The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4609 Bomb Kill

What Long Fei hated most was threats from others.

Especially threatening people around you.

Therefore, for those who use them to threaten Long Fei, there is always only one result, and that is Death.


"Boy, although I don't know how you broke my Yun family's formation."

"But you have to know that I, the head of the Yun family, have already become emperor. In front of the Great Emperor, everything is false. Under the Great Emperor, all are ants."

"My Yun family is not something you can provoke," said the elder of the Yun family.

"Really? Then daddy really wants to try, what will happen if he provokes your Yun family?" Long Fei's eyes moved, and he said word by word.

After speaking, Long Fei shot again and punched.

In an instant, the power of the seven rules surged.

One punch phantom overlaps, jumping out of space.

The earth roared, the sky trembled, the sun and the moon did not shine.

Boom boom boom!

The aura of destruction instantly rose and swept across the world.

"not good!"


"What a terrifying power, everyone quickly withdraw!"

The Yun family elder let out a loud drink in an instant.

At this moment, everything he said before turned into a joke.

No worries at all.

Before turning around, he didn't care about anything, just turned around and ran away.

But behind him, those disciples didn't react at all, and they didn't even have the chance to escape.


A violent punch poured down.

Endless terrifying power exploded in front of the entire Yun Family Shrine.

"No! Help. I don't want to die!"

"My clan's Great Emperor, my clan's emperor son, help."

"Elder, don't run, just us!"

There was a sound of screams one after another.

But in an instant, it was directly overwhelmed by the roar of a punch, and in an instant it died down and vanished.


Large tracts of Yun Family buildings collapsed into ruins.


Countless figures were directly turned into powder with one punch, and don't be smashed into ash by the violent power, dissipating the world.


The Yun Family Shrine was directly cut in half by Long Fei.

At the same time, thousands of Yun Family disciples were directly blown up under Long Fei's power.

This kind of damage, even for the Yun family, is truly traumatic.

At this time, in the vast sea city.

All eyes are drawn here.

Including the Zhao family and the Tang family, the same is true.

Tang family.

"What a terrifying power, the Yun family is afraid that this time they will kick the iron plate."

"I don't know what kind of existence was provoked."

Tang Family Elder Tang Shuo said.

"The elder has been thinking too much. No matter who it is, the result will not change. The ancestor of the Yun family has become emperor, no matter who it is, in front of the power of the emperor, it is a joke."

"So, now this person is more arrogant."

"As a result, the worse the death!"

Immediately, someone in the Tang family spoke up.

His face was determined, and he didn't seem too surprised.

The rest of the people also kept nodding their heads, apparently also thinking that the problem was not a big deal, and did not take the Yun family's changes in their eyes at all.

However, if they knew, Long Fei had only punched twice from the beginning to the end, and the entire Yun family, even the shrine, had already been destroyed by Long Fei.

I am afraid that I will never continue to think that way.

And in the same way, the Zhao family at this time was the same.

They didn't even know that at this time, the descendants of their Zhao family had died tragically under the hooves of Jianma.

He was not even moved by the changes in the Yun family.

All the dialogues are the same as the Tang family.

That is, don't be afraid!

It was not until one day that Long Fei came to the two families in an invincible manner, and they felt the real despair.

The screen turned, at this time, the Yun family.

The entire Yun Family was immediately abolished, and the winding court for hundreds of miles was in ruins.

Long Fei's figure still stands proudly above the void, his eyes are cold and arrogant.

Looking at the Yun Family Elder and several disciples who fled wildly, Long Fei's mouth filled with a sneer.

"Run? Can you run away?"

"I'm linked to my nine clans? Just relying on your Yun family, you really don't have the qualifications!"

"Invincible punch, give me a blow!"

With a coldly cry, Long Fei showed no mercy and attacked instantly.

Boom boom boom.

Invincible fist!

Invincible punch!

Invincible fist speed!

The invincible punch came out again, and in an instant, it traveled for thousands of miles.

Bang bang bang!

The invincible fist power swept across, and a sound of physical collapse appeared in the void.

Immediately after, the figures of the Yun family disciples fell in the void one after another, and those who died could no longer die.

In the blink of an eye, in the entire void, only the Yun Family Elder was left.

Elder Yun family, there is no place to look like before.

The whole person fled in a panic, his eyes were bloodshot, and he kept looking back.

Looking at the approaching punch, infinite fear appeared in his eyes.

"No, boy, how dare you do that?"

"Aren't you afraid of my Yun Family Great Emperor?"

"Aren't you afraid of Emperor Dao's suppression?"

The Yun Family Elder shouted, surrounded by endless fear, he completely admitted his counsel, and moved the Yun Family Great Emperor out.

However, Long Fei smiled lightly.

As far as he is concerned, the Yun Family Great Emperor has never been involved in anything from beginning to end.

As for Emperor Dao, it was a joke in his eyes.

In his world, he himself has not been called an emperor. Does anyone dare to establish an emperor's way?

Who dares to establish the emperor's way?

If he doesn't allow it, you're just going the other way, and that's the retrograde way.

Therefore, facing the threat of the Yun Family Elder at this moment, Long Fei's killing intent is even stronger.

"Emperor Dao? Yun Family Great Emperor?"

"Are you really afraid of being a daddy? Besides, haven't you been waiting for me?"

"Aren't you waiting for daddy, do you want to kill daddy completely?"

"Now that the daddy is here, why are you cowardly?" Long Fei said.

Unabashed sarcasm.

What is incompetence?

What is sitting in the well and watching the sky?

What is a fool's dream?

This is!

It was a mistake from the very beginning that the three Hanhai families actually wanted to arrange to kill him.

Moreover, it is an unforgivable mistake!

At this time, when the elder of the Yun family heard Long Fei's words, his expression froze, and then he turned into an extremely horrified expression.

"You,,,,,, you are Long Fei!" Yun Family Elder finally guessed Long Fei's identity and exclaimed.

His eyes were wide open, staring at Long Fei.

But Long Fei is frivolous

"Have you guessed it? It's a pity, what's the use." After speaking, Long Fei's offensive continued, and the invincible punch slammed into the face.

"No, Long Fei don't kill me!"

"I'm Yunxi's Uncle, do you know that Yunxi always misses you in her heart!"

"If you kill me, I'm afraid Yun Xi will never forgive you!"

The Yun Family Elder said angrily.

Long Fei hesitated slightly.

But on second thought, this hesitation was directly obliterated by Long Fei.

"What can Uncle do? You Yun family are not benevolent, and you blame daddy for being unjust?"

"Besides, now that Yun Xi's life and death are unknown, do you still have the face to mention Yun Xi?"

"If it wasn't for Yunxi, do you think Daddy is still standing here giving you nonsense?"

"You Yun family, commit suicide!" With a heavy voice, Long Fei slammed a punch without any scruples.

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