying to provoke me and the dignity of the world?"

"I can't bear it, a little brat from the ancient world is so arrogant."

A sound of rage appeared.

Even several super kings had a meeting.

However, in addition to yelling and swearing, all of them are topics that are not nutritious.

As for going to war, no one dared to speak.

But at this moment, Long Fei's voice came out for the second time, which made them instantly pale.

At this time, in the dragon court, Long Fei stood tall in the void, his eyes were sharp, his pupils were like sharp knives, splitting the void and slowly opening his mouth

"However, Daddy has long guessed that you don't dare." "So, in the near future, I, Long Fei, the Lord of the Dragon Court, will conquer one by one and destroy all worlds such as Er and others."

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