The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4615 Long Fei's Plan

Time passed quickly, and at a glance, it was already two days.

For two days, Long Fei seemed to have disappeared.

But at the same time, the entire Vast Sea City fell into silence.

It is the complete opposite of the bustling hustle and bustle of the previous emperor's way.

It can be said that after Long Fei fought to the sky and killed the three major families, the entire Vast Sea City fell into silence.

However, anyone can know that the storm brewing behind this silence will be even more violent.

At this time, in the depths of the Yun family.

Long Fei was looking at Yun Xi quietly.

At this point, Yun Xi had recovered, but after all, she had already endured the torment of Earth Fire for too long, and she had also suffered from the Mother-Child soul channeling method, and her soul was severely damaged.

Even if it was because of Long Fei's Blood Essence, all of his body was conditioned.

Even Cultivation Base went a step further, breaking through to the super-great Ninth Stage peak in one step.

But still very weak.

It is also because of this that for the past two days, Long Fei has always guarded Yun Xi's side.

"Long Fei, is my Yun family really all destroyed?" Yun Xi couldn't bear it in her eyes, after all, she was also a member of the Yun family.

"No, the women and children of the Yun family are not in the Yun family, and the ones I killed were probably some of the Yun family's disciples," Long Fei said.

These words actually is not to comfort Yun Xi.

Rather, he did not see any women, children, and infants in the Yun family.

No matter how violent his power is, it is impossible for many people to chase after him.

After all, Yun Xi was here, and Long Fei didn't want to kill them all.

Sure enough, just after Long Fei's voice fell, Yun Xi's face clearly showed a touch of excitement

"Thank you, thank you Long Fei."

"I know, it's my Yun family that is sorry for you. But all this is because someone is pulling the strings. Otherwise, my father would never have such ambitions."

"This is the end, I know he has touched your bottom line."

"So, I won't intercede for him, but in my Yun family, some people are innocent. I knew for a long time that you would come back one day. Also, my father didn't seem to be unprepared, so he sent them out. " Yun Xi said.

Long Fei nodded.

There is no intention of continuing to pursue it.

The Yun family was hateful, but what was really hateful was the invisible tentacle behind it.

If it weren't for that power, it would be impossible to give birth to so many moths.

Therefore, Long Fei now sees that the destruction of the three families is just a matter of casual power. Even, even the ancestors of the three families, Long Fei never cared.

Only the existence behind the three is the one Long Fei really wants to kill.

In the past two days, Long Fei did not take the initiative, that is, in order to lay a long line and catch a big fish, let the people behind him take the initiative.

And he has also felt that the power behind this has become more mature.

"Don't worry, even for you, I won't embarrass them."

"Even if it is your father, if you speak, I will let him live," Long Fei said.

His face was deep.

However, Yun Xi shook her head.

"Actually, maybe from the time my father took that step, he was already prepared."

"He was desperate."

"It's just that, when the time comes, I hope you can let him go decently." Yun Xi said.

Long Fei was stunned, his heart warmed.

He knew that the reason why Yun Xi would say these words was that he had already expressed his own attitude and stance.

That is, she is Long Fei's person.

"Okay, I promise you."

"When the time comes, I will let him leave with dignity." Long Fei said.

The ancestors of the Yun family cannot be redeemed for their sins.

But if Yunxi really pleads for him, Long Fei will also let go.

It's just that there will be a gap between Yunxi and Yunxi, and it is also possible that grace will be cut off.

But now, Yun Xi refused to mention it.

Therefore, Long Fei felt a little warmth in his heart.

Thinking of this, Long Fei said again

"You should recuperate in peace, and when I solve the crisis behind this Vast Sea City, I will be beheaded by the people behind the scenes, and I will take you away." Long Fei said lightly.

The task of the ancient world is imminent though.

But in the universe, Long Fei was also worried about the safety of Phoenix and others.

After speaking, Long Fei got up and prepared to leave.

But it was directly held by Yun Xi

"You must be careful, when you return, I will honor the bet I owe you." Yun Xi said, blushing.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and was provoked by Yun Xi's words.

During this period of time, he had long thought of bringing the Goddess Dayang and Ye Zimei to Fa-rectification on the spot to create a divine embryo.

If it weren't for the so-called Emperor Dao, it would have already been bridal chambers.

Now, Yun Xi's words forcibly stirred his heart, and the evil fire suddenly filled his heart.

"Hmph, well, when I get back, you won't be able to run even if you want to."

Long Fei said.

Resisting the urge in his heart, he turned and left.

At this time, outside the room, Jianma and Jiang Bailu were waiting for Long Fei.

Seeing the dragon flying out, he took the white deer one step forward.

"Boss, are we going to take action? I feel that this kind of power has become more and more perfect." Bai Lu was slightly excited.

Jianma also had a high-spirited look, his fighting spirit soared, as if he was waiting for Long Fei to take action all the time.

And Long Fei, at this moment, looked at the void.

At this time, the place where the three mysterious lights converged was already illusory.

Even Long Fei, the power of immortality, plus the power of the ancient world, can't see through.

Even Long Fei could feel that the power of the blessing on him was gradually becoming weaker.

Just like peeling off a cocoon, it was deprived a little bit.

"Not in a hurry."

"Since the other party is so confident, he thinks that he can compete with me by establishing this so-called emperor's way."

"Then I will give him such a chance."

Long Fei said contemptuously, but did not take it to heart.

On the contrary, his eyes were extremely calm.

"Boss, that's how you should do it. Your world is still being meddled with by others. If you just wipe them out, it's too cheap."

"If you want to fight, you will be completely afraid of them."

"Furthermore, this is also a good time for you, boss, to correct your name. When the other party thought the victory was in his hands, he finally found out that he was a clown."

"Tsk tsk, this feeling is super cool just thinking about it." Jiang Bailu said.

Looking at the fun, not afraid of big things, and lawless.

Long Fei smiled lightly

"You're right, I do have this idea."

"Now that the universe is moving, the ancient world is afraid that it has become a piece of fat in the eyes of the other party."

"So, before they take action, I must completely control the ancient world."

"Absolute control." Long Fei's eyes narrowed and he said.

Tone, very strong.

In an instant, the expressions of Bailu and Jianma were also stunned!

I could clearly feel the surging killing intent in Long Fei's eyes at this moment. Suddenly, the two looked at each other and felt that a storm was growing.

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