Long Fei shouted angrily, revealing his killing intent.

Now that the arrangement of the girls in the system has been made, Long Fei certainly has no scruples.

Immediately, the Demon Slayer Sword appeared directly in Long Fei's hand, whizzing through the void while spinning, and then fell heavily.


A sword slashed Cang's face, directly splitting Cang into two from the middle.



It could be seen with the naked eye that a blood strip appeared on the top of Cang's head.

Direct red to the end.

Not even a single fixed number appeared, and was directly smashed to the end by Long Fei's sword.

What Long Fei did not expect was that Cang still hadn't died.

"No, Long Fei, how dare you, how dare you kill me?"

"Don't you want your woman, don't want your brother?"

"I tell you, Zun Zhou is not as simple as you think. The Zun Zhou you know is just a clone."

"If you dare to kill me, Zun Zhou will be able to sense it with a single thought, and then your wife and brother will be buried with me."

Cang said in horror, the body that was divided into two also began to slowly close at this moment.

As soon as Long Fei's methods stopped, he wanted to take advantage of his illness and kill him, and directly make another sword to end it completely.

But when he heard Cang's words, he hesitated for a while.

"Zun Zhou? Just a clone?"

"How is this possible? The one who fought with me last time was the clone of the clone?"

Long Fei was in doubt.

If this is the case, the power of that Zhou is probably more terrifying than he thought.

It was also at this time that Cang saw Long Fei hesitated, a happy expression on his face.

"Yes, why are you willing to stoop to the world of respect when you are this seat? Of course, it is because the strong are respected."

"Of course, most people don't know that Zun Zhou is just a thought. Even Zun Zhou himself thinks that he is the leader."

"Actually, no one knows that the real Zun Zhou's strength has already reached the sky, and he has long gone to the endless universe to find the trace of the Promise Temple."

Cang said lightly.

A proud face.

He knew that the more secrets he revealed at the moment, the more he could save his life.

And Long Fei's eyes became more gloomy at this moment.

This news is so shocking.

Especially when I heard that sentence, even Zun Zhou thought he was the leader, but in fact it was just a thought of Zun Zhou.

Long Fei was completely shocked.

Can a single thought be so powerful?

This is simply subverting the three views!

For a while, the joy after the upgrade of course disappeared, and even the mood became a little unstable.

At this moment, the voice of the system girl appeared again

"Master, don't listen to him fooling around."

"About the world, he knows shit."

"Master, with me here, it won't take long for you to step outside the universe, you don't have to worry about it at all," said the system girl.

And Long Fei's mind was also calmed down by the system girl's words.

Hatred flashed in his eyes.

"you're right."

"Who is daddy? Daddy is Long Fei, who refuses to accept the world, no matter who it is, no matter how powerful f*ck is, as long as he blocks my way, the result will be done!"

"Damn, I almost got distracted."

Long Fei was sober, and all hesitation was swept away.

As the system girl said, what if you enter outside the universe?

You can also enter that place yourself.

But it's only a matter of time.

So there is no need to worry about things that are unnecessary.

Thinking of this, Long Fei turned his eyes, looked at Cang with a calm and fearless face, and said with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I have to say, your words really surprised daddy."

When Cang heard this, he was even more afraid of Long Fei.

"Haha, I'm afraid. Since I'm afraid, then obediently let go of this seat."

"For the sake of your good combat power, this seat can help you become the master of all realms. If you take the place of Zun Zhou, even one day, it may not be possible to enter the universe."

"Of course, on the premise of being one of my dogs."

"Hahaha, what's the matter, is it a gift?"

Cang said with a big smile.

But Long Fei shook his head slightly.

"Are you an idiot?"

"I'm afraid your brain has been fried, so you can say such a thing?"

"Afraid? There's no such word in daddy's dictionary."

"As for the universe you mentioned, daddy is going and needs your help? Lord of all worlds, instead, daddy can do it himself, need you a waste?"

Long Fei angered one after another.

Sneer again and again.

At this moment, Long Fei's mind is settled and he returns to his original intention.

Even in the presence of Niubi, it is impossible for Long Fei to be timid with just one name.

Therefore, the more Cang said, the more he angered Long Fei and accelerated his own Death.

"No, Long Fei, listen to me."

"I mean, I can be your dog, help you open the way, and help you sweep the world."

Cang's face changed, and he said quickly.

How could he not feel that Long Fei's words were full of killing intent.

Therefore, I didn't dare to pretend to be forced, and immediately asked for mercy.

It's just a pity that what he said now is superfluous in Long Fei's eyes.

Even begging for mercy would only make Long Fei look down on him even more.

"Begging for mercy? It's too late!"

"It's doomed from the moment you use the daddy and use the daddy as a pawn."

"And, as a boss, you must have the consciousness of being a boss."

"Now, blow me up!"

Long Fei said, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Between the backhands, a sword is directly chopped out.


Sword Ray flashed, the power of winning hook was directly touched, and even the slaying attribute of the Demon Slayer Sword was inspired, and the violent Sword intent raged past.


A roar erupted under Long Fei's sword.

Looking at the void again, where is the shadow of Cang.

He was directly brutally murdered by this Demon Slayer Sword.

Also at this time, the sound of the system appeared

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing Boss Cang, gaining 300 experience points, 30 points of immortality, and 1 point of invincibility."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the days chain."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the days number punch."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the God's Blessing Clothes."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the number of days of immortality."

Long Fei listened quietly. Every time the system sounded, a look of joy appeared on Long Fei's face.

After five voices, Long Fei's heart was already flying.

"Hahaha, what a blast!"

"Real frenzy!"

"System girl, you are simply my goddess of luck, you are awesome, don't want it."

Long Fei couldn't help laughing.

Even, I couldn't help but consciously hugged the system girl directly and kissed it fiercely.

The system girl blushed and said nothing, looking at Long Fei shyly.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei felt even more proud.

I have said countless times before that if the system can really incarnate as an adult, I must kiss him fiercely.

Now, finally the dream has come true.

But that's all secondary.

More importantly, the explosion of Cang's boss now has directly made Long Fei feel a sense of happiness that comes after a long drought and a sweet rain, which is too cool.

But at this moment, the system girl's words caused Long Fei's smile to freeze directly.

"Master, don't be happy for now, these things are useful to me. I will use everything other than the divine robe of God's blessing, which I can leave to you." The system girl said.

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