The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4597 Bloodbath


The boundless blood rain fell from the void, and the void was dyed red.

At the same time, at this moment, the entire world fell into a dead silence.

No one can accept the immediate results.

One punch, just one punch.

Ou Yinxi was directly beaten up by Long Fei, leaving no bones behind.

Brush brush!

The footsteps moved in unison, and everyone stepped back unconsciously.


His pupils suddenly widened, completely shocked by Long Fei's terror. At this moment, Long Fei's figure in their eyes is no longer the man who uttered wild words before.

But a living death.

It's all about harvesting people's lives.

Even Ou Yinxi, the pinnacle of the Immortal Continent, can't stop his punch, who else can stop him?

For a time, everyone recalled what Long Fei had said before, and this time, no one thought it was a provocation.

Rather, the facts.

Thinking of this, everyone's scalp tingles.

If all the people in their Sect really died on the road to the immortals, Long Fei walked out unharmed.

The meaning behind this is self-evident.

That is, Long Fei cleared Tongxian Road.

It is precisely because of this that Long Fei can now have such a terrifying combat power, and it takes seconds between shots.

Especially Shanhai Sect Leader, his face changed greatly.

There was a panic in my heart.

Originally, he wanted to use Ou Yinxi to try Long Fei's depth, but he didn't expect that he was instantly killed.

Not even qualified for temptation at all. Especially now, Long Fei had already set his eyes on him, and Ran felt a fatal crisis with him in an instant.

Like being stared at by Death.

My heart burst instantly.

At this time, Long Fei was no longer silent.

Now that the prelude has begun, this massacre is destined to be staged.

And this time, what Long Fei is targeting is naturally the Sect Leader of Shanhaizong.

Before, Ou Yinxi would suddenly take action, and even knew his own identity, needless to say, it was Shanhai Sect Leader.

In this situation, can Long Fei continue to let the other side go?


The next moment, Long Fei swept his eyes and stepped out

"Originally, there is a relationship between you and me."

"If you catch it, maybe Shanhaizong can become the only and supreme in Tongxian Continent."

"Unfortunately, when you count daddy, this relationship becomes a bad relationship."

"Shanhaizong, be destroyed!"

Long Fei said coldly.

Immediately, Long Fei's body was shaken, and the invincible punch waved out again.

On the other hand, Shanhai Sect Leader's face was instantly shrouded in terror.

The whole person collapsed directly to the ground.

He didn't even have the ability to escape. The presence of the aura on Long Fei's body directly made him terrified, and cracks appeared in his mind.

"no, do not want!"

"Long Fei, there is no grievance or hatred between you and me. Besides, you can only have a few days to enter this road to immortals with the help of my Shanhaizong."

"If it weren't for my Shanhaizong, you wouldn't be where you are today."

Shanhai Sect Leader directly confessed and begged for mercy.

But to Long Fei, it was a ridiculous comparison.

If it weren't for the scattered tasks of the system, how could he have the mind to experience so much in the Shanhaizong, go straight to Yellow Dragon, and do it if he doesn't agree.

If Shanhaizong treated him sincerely from the beginning, it would not be impossible for Long Fei to let them go now.

But from beginning to end, Shanhaizong never took Long Fei seriously.

So, fate is already doomed.

At this moment, Long Fei Li ignored him, punched in his hand, and the meaning of invincibility was extremely surging, and in an instant he was approaching Shanhai Sect Leader and left.

"Do not!"

Shanhai Sect Leader screamed.

But still can not change the fate.

In the blink of an eye, it was directly annihilated under Long Fei's punch.

Not only him, but even the countless disciples brought by Shanhaizong this time were swept away by nearly half of them.

Countless casualties.

Only by scheming, as early as Long Fei's shot, he left the battlefield and survived by luck.

But even so, he was still affected by Long Fei's power, his hair was disheveled and his breath was disordered.

"You ran away? But, a trick, do you think you can run away?"

Long Fei smiled.

The slaughter has begun, and the rectification of the universe is imminent.

It's even more impossible to let go of someone at the level of conspiracy.

"No, Long Fei, don't kill me."

"I am the retired elder of Shanhaizong, and I can order the entire Shanhaizong to submit to you."

"Please, spare my life." Ji Zhongmou did the same, begging for mercy directly.

He doesn't want to die, especially now that his Cultivation Base has broken through to the truth, and is full of hope, so he doesn't want to die.

At this moment, he had no choice but to beg for mercy.

He could feel the terrifying aura emanating from Long Fei's body.

It is simply not his strength that can compete.

The coercion alone can make his soul crack.

However, Long Fei was unmoved, and a long sword appeared directly in his backhand.


Drink heavily.

Long Fei swung his sword, and the Demon Killing Sword roared out.

Immediately, the shadow of Yinggou volleyed into the air again, and swept past, the body of the plan was directly swallowed into it, and it was twisted by the endless Sword Qi.

But, this is not the end.

On the contrary, it is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei turned his eyes and directly locked on the dark Mysterious Devil sect, on the water side, the demon and dragon people.


As soon as the words fell, Long Fei traversed the void, directly transformed into a killing god, and began to harvest directly.

Now, in front of him, there is no level gap between these people.

In front of Long Fei, there is no difference between ordinary disciples and Guizhen.

Even if it is really strong.

But as long as there is no Long Feiqiang, under the Demon Slayer Sword, there is only one end, and that is death.

"No! Please don't."

"Ahhh, I don't want to die, my Cultivation Base has just broken through."

"You Devil, I fought with you."

For a time, the whole world turned into a human purgatory, and countless cries, curses, and beggings for mercy continued to appear.

But, it didn't work at all.

In Long Fei's eyes, these people are already deadly people.

And under the Demon Slayer Sword, the power of winning the hook became more and more violent, the wind and blood rained from the sky, and the corpses scattered on the ground, which was extremely terrifying.

Even Ye Zimei and Dayang Goddess couldn't bear it, don't go too far.

Even Jianma's face became extremely frightened when he watched the dragons die tragically on the spot.

Only the white deer looked indifferent.

It seems that this killing, he has already guessed it.

Time passed minute by minute, until the Sect Leader of the Dark Mysterious Devil Sect, the Dragon Clan Chief and the Demon Clan Supreme all turned into lonely souls under the Demon Killing Sword, and the entire void gradually became quiet.

At this time, Long Fei was still full of energy and did not feel tired at all.

Holding the Demon Slayer Sword, he was like a world-defeating God of Killing, with no double room.

"Ding!" At this moment, the system made a crisp sound and suddenly appeared.

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