The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4625 Climbing The Mountain Of God

The universe, the Phoenix world.

In the flame package, countless Phoenix soared across the sky, like patrolling the star screen, extremely stalwart.

But if you pay attention, you will see that there are two silhouettes on the Phoenix that only traverses the star field, standing above the void, waving their hands constantly.

"Yes, Jiufeng Fentian, that's it."

"Come, listen to my orders, bathe in the fire!"

Above the void, a child about twelve or thirteen years old was directing excitedly.

And beside him is a little girl who looks like five or six years old, constantly chasing after him.

"Xiao Wudi, you are enough. Sister Phoenix has already said that you are not allowed to harm Phoenix here any more."

The child in front of him grinned.

"Sister Yaya, it's okay, Miss Phoenix won't be so stingy."

"Besides, I'm just training them, can't you see that these nine Phoenixes, under my adjustment, are stronger than other Phoenixes?" Xiao Wudi said with a proud face.

Not at all.

Don't take Xiao Yaya's words to heart at all.

And Long Fei, if he were here, would definitely be shocked.

It's only been a few months, and Xiao Wudi has directly changed from the appearance of four or five to the present, twelve or thirteen years old.

I am afraid that it will take a few months to be like an adult.

What's even more bizarre is that Xiao Yaya has not changed at all, she still looks like a child, which is the complete opposite of Xiao Wudi.

So, now this scene will look extremely incongruous.

"I don't care. Anyway, Sister Phoenix said, let me be optimistic about you. Saying that there is a force approaching the Phoenix world, you must not be too ostentatious."

The little girl said.

And the little invincible, the complexion is a change

"Someone is coming? That's not right." Xiao Wudi's face, the expression of the hippie smile disappeared, and instead, there was a killing intent that was not similar to his age.

Kill the sky!

As if Xiao Wudi came out of the sea of ​​blood and corpse, he was extremely calm.

Even, what was shown was only the ferocious killing intent, as well as the eagerness to fight.

As for panic, there is no such thing.

Long Fei is arrogant and has no fear of the heavens.

The current Long Wudi can be said to have completely inherited the fine tradition of Long Fei.

It doesn't matter who you are.

If you don't accept it, just do it!

"No, Sister Phoenix said that you must go back with me today. She also said that Long Fei's big brother will return to the world soon, and then it's time for us to take action."

"Now, we can only shrink." Xiao Yaya said firmly.

In an instant, Xiao Wudi's pupils shrank, and angrily withdrew his gaze.

It seems that when Xiao Yaya talked about Long Fei, Xiao Wudi instinctively showed a kind of awe.

After that, Xiao Wudi followed behind Xiao Wudi and slowly retreated.

But they didn't know that after their figures disappeared, Qiaoqiao and Liu Luoxi, Yourou and Aoya, the four figures gathered above the void.

If Long Fei was here, he would be shocked too.

Because now, the aura of the four is much more tyrannical than before Long Fei entered the Tongxian world.

"I already feel that Zun Zhou is about to move."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the army of the world will gather in the Phoenix world." Qiao Qiao said with a solemn expression.

The three of Liu Luoxi also looked solemn, looking outside the Phoenix realm, the endless stars, all fell silent.

"I hope my husband will come here soon, otherwise, the Phoenix world may not be able to resist it at all." Qiaoqiao said again, and then directly transformed into Phoenix, using own Phoenix blood again and again, transformed into endless nirvana fire, consolidating Phoenix defense of the world.

At this time, it is on the Galaxy Cluster, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away from Phoenix.

Twelve beams suddenly descended

"It seems that the Phoenix world is not as weak as imagined."

"Yes, no wonder Lord Zun Zhou sent me to wait."

"However, without Phoenix's ancestor, the Phoenix world, no matter how strong it is, will definitely not be able to resist our twelve iron cavalry!"

"Get ready, and in a few days, attack."

Twelve figures said one after another, killing intent surged out.

In the ancient world, above the sacred mountain.

Long Fei never imagined that in this ancient world, under the management of his mother, there is still such a pure land on earth. Even if he is the master of the ancient world, he has never felt it.

"My mother's method is really powerful."

"It's also fortunate that you all went to find me first. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would turn the ancient world upside down and I wouldn't be able to find you." Long Fei said, tsk tsk amazed.

There was even a little bit of enjoyment in his eyes.

If possible, he really wants to leave everything behind and live here with his own family.

But immediately, Long Fei gave a wry smile.

Although the idea is beautiful, it is simply impossible to realize now.

The ancient world crisis has not been solved, Qiao Qiao and others have not returned, the Supreme plane has not yet gone, and the hidden danger of Long Batian is still there, which is doomed, Long Fei cannot be at ease.

But soon, Long Fei suppressed this emotion and recovered.

"Fei'er, you are overestimating your mother, how could she have such a means."

"All this is just left by a senior." Mu Wan'er said.

Knowing the child, Mo Ruomu, she also noticed the change in Long Fei's mood just now. But just deliberately pretended not to know, and then changed the subject.

"Senior?" Long Fei was stunned, full of doubts.

If such a person really existed in the ancient world, how could he not know it at all?

"Yes, speaking, this senior also has an intersection with you."

"The rough stone concentrate that you once obtained in the mortal world of the ancient world was just left behind by that senior's breath." Mu Wan'er said.

"Damn, just breathing creates a mass of Originium concentrate? Mother, are you kidding me?" Long Fei said, incredulous.

This kind of thing is too bizarre.

"Mother will naturally not lie to you, and the senior has long known that you will come."

"So I have long been told to extradite you to see him after your arrival."

"When you meet, you will naturally understand everything." Mu Wan'er said.

, Long Fei's eyes narrowed, and interest also came in his heart.

He naturally wanted to meet such people.

More importantly, Originium concentrate was the next most important thing under the cliff at the beginning, and more importantly, there was a guardian clan there.

Thinking of this, Long Fei asked directly

"Mother, where is that senior now?"

"It's just above the sacred mountain. You can naturally see it when you step on the sacred mountain." Mu Wan'er said.

"Okay, I want to see who this senior is." Long Fei made a deep voice. With a sound, Long Fei's figure flickered, and a few light spots flashed, and he went straight to the mountain.

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