The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4595 So Active To Die?

This result was the best for Long Fei.

He had already guessed that in the hands-on operation of the system before, it must be to condense this kind of power on another person.

At that time, Long Fei was really afraid that Ye Zimei would continue to be the Lord of the Immortal Court, and even be like Cang, incarnate the number of days.

Own woman is of course the most suitable to stay by her side.

Therefore, when 'Long Fei' became a new number of days and integrated the power of days, Long Fei was also relieved.

"That's fine, it's the end of a relationship between me and him."

"Sure enough, being handsome can't be covered. I am in the world, and my self in this mirror world has become the most awesome for days."


Long Fei laughed.

Now my heart is too comfortable.

After all, now, the biggest crisis in front of you has been lifted, and the next thing is to consider returning.

Suddenly, Long Fei's eyes changed and he suddenly woke up.

"No, mission!"

"Why didn't I complete my special mission?"

"Cangdu is dead, and me in this world has become a new number of days. Why hasn't my mission been completed?"

Long Fei was shocked.

Even with system updates, this task has been preserved.

Although there have been some changes, the core goals have remained largely unchanged.

Now, Cang is also dead, the days are gone, and even these powers are used to form new days.

But why is the task not completed?

This is the central point that Long Fei really cares about.

"Master, I just took a look at the task and it hasn't been completed yet."

"Although the number of days has been taken, it is still unstable, and there is no time to deal with the worms on this Tongxian Continent."

"So the mission isn't over yet."

The system girl said.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and then thought again in his mind that there were some small troubles that 'Long Fei' said before disappearing.

Thinking of this, Long Fei also understood in his heart.

"However, it's also just right. There are indeed some people on Tongxian Continent who should be cleaned." Long Fei said coldly in his eyes.

After all, he's not a Saint.

Including some people in Shanhaizong, although Long Fei didn't want to kill them, but now even the system has issued an order to kill them, Long Fei will naturally not be lenient.

And at this time, above the void, the light and dark suddenly changed, and a mysterious and mysterious aura descended between heaven and earth.

Even the entire Tongxian Road began to shake violently.

It seems that under this kind of power, the existence of the road to the immortals is just a thing that should not exist.

"Master, get out of here."

"With the fusion of the new days, everything will be a new life. All the rules of the days will be repeated under his hands. Therefore, the traces left in the past will be annihilated." The system girl said.

Long Fei nodded.

Then, without any hesitation, he leaned down directly, picked up Ye Zimei who was seriously injured, then swept away the rest of the people, wrapped them in his own power, and instantly broke through the world in front of him and disappeared.

Tongxian World, the starting place of the road to Tongxian.

Shanhaizong and several Sects finally met at this end.

For a time, everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally, they all thought that this kind of fortunate opportunity was only a treatment for their own Sect.

Unexpectedly, everyone is like this.

Therefore, the scene is unprecedentedly quiet at this moment.

Dead silence.

Everyone didn't say a word.

In other words, there is no reason to speak at all.

Because at this moment, their minds are full of doubts.

In particular, Ji Zhongmiao and Shanhai Sect Leader, at this moment, thought of them together even more tacitly.

That is Long Fei.

Before, they would never have considered this.

In their eyes, as long as they enter the Tongxian Road, with the power of Chu Shanhai, Long Fei will die.

However, now I see that everyone has made a breakthrough, and everyone has broken free from the shackles.

There was a trace of panic in my heart.

An unprecedented fear.

"No, something must have happened on Tongxian Road that we didn't expect. Could it be that everyone has passed by?" Ji Zhongmo asked in confusion.

"No, Tongxian Road is so terrifying, no one has ever walked through it for countless years, how could it be possible to walk through so many people at one time? Absolutely impossible!" Shanhai Sect Leader said.

"Could it be because of Bai Lu? You know, he has been reincarnated again and again. Maybe he is ready every time he is reincarnated." Ji Zhongmo said.

Said the white deer, the pupils shrank.

It seemed to be thinking of some horror, and his face was full of horror.

Shanhai Sect Leader's expression was also condensed, and he fell silent.

Of course, it is not only the two of them who have such thoughts, but also the most important one, Jiang Zhongxian.

As for Jiang Bailu's identity, Jiang Zhongxian knows better than anyone else.

Therefore, he will become the guardian Daoist of the white deer.

At this moment, above the void, the figure of Chongxian was hidden in it, with a solemn expression.

At this moment, his Cultivation Base seems to be on the return to reality.

However, there was no smile at all.

Because he was also thinking about this matter in his heart, and even like Chu Shanhai, he thought of Jiang Bailu's body invariably.

As for Long Fei, although he also felt that Long Fei was very mysterious, he didn't think that Long Fei could make Bai Lu's trump card stronger.

Also at this moment, in the mist at the end of Tongxian Road, there was a sudden riot.



In the roar, as if the world ahead had collapsed.

"Tongxian Road collapsed?"

"This movement is too shocking."

"No, go back! Otherwise, your life will be in danger."

In an instant, the faces of everyone present became extremely frightened, and they retreated at the same time, for fear of being affected by the riot caused by this Immortal Path.


The roar continued for nearly a quarter of an hour before it stopped.

Then everyone mustered up the courage and looked forward.

However, The next moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially Shanhaizong, was even more surprised to drop a handful

"How could you possibly be alive?"

"And you, how can you still be alive."

The scheming voice was full of trembling.

Looking at the several figures appearing in front of him, his heart froze, and a bad premonition grew in his heart.

These people are naturally Long Fei.

At this moment, Long Fei also had a bit of abusive smile on his face as he looked over.

"What? Is it surprising to see daddy alive?"

Long Fei said lightly.

My heart is already blooming with joy.

It's time to come, it's all here.

Originally thought it would take some time, one Sect and one Sect hit the door.

Unexpectedly, they all came here to wait.

"Damn, you are so active in sending death!" "It's the first time I've seen daddy, but that's fine, I'll send you both back to the West." Long Fei thought to himself.

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