Yang Lidi sternly stern, as if questioning, with a bit of reprimand.

In an instant, above the void, the faces of the other nine elders also became full of courage at this moment.

After all, even Yang Lidi has no scruples. They follow Yang Lidi, so naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, when the sky falls, there is a tall one on top.

Since Yang Lidi dared to be so unscrupulous.

Then definitely, there is own dependence.

Suddenly, a few people moved in their hearts, and their eyes crossed each other to reach an agreement.

"That's right, do you really think that my Shanhaizong asks you for something?"

"What is the spectrum, how Sacred Tongxian Road is, do you want us to inform you?"

"Such a bad deed is simply not taking my Shanhaizong and Tongxian Road in the eyes. If this is the case, then don't think about entering Tongxian Road through my Shanhaizong, get out."

In an instant, voices came one after another.

Full of sarcasm and disdain.

The ten elders of Shanhaizong competed to speak, infinitely arrogant, all of which were scolding and contempt for Long Fei.

A posture that wants to drive Long Fei out of Shanhaizong.

‘Long Fei’ stood on the cultivation ground, motionless.

However, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

But Jiang Bailu couldn't bear it for a long time, and before a few people finished speaking, Jiang Bailu interrupted him directly.

"You're a thief when you grow old and don't die. Who gave you courage?"

"But in just half a month, you dare to jump out and jump?"

"So soon, how did my boss abuse you last time?"

The white deer said coldly, without showing any face, and went back directly.

"Hmph, Jiang Bailu, you are too eye-opening. Today is different from the past. Do you really still have arrogant capital?"

"Tell you, no more."

"The first legend of our sect has already cultivated the supreme method. Now you are all clowns who are jumping on the beam, vulnerable to a single blow."

Yang Li said.

Extremely arrogant.

Extremely arrogant!

There was confidence in his eyes.

As before.

No, even more arrogant than before. At least before, he would have been scruples about the heavy immortals, but tolerated the white deer.

And now, because of Chu Shanhai's exit, he has even ignored Chongxian.

In this way, Bai Lu couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed directly into the void with a stride.

"Old man, my lord gave you a face, right?"

He took the white deer to the sky in one step, the evil light flashed in his eyes, and the breath was surging.

After that, without any pause at all, he slapped directly and covered Yang Lidi.


A crisp sound resounded between heaven and earth.

"Ahhh, Jiang Bailu, you little beast, you"

The next moment, Yang Lidi's voice appeared directly, full of rage, and he cursed directly.

At this moment, it is no longer important what will be reincarnated as immortal and what Long Fei will be.

Thinking of the WeChat that had just been erected, being slapped by the white deer, it would immediately fall apart, and I had lost my mind.

I don't want anything, I just want to put Bai Lu to death.

But, after all, he ignored one thing.

Because what he faced was the white deer.

A person who even Long Fei can feel is a secret, is he able to provoke?


Moreover, Jiang Bailu is not the original Jiang Bailu, nearly a month of Closed Door Training, his Cultivation Base is also skyrocketing, from the previous Deva, all the way through, until now, to the middle stage.

Coupled with the evil and charming aura in his body, he can ignore the special power of Shanhai Avenue. It can be said that his combat power is to sweep the top ten elders of Shanhaizong, and it is not difficult.

So, at this moment.

In the blink of an eye when Yang Lidi scolded, he shot Bai Lu again.


clap clap!

One palm after another, it landed on Yang Lidi's face without any deviation.

"An old thing who doesn't know if he lives or licks a dog's bone and thinks he's right."

"What is the supreme Cultivation Technique, the young master does not know, and there is no need to know."

"I only know that you old dog is looking for his own death today." The white deer said coldly.

At this time, the nine elders behind Yang Lidi also woke up instantly from their astonishment.

Looking at the inhuman Yanglidi who had been slapped by the white deer, his heart was extremely cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

"You will be Bailu, you are too much, here is the Shanhaizong, you are also a Shanhaizong, how can you be so rude to the Elder."

"Yes, do you want to judge our Shanhaizong failure?"

"I advise you to stop your losses in time and let go of Elder Yang immediately, otherwise, today will be your death date. Even the heavy immortal will not be able to protect you."

Immediately, several elders spoke.

But as they spoke, their words kept trembling.

It was obvious that he was blocking his mouth, but he was betrayed by his body, and he kept going backwards one by one.

However, they couldn't leave at all.

Just when the figure of one person retreated to the edge of the void and wanted to retreat, Jianma roared, directly triggering the thunder of the sky.

In an instant, the black cloud overwhelmed the city, with the potential to destroy all living beings, and it came.


"A group of clowns jumping on the beam, it seems that there is no one in Shanhaizong, so you are also worthy of becoming the top ten elders?"

"It's a joke. But it's just right, this divine beast has just transformed and has not had a chance to perform."

"Today, none of you can run away."

With a roar, Jianma's body began to transform.

And this change made the entire Shanhaizong tremble.

In an instant, the guardian mountain, the Outer Sect, the Inner Sect, the core, and the top of the mountain and sea, nowhere were spared, and darkness fell in an instant.

At this moment, Shanhai Sect Leader and others also changed their faces suddenly. They walked out of the room where they were, and looked at the terrifying atmosphere falling from the sky, and their eyes locked on Outer Sect for a moment.

"Outer Sect? Is that the one?"

"What is he doing? Do you still want to be horrified by my Shanhaizong?" Shanhai Sect Leader was furious, raised his eyebrows, and in anger, his figure flickered and went straight to the Outer Sect direction.

At this time, in the Outer Sect.

The white deer was already arrogant, and one hand grabbed Yanglily in his hand.

And Jianma is raging unparalleled, directly transformed.

The whole body was burning with the fire of thunder, which was extremely ferocious.

The newest nine elders of Shanhaizong were even more trembling at this time.

"No, we are already the top ten elders of Shanhaizong. Can you fight against the entire Shanhaizong?" Someone said.

The body has been bombarded with holes by Jianma's thunder power.

Even if they have been used by the Mountain and Sea Sect Leader to obtain the Tao of Mountains and Seas.

However, it is still too far.

Even the strength of Jianma is not something they can resist.

Almost every thunder force swept through, and their Taoist rhythm would collapse.

And at this time, the figure of Shanhai Sect Leader came down.

"Enough! Your Excellency, is this too much? We have done what you asked for before."

"Why are you still fighting?" Shanhai Sect Leader shouted angrily.

And 'Long Fei' also took a step forward, took a deep breath, faced the mountain and sea Sect Leader, sneered, and said

"Enough? It was enough."

"However, since someone jumped out to do something." "The daddy doesn't mind letting history repeat itself."

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