The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4599 Great Change

ancient world.

A piece of divine source is cleansed, and Spirit Power is abundant like a void of spiritual fluid.

The shadow of a sacred mountain slowly emerged.

"Wan'er, do you think Fei'er can really withstand the forces outside the universe?" In the mountain, a middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, with a solemn expression on his face.

The breath on his body is also extremely strong.

The uniform is full of fighting spirit, and there is no anger in his eyes, as if he has gone through vicissitudes of life, which is daunting.

Only, when looking at the woman in front of him, there will be a touch of tenderness in these eyes.

"Brother Ting, Fei'er is stronger now, stronger than you and me."

"I feel that I have met the requirements of the ancient senior, and besides Fei'er, there is no more choice."

Mu Wan'er said.

Yes, these two are Long Fei's parents, Long Zhanting and Mu Wan'er.

Long Zhanting clenched his fists, and a chilling aura surged out of him.

Mu Wan'er also sensed Long Zhanting's emotions and clung to Long Zanting's hands tightly.

"Brother Ting, I know you are also extremely angry and unwilling in your heart."

"The world has imposed too much on Fei'er."

"However, I believe that Fei'er, the more hardships she experiences, the more she will gain in the future."

"Furthermore, this is his responsibility. He has so many women to guard, and now he has his own children. If he doesn't take up this responsibility, who will resist?" Mu Wan'er said lightly, with a bit of a smile on her face. melancholy.

Even with a bit of resentment.

As if to say, Long Fei has too many women.

Long Zhanting's face showed a bit of embarrassment, and in a slight stunned look, he looked back at the dozen or so women gathered on the mountain, and a black line appeared on his face.

"Cough, it can only be said that Fei'er's personality charm is here, otherwise why would so many women like him?"

Long Zhanting said slightly, showing a little interest.

"Heh, what? Are you proud? Do you still think that you were looking for less?" Mu Wan'er narrowed her eyes, and a killing intent appeared in her eyes.

"No no no! A lot, a lot." Long Zhanting suddenly woke up.

"A son is a son, and a daddy is a daddy. Although he has inherited my excellent genes, the disparity in temperament is too great. I am tenacious and stalwart. ."

Long Zhanting said weakly.

"Hmph, count you as acquainted." Mu Wan'er retracted her eyes.

But seeing the many people above the mountain, they are smiling

"It's still Fei'er who has the ability to coax back so many women, one is more beautiful than the other, and in any era, it can cause riots in the world. I can't think of all of them being taken away by my son."

"It's my son after all." Mu Wan'er said, extremely proud.

On the other hand, Long Zhanting's face was black and blue.

He wanted to ask a question, who was still sobbing and complaining just now, how can it become complacent now?

Just because he is his own son?

Long Zhanting was speechless in his heart.

The generation of God of War also suddenly ran out of words.

Impossible to refute at all.

But seeing Mu Wan'er getting more and more excited, Long Zhanting felt even more speechless, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "According to the time, the world where Feier is in your layout should be over soon."

"Almost there. When Fei'er settles the number of days in that side of the world, I'm afraid he will return." Mu Wan'er said.

"Well, it seems that we should also make preparations. When Fei'er returns, it is time to reveal the mystery of the ancient world step by step." Long Zhanting said with certain eyes.

At this moment, Mu Wan'er's expression was also condensed, becoming extremely serious.

"That's right. When Fei'er returns, I'm afraid that the ancient world will not be at peace." Mu Wan'er nodded and said.

And at this time, far above a corner of the ancient world.

A mysterious light suddenly appeared above Nine Heavens, directly passing through the Shattering Void.

Immediately afterwards, a portal slowly descended.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Ye Zimei, Dayang Goddess and other figures walked out of the portal directly.

Whoosh whoosh!

There was no gap, and the bodies of several people were abandoned by the portal again, and fell vertically in an instant.

If it wasn't for Long Fei's long-standing accustomed to the unreliable power of the system, and if he had made preparations in advance, he would have stumbled to the ground.

In an instant, Long Fei's body reversed, and the power of longevity was vertical and horizontal, dragging several people horizontally, and then descending on the ground.

"Boss, is this your world? It doesn't feel very powerful!" Jiang Bailu said weakly.

In fact, what he wants to say is weak!

Weak batch!

Even some can't believe that the world that can create such a powerful Long Fei can be so fragile.

Although Spiritual Qi is very rich, the rules of this world are extremely fragile and seem to be imperfect.

It even gave Jiang Bai Lu a feeling that he could destroy this world at his fingertips.

"Yes, Boss, this world doesn't feel as strong as our Immortal Tongxian World, how could it be possible to create such a strong you?" Jianma also said.

A suspicious look on his face.

Of course, Ye Zimei and Dayang Goddess are all like this.

Long Fei was so powerful and terrifying, but he never thought that the local world would be so weak.

Long Fei's face did not agree.

Is the ancient world really vulnerable?


Only now, because he killed Emperor Xuan, all the rules were repeated.

And at the beginning, he left after only one month, and went to the universe. In a hurry, I just set some rules casually.

Just like the laws of the mortal world, if there is no formulation, there will be few natural restrictions.

But things are different now. He has returned, and he will naturally free up his hands to formulate the rules of the ancient world.

Otherwise, once there is any danger, the ancient world will be easily collapsed.

As soon as he thought of this, Long Fei's mind moved, and he directly connected with the ancient world.

In an instant, a feeling of absolute control appeared in Long Fei's heart. It seemed that as long as Long Fei thought about it, he could feel any corner of the world.

But at this moment, a strange feeling suddenly appeared.

It directly cut off the connection between Long Fei and the ancient world.


In an instant, Long Fei suddenly took a step back, sweating on his forehead.

Obviously, a power he didn't know was stealing the entire ancient world and wanted to take control away from Long Fei.

And Long Fei was naturally also affected.

"Fuck, what happened to this ancient world?"

"Who is it? You're so brave, you dare to steal something from a daddy?"

Long Fei's heart moved, and murderous intent surged.

Ye Zimei was the first to notice

"Husband, what's wrong?" Ye Zimei asked.

"It's nothing, just left for some time and found that someone moved my things." Long Fei said lightly.

But didn't say anything in detail.

Only the Goddess Dayang laughed softly at this time; "I'm afraid someone has moved your control of the world."

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